Military Technology

Chapter 2945 The secret of human aging

Latest website: Looking at the disappointment expressed by everyone in the audience, the corners of Wu Hao's mouth raised slightly. What he wanted was this effect. It was like a vendor who suddenly made a delicious piece of food, showed it off to the onlookers and then said he would not sell it. How could those who have been salivating for a long time do it? I can bear it.

"Don't be too disappointed. It won't be too long before this smart bionic robot dog meets you. After the press conference, these smart bionic robot dogs on stage will also meet and interact with you in the park. Those who are interested can stay and participate.”

After listening to Wu Hao's words, everyone looked a little better, and they were more attracted by the experience activities after the press conference. After all, whether it is from a technical perspective or from the behavioral appearance of these intelligent bionic robot dogs, they are very Attractive.

Okay, this is the intelligent bionic robot dog we bring to you, I hope you like it!

After saying that, amidst the applause, the large screen suspended in the air appeared again and began to play the relevant promotional short film about this intelligent bionic robot dog.

Wu Hao, as for Wu Hao, also took the opportunity to issue a command to send these robot dogs away. As for him, he took the opportunity to drink some water and take a short rest. This talk is really a bit tiring.

After the short video ended, Wu Hao returned to the stage to stand firm, and then said with a smile: "Everyone knows that we have always attached great importance to investment and research and development in the field of biomedical technology. With our continuous encouragement, after these years of development, We have also achieved some results in this area.”


Everyone couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Is this a small achievement? If this is just a small achievement, then what are the achievements obtained by those pharmaceutical giants?

It can be said that in the past few years, Haoyu Technology has far surpassed those pharmaceutical giants that have been in the field of biomedical technology for more than ten years, decades, or even a century.

At present, it has a very huge influence in the field of international biomedical technology, and this has also broken the monopoly of developed countries such as Europe and the United States in this area, setting a precedent for the domestic biomedical technology industry.

But now in Wu Hao's mouth, these are just some achievements. This modesty is a bit too much and hypocritical!

"Our purpose in entering the field of biomedicine is actually very simple, which is to cure more people and save more patients who are suffering from diseases. So we have been exploring in this field all the time, how to extend the life span of us humans, how to Let us humans stay healthy and free from disease.

After several years of hard work, we have indeed achieved some results in the field of biomedical technology, whether it is our intelligent bionic artificial organ tissue technology, our bio-3D printing technology, or our biopharmaceutical technology, it can be said that We have saved countless patients, including many who were sentenced to death. We have successfully defeated many diseases, even many terminal illnesses.

Judging from the latest medical research report we have obtained, with the support of our existing technologies, we can extend human natural life span to about one hundred years. "


After listening to Wu Hao's words, the audience suddenly became excited. This news is no less than a bomb to everyone, and it is difficult for everyone to digest it for a while.

Those who were the first to react looked at the young Wu Hao on the stage and couldn't help but shake their heads, sighing in their hearts that Wu Hao really dares to say that, although they admit that Haoyu Technology's biomedical technology is very advanced, they cannot say that it can treat people's natural Extending life span to one hundred years is too big a statement and will be controversial.

Seeing the reaction of everyone in the audience, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said: "Of course, this is just an ideal age, because there are many factors that affect people's life span, and it is too difficult to predict.

It can only be said that under normal circumstances, this goal can be achieved. But whether this goal can be achieved is still unknown. After all, our biomedical technologies have only been around for a few years and require time to accumulate and prove. This is a very slow process and is full of too many uncertainties. "

At this point, Wu Hao changed the topic and said: "We have been studying how to extend people's lifespan and how to keep people young forever without aging.

In fact, this issue is also a common research topic at the forefront of medical science in our country. In these years of research, we have also found many causes of aging in humans.

For example, the most famous telomere attrition theory, scientists have discovered a small segment of DNA-protein complex at the end of the linear chromosomes in our human eukaryotic cells, which is called a telomere.

Telomere DNA has many main functions, mainly three points. The first is to protect chromosomes from being degraded by nucleases; the second is to prevent chromosomes from merging with each other; and the third is to provide substrates for telomerase to resolve the ends of DNA replication. Condensation ensures complete replication of chromosomes.

After continuous research by scientists, it has been discovered that telomeres are related to cellular aging. The older the cell, the shorter its telomeres; the younger the cell, the longer the telomeres. When the function of cell telomeres is damaged, aging occurs. When telomeres shorten to a critical length, aging is accelerated and death approaches.

Secondly, cell division will shorten the telomeres. Once they divide, they shorten a little, just like wearing out an iron rod. If only a stub is left, the cell is close to senescence.

As we all know, the number of cell divisions in our human body is limited, generally about fifty times, but of course it is not limited to fifty times. The upper limit of human cell division is determined by the telomeres in the cell. The length of telomeres affects the cycle of cell division. Every time a cell divides, telomeres get shorter due to wear and tear. When there are too many divisions and the telomeres are too short, the ends of the chromosomes cannot be protected and the cells stop dividing. Normal human cells have a limited number of divisions, generally about 50 times. However, affected by various factors, the number of times of cell separation is different for different people. Some may be longer or shorter.

According to the famous Hayflick limit theory, cells in the human body will die due to self-produced toxins after dividing about 50 times. But it does not mean that longer telomeres mean longer life. Although telomeres have a certain relationship with lifespan, they are not the only factor that affects lifespan. Diseases, air pollution, and even excessive stress may cause premature cell apoptosis. At present, the clinical medical community tends to believe that telomeres are only one of the causes of aging and death in the human body.

In addition, scientists also discovered the presence of an enzyme in cells that synthesizes telomeres. The replication of telomeres cannot be catalyzed by classic DNA polymerase, but is completed by a special reverse transcriptase, telomerase.

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