Military Technology

Chapter 2521 Questions and Answers

“After this Space Express is launched, it will fly between the Earth and the Moon.

First, it will fly around the Earth in a low-Earth orbit of 400 to 600 kilometers. Thereby waiting for the docking of module thrusters, cargo spacecraft, or manned spacecraft launched from the earth. After the docking is completed, module thrusters will be used to accelerate the orbit change and push the Space Express from its original low-Earth orbit to the lunar transfer orbit.

It then entered lunar orbit four days later and flew around the moon. In the process, it will continuously lower the altitude of the lunar orbit and release the lunar lander according to procedures.

After the lunar lander breaks away, it will start the lunar landing procedure and land at our lunar scientific research station in Zhihai.

During this process, the Space Express will continue to fly along the lunar orbit, waiting for the lunar lander to lift off. Of course, this can be one ship, or two ships can be used alternately, which will greatly reduce the space express's flight time around the moon.

After the lunar lander arrives in orbit and docks with Space Express, Space Express will immediately change its orbit and enter the Earth transfer orbit.

After three days of lunar transfer orbit, SpaceX will enter Earth orbit and begin its orbit. And follow the procedures to release the manned spacecraft.

After the manned spacecraft breaks away from the Space Express, it will start flying along a predetermined orbit, conduct analysis, return to the manned atmosphere of the capsule, and then land on the earth. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yulong smiled at Wu Hao and everyone and said: "This solution saves costs to the greatest extent, allowing most of the system unit modules in the entire lunar landing process to be reused multiple times, and the transportation of a single person The cost may be one-twentieth or even more than the cost of other conventional lunar and round-trip programs."

I have a few questions. At this time, Yang Fan, who was sitting next to Zou Xiaodong, asked. As the company's CTO and a shareholder of the company, he naturally attended the meeting and supervised the entire technical part of the project, so he naturally had to ask some questions.

This is both a warning and a help. There are many things that cannot be seen clearly by others because they are stuck in one of the blind spots. Bystanders can see these problems clearly and rationally from the outside and provide guidance.

Seeing Yang Fan talking, Guo Yulong, Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and others all looked at him, waiting for his questions seriously.

First of all, have you tested this solution in the field? Is it really technically feasible? Yang Fan looked at Guo Yulong and Yu Chengwu and asked seriously: "So far, I have not seen any relevant technical verification tests of yours. So far, all we have heard are some of your self-justifications without sufficient experimental data. support.

The Space Express plan was proposed by us, and we have also given you a lot of plan and technical support, but this does not mean that you can just sit back and enjoy the results.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the Space Express frequently travels between the Earth and the Moon, and frequently changes orbits in the orbits of the Moon and the Earth. How much fuel do these consume, and whether the systems on the Space Express can support such frequent movements.

In addition, does the entire Space Express have backup systems and emergency response systems? Also, the most important part of the entire plan, how to design the lunar lander, what do you think?

You know, this lunar lander needs to frequently land on the moon and dock with the moon. In the conventional plan, the lunar lander is divided into two modules, one is the lunar lander and the other is the ascent crew module. When the passengers on the moon need to return, they only need to ascend the crew module and return, and the huge lunar lander will be abandoned on the moon.

This seems like a waste, but in fact it is to save a lot of weight, but the ascender can smoothly lift off from the moon and enter orbit for docking.

As for your lunar lander plan, I haven't seen it yet. "

Hearing Yang Fan point out so many problems in succession, everyone in Haoyu Aerospace looked a little ugly. But no matter how ugly it is, you have to endure it, because Yang Fan is not only their leader but also a shareholder of Haoyu Technology, who determines the life and death of this project.

Mr. Yang, I'm very sorry. This is indeed an oversight in our work. It was Yu Chengwu who spoke. He looked at Yang Fan and said with a guilty look on his face: "We will also answer the questions you raised in detail below."

After speaking, Yu Chengwu looked at Zhou Xiangming. Seeing this, Zhou Xiangming knew that it was time for him to appear. Although Zhou Xiangming is the person in charge of the entire Space Express project, Zhou Xiangming is the overall person in charge of the entire lunar scientific research station and ancillary projects.

So at this moment, he must stand up and admit his mistakes and answer these questions head-on.

"Yes, this is because our work was not done properly. We will conduct a thorough review after we return."

Zhou Xiangming first admitted his mistake, then opened his transparent folding device, and then slid the transparent folding screen to introduce it to everyone.

"First of all, we are not doing nothing and directly launching Space Express when the time comes. This is not the case. In fact, we have planned an experimental spacecraft that will be launched in the fall and winter of this year. Its main function is to verify the entire Space Express project. The feasibility of the technology, and carry out relevant space experiments. Find the bookstore In the future, the relevant experimental results and related technologies of this experimental spacecraft will also be applied to our Space Express.

We have adopted a modular design for the entire Space Express, which also means that each part of it can be replaced and updated. This not only facilitates timely handling of various emergencies during future operations, but also facilitates the handling of these parts. Maintenance and updates.

In addition, considering that the entire Space Express needs to make frequent trips to the Earth-Moon orbit and operate for a long time, we designed two sets of the same system for the spacecraft. The two systems are not related to each other, but they serve as backups for each other. When one of the systems fails, it will automatically switch to the other system.

These two systems are not only at the software system level, but will also be extended to the hardware system. For example, the spacecraft's main engine, attitude engine, spacecraft's life support system, etc.

In this way, the safety of the entire Space Express during navigation can be greatly ensured.

In addition, we have also designed emergency evacuation procedures for Space Express. When Space Express fails at any stage of the Earth-moon orbit, and neither the system nor humans can deal with it and eliminate it in time, astronauts only need to confirm it. Or if confirmed by the ground, the Space Express will automatically switch to emergency mode, and on the premise of ensuring the safety of the cabin members, start returning according to the predetermined procedure and return the cabin members to the earth. "

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