Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 268: The contradiction between the Internet and real life

"I always believe that after-sales service should be more important than sales. Consumers buying products is only the first step in our entire product, and the next after-sales service is the top priority of our work.

A large part of the reason whether a product has super vitality also depends on the quality of after-sales service.

So for us, after-sales work will be the focus of our future. Here I also promise to all users that as long as you purchase our product, if there is a problem with this product, you can get any of our offline brand franchise stores in the country to carry out after-sales warranty.

In addition, all our customers' after-sales maintenance information will be networked nationwide. In other words, you don't need to take any after-sale repair card documents or invoices, just take the product.

We can use your registered account information to identify your purchase and use dates, and establish a repair file for you, which can be retrieved in stores across the country, to provide more high-quality after-sales protection services for each user. "

Wu Hao and Jiang Nan said that they sat in the interview area already arranged in the rest area, and then continued.

"Second, it is experience. Many people are curious about our products and have a lot of doubts. After all, there are too many and too many kinds of marketing methods now, all kinds are available, and consumers do n’t know who to listen to. Yes.

And there are so many manufacturers and brands that, when selling and releasing products, over-exaggerate the performance and quality of their products. Consumers believe that when they go back to buy, they find that they are not fooled by the publicity. Over time, they are not so convinced about the promotion of other products.

Our products also encountered this situation. Many people did not believe that our intelligent voice assistant could simulate the voice of a real person, but also so fluent and real.

This was especially obvious when we first launched this product. Later, it was also promoted by us little by little, and word of mouth among users, which made our product sales expand to snowball growth.

At the beginning, our capacity was limited and we were unable to support the construction of such offline stores. Now that conditions are in place, we have to actively make up for this.

In this way, if consumers do not believe or have doubts about our release. You can actually come to our offline brand experience store to experience it in the field, and see if what I said at the press conference is true.

Or use it directly to see if it is not as easy to use as the promotion said.

Do n’t we have an old saying that what we hear is false and what we see is true, we just want to come up with the real thing so that everyone can take a look and use it.

A few days ago, our offline brand franchise store in Shanghai opened very well. Every day, many people fascinate to experience in the past, and the feelings of these experiences were also timely feedback on the various forums Weibo, which has become our good promotional materials and examples. "

After taking a look at Jiang Nan, he continued: "Many people are saying that we are too low-key, and even say that I am too discouraged, why ca n’t I even bear an advertisement.

Actually, I have different opinions on this. We advertise, but we use the mouth of the majority of users to advertise.

Compared to other marketing models that ask celebrities to endorse and advertise bombing, I think this word-of-mouth effect relying on word of mouth from the majority of users is more effective.

Our previous generation of products has gradually grown bigger based on the reputation of users. "

"Finally, I also hope that this offline brand franchise store can become a community platform for casual communication for the majority of young users.

I am a young person myself, so I can feel the way of life of young people more. Everyone is too dependent on the Internet and ignores real life. This is a trend in social development and a sadness in reality.

The Internet is indeed closer to each of us, but it also alienates our relationship in the real world.

Many people may be busy making friends online or socializing, but ignore the friends and relatives around them. Even if you want to say something you care about, you have to go online. Why not say it yourself?

Therefore, we have set up such a rest area in offline brand franchise stores across the country, all users can come to rest, chat, and communicate with like-minded friends.

It not only provides Gigabit Internet, but also provides free coffee, cold drinks, and snacks for all users.

We encourage young people to take time out of work and the Internet to enjoy and enjoy this beautiful real life. "

"Will this be very contradictory, your product closely binds people and the Internet. Now you say that liberating people from the Internet is not contradictory?" Sure enough, Jiang, who is engaged in work Nan was very professional, and immediately caught the loophole in Wu Hao's words and pursued it.

"No, this is not contradictory." Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "In fact, our intelligent voice assistant has rescued many people from the Internet ~ ~ In the past, many people looked down at mobile phones one day. The time may be three or four hours, and some heavy users may even have five or six hours. It can be said that mobile phones have become everything in their lives.

These people look at the mobile phone, not the mobile phone itself, but the content carried by the mobile phone. To put it plainly, the mobile phone is just a tool.

After using our smart voice assistant, many people get rid of the shackles of their phones. Greatly reduced the time spent watching the phone, and really saved everyone's eyes from the phone screen.

According to incomplete statistics, we have successfully shortened the average daily use of mobile phones by tens of millions of people to one hour, which is definitely a great achievement.

Of course, many people still rely too much on social networking and fear of social reality. This fear comes from his unconfidence and wants to cover up his shortcomings and shortcomings.

But what I want to say is that there are no such perfect people in the world. Everyone has some shortcomings. Of course, there are also some advantages.

We must face up to the shortcomings of ourselves, but also be good at discovering the advantages of ourselves. Sometimes you may even find that some small shortcomings in your body may be an advantage in the eyes of others.

For example, if you feel that you are too straight and not smooth enough, in the eyes of your friends, you are a straightforward, down-to-earth person who is worthy of friendship.

There are many examples of this, but in fact this is not an advantage for you.

There are no two identical leaves on the earth, and naturally there are no two exactly the same people. The reason why each of us is different, in addition to the unexpected appearance, these advantages and disadvantages of us are also important characteristics to distinguish from others.

Such you are the real you. "

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