Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 402: Bionic synchronous robotic arm

Of course, the difficulty of this technology is also very high. And this is not just a technology, it involves many fields, from information control systems, to hardware systems, to the entire telex control system, which is very complicated.

Among them, the rarest or most core one is the telex control system, and the other is the information control system.

Simply put, the data of the movement of the human arm is transmitted to the robotic arm synchronously, so that the person can flexibly control the robotic arm as if using the arm.

The principle is very simple, but the actual technology is very complicated. The first is the technology for the collection of human arm motion information. This technology requires that the sensors worn on the body can accurately capture the motion signals of this arm.

关于 In this regard, there are currently three mainstream solutions.

The first is to use the brain wave control scheme, which is the brain-machine control technology of the recent fire. In fact, the brain waves generated by thinking and imagination are used to control the movement of related robots.

When we all imagine an event or a picture of an object, the brain waves released are not the same. The brain-computer control technology is to use different brain waves of us to control the device.

For example, after your brain imagines an idea of ​​moving forward, the brain will release such a brain wave. The brain-computer system recognizes this brain wave and then converts it into corresponding electrical signal instructions to control the device to move forward.

At present, this technology has been applied to some fields, including the brain-computer-controlled wheelchair for patients with high paraplegia. Patients can use their brains to control a wheelchair to stop movement and so on.

There is also the use of this brain-computer control technology for text-related input. It is said that the input speed can reach 70 words per minute, which can be said to be very fast.

At present, some technology companies want to use this brain-computer control technology to develop related bionic robotic arms, so that those with disabilities can also use this bionic mechanical prosthesis to obtain the corresponding sports operation capabilities.

Although progress in this area is relatively slow, many enterprises have already developed prototypes of related bionic mechanical prostheses. Although this is still a long way from being practical, the most important step has been taken, and only continuous development and progress are needed in the future.

The second solution is to use sensors to record the trajectories of limb movements for operation control.

肢 Each of our limbs, such as arm finger movements, has a trajectory displacement in three-dimensional space. And this solution is to use relevant sensors worn on the hand to record these trajectory displacement movements, and then synchronize to the robotic arm to realize the synchronous movement of the robotic arm and the human arm.

第 The third technology is a bionic control technology that uses myoelectric signals to control the movement of the manipulator in real time.

Collect the myoelectric signals and joint angle signals of the muscles of the human upper limbs when doing flexion and extension on the vertical plane, and input the processed myoelectric signals and time signals into a neural network predictor to predict the joint angle.

The predicted joint angle is used as the control signal of the virtual manipulator to control the manipulator to perform the same motion as a human.

The test results show that the maximum mean square deviation of the manipulator's motion trajectory and the upper limb elbow joint trajectory is less than 2 °, and has a strong correlation, which realizes the electromyographic signal to control the movement of the manipulator.

However, this technology is still not mature enough. The main problem is that the capture of these electromechanical signals is not accurate enough, and it is easily susceptible to interference from human bioelectricity and surface static electricity.

So even the second solution is the most used and the best solution. In fact, research on the related technologies mentioned in this set of solutions has always belonged to Haoyu's key scientific research projects.

Because this technology is not only related to the development of their related bionic synchronous robotic arm, but also the sale of the VR glasses they will release soon. So the research and development of this technology started very early and has already achieved good results.

In the foregoing, we mentioned several ways of human-computer interaction with VR glasses. In addition to the control handles currently used by everyone, this type of wearable gloves with sensors has also become the focus area of ​​many VR manufacturers.

With this wearable control glove, VR glasses users can control many functions. You can even experience grasping the object in front of you, or touching the object in front, etc., and experience the functional feeling that some interactive devices cannot experience before.

样 The automated mechanical technology research laboratory sample team wants to use this set of technical results that have been initially developed successfully to control the robotic arm.

In fact, the two principles are basically the same, except that the wearable gloves used on the VR eye device control the virtual limbs in the VR virtual world. In the research laboratory of automated machinery technology, this kind of wearable gloves is used to control the real robot.

However, the technical difficulty of manipulating the manipulator is much higher than that of manipulating the virtual manipulator in the virtual world ~ ~ Manipulating virtual equipment, related problems can be corrected and compensated by programs. But to control real real robots, all these require the cooperation of hardware and software.

Not to mention, just to say that the complex parts, numerous sensors, and some related instruction set program groups on this manipulator, as well as the coordination and unification among these complex devices, this is not a casual development from.

Another, this is a complex systematic engineering project, involving a wide range of subject areas. Although Wu Hao's current research strength is constantly strengthening, their advantage is still in information technology, and hardware technology, especially basic technology, is relatively weak.

这 This has brought a lot of unexpected difficulties to the entire R & D team. Some of them can be solved with money, but some cannot be solved with money.

Wu Hao has also been paying close attention during the entire project development process, and has personally invested in related research and development, helping the research and development team solve many difficult problems.

There are still some problems that can only be solved with the members of the R & D team, such as some problems with materials and components. They can only find their own solutions on the one hand, and on the other hand ask some other related equipment and component suppliers for help.

Even in some materials and important load-bearing and pressure-bearing components, he also asked the relevant military enterprises for help, hoping that they could manufacture custom-made components for him.

Fortunately, there is his identity as a non-staff expert, so there is no big problem. And the price of such custom parts is relatively high, these companies are also willing to take these private orders.

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