Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Controversy over production methods

Compared to Cheng Haifeng, Li Weiguo's introduction of the application prospects of this battery in the Air Force is much simpler, after all, Wu Hao has already said a lot. Li Weiguo briefly summarized this, and then concluded his speech.

As for the army, both navy and air force neglected it very tacitly. It seemed that the Army thought that such advanced technology was enough. In the end, Wang Lianggong couldn't see it and had to introduce a few words in person.

As for the missile army and support and support arms, these are more specialized and more confidential, so they are not suitable for such meetings. If they need it in the future, it will be arranged separately.

Anyway, after this round of introduction, everyone also realized the importance of this new battery technology. Therefore, we are very concerned about when and how this battery is produced.

In this regard, as the owner of the battery technology and the representative of the market and business, Wu Hao obviously has a greater say than those present, so everyone is also focusing on him.

Seeing this, Wu Hao deserves to bite the bullet and say, "There are three ways to produce this new type of lithium-ion battery.

The first is the simplest and easiest, which is to sell the patent right of this technology. In this way, these existing battery manufacturers can obtain this technology and organize production as soon as possible.

The second is joint production, that is, we use this technology to acquire shares, thereby obtaining shares in related battery companies, and then co-production.

As for the third method, we will invest in the construction of relevant battery production plants to produce this battery. In this way, although the investment in the early stage is larger, the return in the later stage is great.

And in this technology, we can achieve a monopoly and increase our voice in this field.

As for when it will be produced, it depends on which method is selected. Regardless of the method, it will take about half a year. "

Hearing his words, the crowd nodded. Wang Lianggong took a sip of tea and then looked at him with a smile: "Xiao Wu, you are the developer and owner of this technology, and logically the biggest beneficiary, so you are inclined to that way.

Talk about your inner thoughts, we can help you with staff and staff. "

"It's Xiao Wu, we respect your opinion." Li Weiguo also said.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and said, "In fact, we are not short of money at this stage. We are not only short of money, but also financially wealthy.

So the first way, if we decide, we will not consider it.

As for the second method and the third method, let me put them together. "

After taking a look at everyone, Wu Hao continued: "We thought about building a new battery production plant, but this initial investment is a bit large and the construction period is a bit long. It doesn't matter if the investment is a bit larger, but it wo n’t work if the construction period is long . "

"So you prefer the second way?" Cheng Haifeng asked.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "No, rather than investing in joint production with technology, I would like to use capital and technology to buy some battery production plants to specifically produce this battery."

"Acquisition of the factory?" Wang Lianggong frowned, which was unexpected to him. Wu Hao's ambition was so great.

"Yes, we have a large amount of money in our hands, and we are worried that we have nowhere to digest it. This time we can use this money to acquire some manufacturing companies, laying the foundation for our next stage of development." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Li Weiguo smiled and nodded with his fingers, "I just said, your kid has been so active during this time. It was building an intelligent automated unmanned production plant and acquiring an LCD screen panel factory. It turned out to be Watch this. "

Oh, Wu Hao smiled and didn't speak, which was considered the default of Li Weiguo.

As for Wang Lianggong, he worries Wu Hao after thinking about it: "The current battery industry is hot, and everyone knows that this area has a bright future. I am afraid that even if you have money, it is difficult to acquire it."

Wu Hao said from his own words: "So I said that I would use technology and capital to make acquisitions. I want to make them clear. Once our new battery comes out, the original battery industry will be greatly affected. Reject our acquisition, then they must be able to face this impact and shock. "

"This is impossible. We don't want or allow too much turbulence in this market. Maintaining industry and market stability is our top priority and responsibility." Wang Lianggong waved his hands.

Wu Hao explained with a smile: "We just use the market approach to the acquisition process, without forcing them to coerce them.

And these people are smart, knowing that instead of being defeated by us, it is better to choose to cooperate with us.

Of course, we don't want to completely purchase their factories. We can leave some shares for them. "

Seeing Wu Hao say this, Wang Lianggong's face is a little better ~ ~ But he still shook his head and said, "You are engaged in monopoly. What are the consequences of monopoly, I believe you know."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "The manufacturing cost of a new battery is higher than the cost of an existing battery, so the price will naturally be higher than the existing battery. In consideration of cost and performance, some companies will definitely choose our new battery. Batteries. There are also some companies that want to take the low-end route and choose cheaper batteries.

So there is no monopoly in the battery industry. Can you say G-pass monopoly, W-soft monopoly, G-song monopoly? "

"You are stealing the concept. These companies have not said that they have a monopoly, but the world knows that they have achieved a monopoly in related fields. Your doing so will bring huge benefits to the rapidly growing battery industry. Impact. "Wang Lianggong looked at him with a bad breath.

Oh, Wu Hao did not rush to refute, but said with a smile: "Even if we know that they have a monopoly, do we have any way to deal with them? If we do n’t do this, other companies will do it. We can still do this Taking care of our domestic market, if other companies or foreign companies do this, I think you know what the consequences will be.

Although the performance of this battery technology has improved a lot, the technology and manufacturing process are relatively simple and easy to imitate the cottage. If it is authorized on a large scale, it is easy for the other party to imitate or even evade the relevant authorization.

In this way, not only will we suffer economic losses, but we will also lose the best opportunity to master the right to speak in this industry.

Only by holding the relevant patent rights in our hands, we can not only guarantee our interests in this area, but also have a certain say in this area at critical moments.

I believe that the right to speak in this area is more important than economic interests. "

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