Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Revisit old friends

The cooperation negotiation between Qiang and Qiandu came to be formal after Wu Hao's appearance. Wu Hao and Lu Yaorong had finalized the large framework. The following details will be handed over to the professional team below.

的 Negotiations on large-scale cooperation projects like this generally last a long time. As the company's principal, he doesn't have much time to spend his energy on this, as does Lu Yaorong.

So they come forward first to finalize the general direction and framework, and they will not show up for the specific content and reasoning. When all the terms are finalized, they will attend the signing ceremony, which is basically the case for large companies now.

That night, they made an appointment with Xu Yunfeng, and Wu Hao hadn't seen this old friend for a long time. At the beginning, everyone still had contact. As time passed, they gradually lost contact. Especially after Wu Hao became famous, those friends had lost contact with only a few of them at the time, and they didn't know whether they were in their own pride or something else.

Of course, some of those friends and classmates contacted him after they became famous. But most of them are for some purpose, and Wu Hao is not surprised. Some are not excessive, and the ones that are better, can help.

But in this way, the relationship has changed, and the connection is naturally less.

Zhang Jun did not arrange the meeting place to those more luxurious places, but arranged to a small restaurant next to HKUST.

小 This small restaurant is a place that they used to like very much, because the food is more delicious and more affordable, so many of their party during their school years chose this place.

Coming again today, I will revisit the place. To be honest, everyone's feelings are different.

Certainly, people around the school are full of eyes. In order to avoid trouble, they also pretended to be disguised.

I found a private room and several people sat down. Although Zhang Jun also named Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan, the relationship between the two and Xu Yunfeng was actually modest. Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were really good relations with him.

Just because everyone is from HKUST, plus these two have seen Xu Yunfeng more or less before, so Zhang Jun called them together.

For the arrival of them, although the restaurant owner and waitress felt familiar, they didn't think much and didn't care much.

I soon opened the box after ordering food quickly.

浩 Wu Hao looked at the old friend who had been working for a few years and had a sparse hair. He couldn't help but said with emotion: "Why did you go to the thousand degrees? I haven't heard you mention it."

"Oh, it was also pushed by a fellow of our university, so I went." Xu Yunfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Jun said with a smile: "When we started our business, we originally wanted to call you. But thinking about how far away you were, we weren't sure if we could succeed in starting a business, so we dismissed this idea.

Recalling now, I'm a bit sorry. I should have called you together at the time, but I remember that your professional level is not low, brother. "

Hehe, Xu Yunfeng shook his head: "Even if you called me, I wouldn't come. I never even thought about starting a business. And I didn't have the courage to resign to fight with you once I had just entered the thousand degrees.

So, all this is fate, we have to believe it. "

"What a shit, I don't believe it." Zhang Jun cursed, then picked up the beer just filled by Zou Xiaodong: "Come on, do it!"

Don't do it! Everyone held up the glass, touched it, and grunted and drank. Zhang Jun looked a bit emotional today. He drunk a large glass of beer at once, and everyone drank it when he saw it.

At this time, the waiter brought a few dishes of cold dishes, old vinegar peanuts, cold preserved eggs, cucumbers, enoki mushrooms and the like.

These dishes are actually very ordinary, but they are deeply touched by them. And in the hot summer, don't have a taste.

I ate a few old vinegar peanuts. Wu Hao looked at Xu Yunfeng and said, "If you don't come to work with us, I will leave a place for you in the technical department, which is also engaged in research and development, and it is no different from you at Qiandu.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan all focused their eyes on Xu Yunfeng's face, waiting for his response.

Xu Yunfeng apparently moved after hearing his words, but quickly shook his head and said, "Forget it, I am doing well in Qiandu, and the company is also very good to me. And I am now in Beijing. There are children at home, so it's better not to toss anymore. "

Speaking of this, Xu Yunfeng smiled bitterly: "And you also know that we are technical and in the core sensitive department, how could the company easily let me leave. As early as when I joined the company, I signed the relevant Agreement. As soon as I leave my job, the competition agreement will take effect automatically, and it will be abolished after two years. "

"Isn't it just a competition agreement? You can go to the thousand degrees to negotiate. I'll go and say, they won't give this face." Zhang Jun looked annoyed.

Xu Yunfeng shook his head, then looked at Wu Hao: "You guys, I haven't asked yet, why did you suddenly think of starting a business, and your boy has changed too much?"

Hehe, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both laughed. Wu Hao sandwiched the dish and said casually, "Isn't it near graduation, everyone started to look for a job. I went to interview several companies in succession, and the results were not ideal ~ ~ Finally angry , Just tell this product to simply start a business, I didn't expect to get it done immediately. "

Zhang Jun also laughed, "I didn't know when he told me, but I didn't have any job at the time. I thought it would be better to go crazy with him than to consume so much. Fortunately, we have good luck. It was a temporary success. "

With his forehead, after hearing what he and Zhang Jun said, Xu Yunfeng's forehead was covered with black lines. What's not bad, it's really bad. Now a few of them have become the living signs of the University of Science and Technology. When someone asks which school they graduated from, they only need to answer with Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. A few of them are alumni, and others know that they are from the University of Science and Technology.

I heard that, because of their relationship, the number of candidates who have applied for HKUST in recent years has surged, which has increased HKUST's admission scores.

Xu Yunfeng was not thinking that after Wu Hao became famous, they came to trust them. But when he thought of going to the few young masters who had been with him, he was a little sad. And he also knew that once they came, the friendship between them and the identity of both parties would change, so he dispelled this idea.

Thinking of this, Xu Yunfeng couldn't help asking Wu Hao: "No, I remember that your professional level is not bad. Why isn't your job search ideal?"

"Hehe, if you can't be high, you'll be too low. People think I have too many ideas. Wu Hao laughed at himself."

Uh ...

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