Military Technology

Chapter 2595 Quantum Rubik’s Cube

As Anxi enters August, the whole of Anxi seems to have entered a furnace. The high temperature of 40 degrees outside for several days makes the whole of Anxi seem to melt.

According to the relevant high temperature warning notice issued by the local government, all outdoor work projects in Anxi have been suspended, and relevant primary and secondary schools and training institutions have also suspended classes.

Although the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park is far away from the urban area, it still cannot escape the urban heat island effect. Even in the nearby Linghu Wetland, the water level in the entire wetland dropped due to more than a week of high temperatures, exposing multiple lake bottoms.

In order to combat the persistent high temperature and cool down the park, the sprinkler system of the entire park has also been activated. Through the sprinkler system, on the one hand, the entire park can be cooled, and on the other hand, it can reduce drought conditions. Especially among the green plants in the park, many leaves have withered and turned brown due to the high temperature.

Because of the continuous high temperature, there is a power shortage in Anxi. It’s not just Anxi. Affected by the subtropical low pressure, with Anxi as the center, the entire high-temperature area covers most cities and regions in the interior.

And because of this, there is a shortage of electricity in the entire inland area. In response to this situation, relevant national departments began to organize power transfers from other provinces. In addition, various thermal power stations have also begun operating at full capacity to ensure the safety of electricity for people's daily lives.

In addition, a group of civilian new energy power stations and energy storage power stations, led by Haoyu Energy, played a large role in this power shortage crisis.

Especially in Anxi, thanks to the regulation of several major energy storage power stations, tens of millions of people in Anxi have survived this power crisis smoothly, without the recurrence of power outages and power rationing in previous years.

In order to ensure residents' daily use of electricity, basically all factories in Anxi have stopped working. This also includes these smart manufacturing factories and enterprises under Haoyu Technology.

Of course, all power-limited enterprises naturally do not include those security enterprises that are closely related to people's lives, as well as some important enterprises in the economic and technological fields, and these include Haoyu Aerospace.

In fact, thanks to the control of Haoyu Aerospace's underground energy storage power station, Haoyu Aerospace's power shortage has been greatly alleviated, which also allows employees in the park to enjoy a cool summer.

Walking into the park building, a wave of coolness sweeps over, and the coolness emanates from the underground. These are all controlled by the water circulation system for overall temperature control. Unlike the cold air from air conditioners, the water circulation system can cool down the entire space evenly, so everyone will not feel cold or clammy, but will be very comfortable.

This also makes many employees not willing to go home in a hurry even after get off work, but stay in the park. Some employees even asked to stay overnight in the park.

Originally, these were not allowed because invalid overtime work was not encouraged within Haoyu Technology Company. Unless there is an emergency and overtime work is required, an application for approval is required.

And not all overtime applications will be approved. Many overtime applications here are not approved. Therefore, some employees within Haoyu Technology Company complained on the Internet that it was difficult to work overtime at Haoyu Technology.

This has also made many netizens comment that this is the top Versailles. It is difficult for other companies not to work overtime, but it is really difficult for Haoyu Technology to work overtime. Who is this?

After seeing many employees requesting to stay overnight in the park, Wu Hao followed suit and immediately opened the Tianshu Activity Center and glass corridor to employees for camping at night.

In addition, throughout the park, except for some restricted areas, you can also bring your elders to camp.

As for all work areas, relevant regulations are still strictly followed. Unless there is a special need for overtime work, no one is allowed to stay in the work area overnight after get off work.

This initiative was naturally welcomed by employees. Even the entry of camping in Haoyu Science and Technology Park was on the hot search list for a while.

Many employees carry their own yoga mats and quilts to the Tianshu Activity Center or the glass corridor for camping.

Some employees bought outdoor tents and brought the entire family together for an outdoor carnival.

In order to enrich the evening activities of these employees, the company's administrative department, under Wu Hao's instruction, also organized many interesting activities, such as setting up an open-air cinema to play open-air movies.

Hold open-air naked-eye 3D light and shadow shows, organize various song and dance performances, etc.

The administration even held many dance parties in the evening and organized a blind date, which was well received by everyone.

Contrary to the rich and lively collective activities, there is the intense work of the technical research department. There are many projects this year, so these scientific research departments are very busy. The most overtime work in the company comes from these departments.

In particular, many major projects have strict timelines, so the pressure on these researchers is really huge.

Among them, the most important and the most concerned ones are of course some major projects involving major scientific research results, security, and military fields.

For example, the world's first quantum Rubik's Cube, jointly developed by Ran, the Academy of Sciences, and several universities, has attracted much attention from the outside world.

Quantum Rubik's Cube, this is a common name. In fact, its real name should be called Optical Quantum Rubik's Cube integrated chip. Quantum chips are no longer news, but this is the first time I have heard about the optical quantum Rubik's Cube integrated chip.

This optical quantum Rubik's Cube integrated chip is very small. The overall size is about the same as the CPU of an ordinary computer, but it is a cube. The entire cube is translucent, and the entire program is white when powered on.

The whole thing is a new type of polycrystalline material, which is very complex inside. Its principle is to use light quanta to perform complex computer operations. At present, such a small and integrated optical quantum chip is the first in the world. Because of this, there is no precedent to learn from, and the entire development process relies on the team's own exploration, which is very difficult.

Although it is extremely difficult, once this kind of optical quantum simulation integrated chip is successfully developed, it will have a huge impact on the entire society and the world.

Because its size is relatively compact and integrated, this means that it can go out of laboratories and large computer rooms, and have the opportunity to enter the field of commercial services and even home computers, thereby replacing existing ordinary silicon-based chips and integrating human computer technology. Ushering in a new era.

With the popularization of large-scale quantum computers and the overall improvement of computing power, it will also bring stage-level impacts and changes to the entire human society and the entire world. Its far-reaching impact may be no less than an industrial revolution.

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