Military Technology

Chapter 2542 Yang Dongdong’s Story (3)

Chapter 2543 Yang Dongdong’s Story (3)

After finally queuing up and squeezing out of the self-driving expressway, Yang Dongdong drove the car slowly towards home. Due to the failure of the autonomous driving expressway, most of the road conditions in Anxi tonight are relatively congested. Although I saw some intelligent traffic command drones when I came down, the number was very small. The traffic police department has been dispatched collectively and began to direct and divert traffic at various intersections.

But even so, the traffic is still congested, which makes Yang Dongdong's family particularly miserable.

There is news. I read in the group that construction at the construction site in the city center dug up municipal communication cables, causing power outages in some areas and paralyzing the self-driving rapid loop system. Also paralyzed was the intelligent traffic control system. systems, urban intelligent sanitation systems, intelligent unmanned logistics systems, etc. The accident is currently being repaired, and we don’t know when it will be resolved. His wife was scrolling through her cell phone and said to Xu Dongdong who was driving.

Is it that serious? Xu Dongdong was also shocked. He did not expect to encounter such a serious accident.

I heard that the person responsible for the accident was detained by the police immediately, and many people came to the scene. His wife said something, suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Oh no, I bought a lot of things today, and I made an appointment to have them delivered to my house in the evening. Now that the smart logistics system has collapsed, what will happen to the things I bought."

It's okay, maybe it will be fine tomorrow. Yang Dongdong smiled and comforted when he saw this.

what. His wife rolled her eyes at him, and then couldn't help but murmured: "I bought a lot of prepared dishes and food, as well as fresh milk for the children tomorrow morning.

I can’t give it away right now. What will we eat tonight and what will the children drink tomorrow morning? "

Seeing what his wife said, Yang Dongdong couldn't help but said: "How about we find a place to eat outside. It's already ordered and it's too late to do it when we go back. Then when we go back, we go to the supermarket to buy some boxed milk for the child. Let’s make do with it tomorrow.”

Those boxed milk in supermarkets are not as nutritious as fresh milk. His wife retorted, then glanced at her daughter who was still sleeping next to her, smoothed her hair, and said: "Forget it, let's go home and do something casually. You can stop at the supermarket in front of the community later. After a while, I'm going to buy something. There happens to be some fresh dumplings that I made before in the refrigerator, so I went back to cook them for my daughter. As for the two of us, we'll just be particular about the noodles.

My daughter is getting older, and her illness must be treated quickly so as not to affect her future studies and life. Especially after entering high school, there is a lot of academic pressure. If you don’t have a good body, how can you withstand that kind of pressure? "

Speaking of this, his wife couldn't help but cry softly.

Hearing his wife's soft cry, Yang Dongdong felt particularly uncomfortable. He turned his head and glanced at his sleeping daughter, then nodded resolutely and said: "Let's grit our teeth and work hard for one more year, and the surgery fee will be almost the same." We can make up enough. When the time comes, we will take our children to Linghu Medical Research Center."

Hearing Yang Dongdong's words, his wife couldn't help showing a hint of worry: "Is our daughter's disease really being treated there? I'm afraid..."

Don't be afraid, I have already consulted with the experts from the Provincial Affiliated Hospital. Currently, Linghu Medical Center is at the forefront of the world in the treatment of heart diseases, and there have been successful cases in this area, so it must be fine.

Having said this, Yang Dongdong paused for a moment, and then said: "If, if it really can't be cured, then we will replace our daughter with an intelligent artificial heart from Haoyu Technology. I have been studying this recently, and other patients have already It has been more than two years since the transplant and I am very healthy, no different from a normal person."

Artificial ones are not as good as their own. Hearing Yang Dongdong's words, his wife couldn't help but sigh, then gently stroked her daughter's body, and then sighed and said: "I don't know if we have enough money, I heard that the treatment cost is very expensive.

And I heard that it’s very difficult to get in there, so you have to make a reservation in advance and queue up. Many people waited in line for a long time but were not able to get in line, and it was even harder to get a ticket to register. "

Well, Yang Dongdong nodded, and then said: "I plan to go to Dr. Xu in a few days. She is our daughter's attending doctor and an expert from the Provincial Affiliated Hospital to see if she can think of a solution.

If that doesn't work, then we will find time to take time off to take our daughter to Linghu, register our number first and then wait in line. As for money, I'll figure it out. Over the years, we have saved three to four hundred thousand through frugality. If I get some from my parents and colleagues, I should be able to collect five to six hundred thousand.

If it doesn't work, just transfer the car and you can get 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Besides, we don’t already have this house. Although it was bought with a loan, it has been several years since I bought it. If there is really nothing we can do in the end, then we will mortgage the house. As long as my daughter is safe, nothing else matters. "

In this case, we will have nothing. His wife couldn't help but sigh and said slowly.

As long as our family is neat and healthy together, these are stronger than others. Besides, there is no nothing without it. Those things are not all obtained by our hard work. When our daughter gets better, our lives will also get better. When the time comes, I will work harder and I will have these things again soon. Xu Dongdong said firmly.

Hearing Xu Dongdong's words, his wife's eyes couldn't help but filled with tears. She looked at her husband's gray hair and his stooped body, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"You have suffered all these years for our mother and mother."

What to say. Xu Dongdong glanced at his wife in the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but feel a little sore in his nose and said: "You have been following me, and you have suffered all these years.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law were right to disagree with me at the beginning. You should really listen to them, so you don’t have to suffer with me now. "

You are talking nonsense about God. I have never regretted following it. I think it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Although our life is a bit difficult, I am very happy to have an excellent husband like you and our daughter.

You have done enough over the years, and my parents see it all. They told me more than once in private that you are a reliable person and asked me to be nice to you.

At this point, his wife thought of something and said to him: "By the way, my parents said that they have saved a little money over the years. When the time comes to treat their daughter, they will give the money to us."

How can we ask for money from the two elders? No. Xu Dongdong shook his head: "This is the pension money of the two elders. We cannot touch it. We will find a way to deal with the money ourselves. You can thank the two elders for me."

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