Military Technology

Chapter 2964 The new favorite of young people

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As the Spring Festival passed, the earth gradually recovered, and various departments of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. began to resume normal operations.

Although there are not many new consumer-grade products released this year, the upgraded products based on previous consumer-grade digital electronic products have attracted countless consumers to place orders.

In the first quarter of 2028 alone, the total sales of all upgraded products reached 13 million units, and the revenue reached more than 50 billion. Even so, the market popularity of these upgraded products has not diminished, but is still growing. This has also caused Haoyu Technology's production capacity to become tense. So much so that they had to adjust their strategies and activate more unmanned manufacturing factories for overload production to meet consumer demand.

In addition, another piece of good news is also stimulating consumers. That is, after several months of preparation, the intelligent bionic robot dog Wu Hao and others released at the New Year's Eve conference is finally available for sale.

However, currently only small dog breed models are on sale, such as Pomeranian, Bichon Frize, Teddy, Pug, etc. The reason for selling small dogs is mainly because small dogs have limited size and power. Apart from their main function of simulating pet dogs, they are difficult to apply in other fields.

Among other reasons, one of the reasons why only small dogs are open is that some people are worried that this intelligent bionic robot dog will be used in crime or military fields, so Wu Hao and the others can only temporarily not open medium and large dog breed models. A smart bionic robot dog.

Although the launch of the sale of small intelligent bionic robot dogs is good news for consumers, its ultra-high price also discourages many people. For example, the price of an ordinary smart bionic robot dog has reached eight to nine thousand. If it is a smart bionic robot dog with beautiful fur, it can easily cost more than ten thousand. And if it is a customized version, the price will go up.

Therefore, this has also discouraged many ordinary consumers, saying that the price is too expensive and they cannot afford it. It is many times more expensive than a real pet dog and is simply not worth it.

But for many young people with a certain financial foundation, this intelligent bionic robot dog is simply a pet artifact and their new favorite.

First of all, for the vast majority of young people, the biggest problem in raising a pet dog or pet is actually the issue of care. For example, if you have a pet dog, you have to prepare a cage, a dog leash, a food bowl, a water basin, a changing pad, and other things such as dog soap, etc. Then there is dog food, all kinds of dog food, teething sticks, as well as canned dog food, ham sausages and the like. These add up to a very large expense every month, which also makes many young people People say they can’t afford it but can’t afford it.

This does not include the cost of dogs sometimes getting sick. The cost of dog illness is higher than the cost of human illness. An X-ray for a person may cost dozens of yuan, while a CT scan only costs two to three hundred. But as for dogs, they can easily cost hundreds or even thousands. A common cold can cost several thousand, and a slightly more serious illness can cost even more money.

In addition, for young people, what they lack most is time, and what they need most to raise a pet dog is time. For example, a pet dog needs to spend time walking every day, at least half an hour. You also have to spend time bathing and drying it, which is very annoying.

And you are inseparable from people every day, you have to treat them to eat, drink and defecate. If you really don’t have time, you can only send it to a pet store, and the price of a pet store is even more expensive, ranging from dozens to hundreds a day, which makes it difficult for many people to afford it.

In addition, no matter what kind of pet dog it is, there is a shedding season every year. The dog hair flies around and gets everywhere, making it very difficult to take care of and giving people a headache.

Moreover, dog hair can also cause allergies in many people. The parasites carried by dogs themselves are harmful to pregnant women, young and old, and even adults. Regular vaccinations, deworming, etc. are required.

The same goes for pet cats. Although they don’t need to spend time walking, they still need companionship. As for other aspects, it is the same as a dog, or even more so.

As for some other animals, it is even worse.

This is also the reason why many people can no longer keep pets, and why there are so many abandoned pets outside.

As for Wu Hao's intelligent bionic robot dog, even if it can be done, it can basically be ignored. First of all, this intelligent bionic robot dog does not need to eat or drink, it only needs to be charged.

Each intelligent bionic robot dog will come with a small nest. This small nest comes in various forms, some are similar to a cradle, some have only one cushion, and some are similar to a small house. There will be a wireless charger in the den. Whenever the smart bionic robot dog enters the den, it will automatically charge. In addition, the smart bionic pet dog will automatically return to the den to recharge when the battery is low, without having to worry about it.

This saves the owner a lot of money on dog food. He does not need to feed the dog on time every day, and he does not need to take the dog for a walk every day and then relieve diarrhea.

Even if the owner is away from home for several days, there is no problem at all, don't worry about it. If in order to save power, the owner can even turn off the smart bionic robot dog directly and turn it back on when he returns home.

But you don’t need to turn it off most of the time, because this smart bionic robot dog can also look after the house. After activating the housekeeping mode, it becomes a moving camera and alarm in your home. When a stranger breaks in, it will immediately call the police and bark and bite to drive away the stranger, protecting the property from being stolen.

In addition, this smart bionic robot dog has another big advantage: most of the fur it uses is artificial fur, so there will be no problem with dog hair allergies. In addition, there is no need to worry about what diseases it will transmit, no need to vaccinate it, and no need to deworm it.

And you don’t have to worry about it getting sick or anything. As an intelligent bionic robot dog, it is unlikely to have problems. Even if it does occur, it is an equipment problem and only requires repair and maintenance. The cost is far less than that of treating a real pet dog.

Finally, its biggest benefit is actually its intelligence. It is much smarter than a pet dog, can understand its owner's instructions, and can also help its owner do many things.

In addition, its biggest advantage is that the intelligent system it can carry can learn and store data information in real time. This data information can be backed up.

In this way, even if this intelligent bionic robot dog has problems, malfunctions, damage, or is lost. Then the dog owner can also purchase a new smart bionic robot dog and import the data of the previous smart bionic robot dog. Then he can get a smart bionic robot dog that is exactly the same as the original one, without the need to re-train.

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