Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Sitting in Jinshan looking for money to spend

"Hey, Xiao Wu, it's almost OK. Now some people in the industry have a lot of opinions on you. This is all sued.

Although you are in the normal market acquisition behavior, you must also take care of the overall situation. A stable industry market is conducive to the overall development, which cannot be destroyed. This year's economic situation is still severe, so for the overall situation, stability is the most important. Can you understand what I mean? "Wang Lianggong said to him on the phone.

Wu Hao nodded repeatedly and said, "Director Wang, rest assured. These four companies will not continue to acquire."

Hearing what he said, Wang Lianggong on the phone laughed and teased: "Your boy's appetite is big enough, all of a sudden 2000MWh. Do you know how much our country ’s total installed capacity of power lithium-ion batteries last year, 93.2GWh 1GWh = 1000MWh = 1000000KWh = 1000000000Wh, thousands). You get 2% as soon as you come in, can these people be in a hurry?

Young people should not be too anxious. Take your time. For you, time is very abundant. "

"Oh, thank you, Director Wang. No, we will buy these four this time. For quite some time, there will be no other expansion plans." Wu Hao quickly explained with a smile.

"Oh, your kid is on the high-end boutique line."

Wang Lianggong thought for a moment, and then smiled: "This is also possible. It can minimize the impact on the entire industry and stimulate those people.

However, I have to remind you that the demand for this new type of lithium battery is huge in various industries, especially in key industries such as military research. You can't interrupt the supply of this product because of insufficient output. This is absolutely impossible. "

"Be assured that one of the four lithium-ion manufacturing companies we have acquired this time is a wholly-owned acquisition. This plant will be our own special manufacturing plant in the future, specializing in the production of large and large-scale and special new-type lithium batteries.

The location of this lithium battery production plant is very good, just in Cangshi. After we have completed the related follow-up transfer and renovation work, we can invite you and several other departments to review and evaluate us. Wu Hao answered positively.

With regard to the production tasks and functions of these four factories, Wu Hao also considered related issues. Three absolutely controlled factories are used for the production of new lithium-ion batteries for civilian use, of which the relatively large output is sufficient for their own use, while the other two smaller ones are sold to the market.

As for the wholly-owned factory, it is used to produce special batteries. Such as large ultra-large batteries, large-scale integrated battery packs, high temperature and cold resistant special batteries and so on. Therefore, compared with the other three factories, the tasks undertaken by this wholly-owned factory are more important. It should not only protect Wu Hao's related needs in this regard, but also the needs of some key projects in related fields of related units in terms of batteries.

Wang Lianggong was more satisfied with his answer, so he smiled deeper: "Don't wait that long, now the key projects are in urgent need of your new lithium battery, and I hope you can put it into production as soon as possible.

In this way, you can complete the relevant acceptance and entry as soon as possible, rectify the factory in the shortest time, and complete the control. Subsequently, the related transformation and upgrading work will be stepped up, and our related joint working groups will also enter.

As we upgrade and upgrade, we conduct review and evaluation. In this way, you can shorten the time period or solve the problem in time. The Haiyan Institute and the 309 project are very urgent. "

Hearing the meaning in Wang Liang's words, Wu Hao was a little puzzled: "Director Wang, haven't we authorized the right to use the relevant patents. Why such an important project requires us to provide the battery again."

"Hehe, there are many key projects currently underway, and there is a demand for high-performance batteries. In terms of lithium battery production, companies in the military system do not have many advantages over private companies, but they lag behind private companies in certain technologies. .

Upgrading a factory requires time and resources, and digesting your technology requires time and talent. So in this regard, we still hope that we can give more of this task to you so trustworthy, responsible, and responsible private enterprises to undertake. This is the trust you have in your organization, and the trust your country has in your business. "Wang Lianggong said seriously to him.

In this regard, Wu Hao also put away a smile and said seriously: "You can rest assured that we will go all out to put into actual production as soon as possible to ensure the progress of all important engineering projects."

Well, Wang Lianggong said on the phone: "Cluster management and control technology for large-scale battery packs must also be stepped up. You have a unique advantage in terms of cluster management and control technology. We must bring the advantages in this area into play as soon as possible and use this technology as soon as possible. Come out.

Regardless of whether it is in the military or civilian field, the demand for cluster management technology for this large battery pack is very urgent ~ ~ Our experimental team has already started research in this area, but it takes time. In addition, we have limited personnel in this area, and we do not know whether we can cooperate with relevant laboratories of major universities in this regard. Wu Hao nodded, and then made his own request. At this time, the request should be made, and it should not be carried on. It is generally considered above as long as it is not excessive.

Sure enough, after hearing his request, Wang Lianggong smirked and said, "Haha, your boy is waiting for me here. OK, school-enterprise cooperation is something we highly advocate. In this regard, we can help you Matchmaking. But you have to talk about how to cooperate.

However, the research laboratories of universities generally lack funding and high-end research equipment, but you can start from this aspect.

Also, is n’t your kid graduated from HKUST, battery technology is a key subject of HKUST. When you have time to go back and run more, your identity as an excellent alumni is much better than our matchmaking. "

Uh, why did I forget this stubble, I was really sitting in Jinshan looking for money. Wu Hao hammered his forehead, and then quickly thanked him: "You don't really mention it, I really forgot. Just for a while, I will go back to a variety of trees for the alumni festival."

The so-called alumni planting a tree is actually a stalk. Generally, successful alumni give back to their alma mater and donate money and supplies, so the school will invite him to plant a tree or put a stone to commemorate the sculpture. Of course, the big guys who donate buildings or set up reward funds say otherwise.

"Haha, that's right." Wang Lianggong laughed.

After talking with Wang Lianggong for a few more words, I hung up the phone. Thoughtfully, Wu Hao summoned his secretary Zhang Xiaolei and began to laugh.

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