Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 257: Soaring potential

Is it so serious? "The 40-year-old senior woman who spoke before was surprised.

The bald man in his fifties looks dignified: "It is more serious than you think. The battery industry will not talk about it first. I will give two examples closely related to the battery industry.

The first is the new energy electric vehicle. Once this super battery is put into production, I am afraid that the current electric vehicle industry will have to be reshuffled.

According to the current cruising range of more than 300 kilometers of electric vehicles, if this battery is replaced, the cruising range will reach 500 kilometers, which is definitely a very scary number.

It may break the current market dominated by gasoline vehicles and take electric vehicles to a new stage. At present, one of the recognized shortcomings of battery cars is the range, and this battery can be said to make up for this shortcoming.

I think after the press conference, I am afraid that many auto manufacturers cannot sleep. For these companies, whoever takes the lead in mastering this super battery will take the lead in grasping the future electric vehicle market.

This is why Wu Hao said at the press conference that this battery will take some time to enter the market. "

Taking a look at everyone, the bald old man continued: "The second example is closely related to us. As you know, as the competition in the electronics industry such as mobile phones becomes more intense, the battery life of these devices has also become a consideration for users. One of the important factors.

If any manufacturer can master this super battery, I think it will be a fatal blow to other colleagues, including us. "

The balding old man's remarks made everyone at the scene silent, and the atmosphere was tense.

"It's not that serious. Wu Hao introduced this super battery technology on the one hand to serve their products, and on the other hand, it is probably used for marketing. After all, such a big battery market cake, they can't ignore it.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to achieve a monopoly on key technologies that have a large impact like this. "The senior woman in her forties opened her mouth and relieved the atmosphere.

The middle-aged man with thin hair sitting in the first seat nodded his head after hearing the words: "It is also true that even with this far-reaching technology, it is impossible for them to monopolize.

Enterprises are not allowed, industries are not allowed, and countries are not allowed. "

"No, I don't think so."

The bald old man shook his head and said, "This is a core technology that has risen to the field of national security. With this technology, our country has a great say in new energy.

So from the perspective of national strategy, this technology will certainly not be spread on a large scale.

Moreover, Wu Hao has a good relationship with the military and has many successful cooperation experiences. It is still very trustworthy at the national level.

With this support, it will be difficult for us to put too much pressure on him in this regard. I think that under the mediation of the relevant departments, relevant cooperation should be established soon.

Regardless of whether Wu Hao has the right to speak or not, the impact in this regard is certainly huge. Unless new super battery technology comes out, he will always affect the entire battery product market. "

"Does this mean that in the future he will control a considerable part of the voice of all electronic product markets." The first middle-aged person thoughtfully.

"It may not appear on the surface, after all, we do not know the production cost of this super battery at present. But in the long run, if the performance of this battery has been verified, then the possibility of controlling the whole battery field It's still very big, "said the balding man.

The first middle-aged person nodded, and then sighed: "It seems that Wu Hao has really risen this time, and has reached a height that everyone should be afraid of.

In the end it is good to have an ace in hand, so it is equivalent to having a killer. "

"I don't think we need to worry too much."

A middle-aged man with a bit of fat in his forties said: "This battery, Wu Hao, cannot be used alone, and it will definitely be introduced to the market. So if we want to use it, it can also be used. Of course, this There is a premise, that is not to be evil with them.

Once they are bad, the other party may cut off the supply of related batteries. Fortunately, we do not have too many product conflicts with them. "

"This is not necessarily." The bald old man shook his head and said, "Let's say that we have already seized a large part of the low-end market in the field of intelligent voice assistants and smart home appliances. Let's just say Wu Hao themselves, and don't worry about such a large mobile phone market. A piece of cake? "

"I don't think there is any need to worry about this, they should not enter the mobile phone market."

Forty-year-old female executives settled: "You need to understand that the core of their current voice assistant is intelligent voice assistant, and intelligent voice assistant still depends on the majority of mobile phones for network connection and related services.

If they launch mobile phone products, they may be targeted by the majority of mobile phone manufacturers, which will affect the normal use of most of their existing users.

And I think Wu Hao's goal is not in this area ~ ~ I pay attention to their related marketing strategies.

In the future, they will still focus on application systems and social fields. You must know that they now have tens of millions of active user resources, which is equivalent to a huge gold mine. "

As soon as the senior woman's voice fell, she was immediately refuted by the middle-aged man wearing glasses to make a fortune: "Not necessarily. They spent nearly one billion years ago in Shudu to buy an LCD screen panel manufacturer.

If there is no intention in this regard, what will the acquisition of this factory do as a TV? "

"It's not impossible, after all, TV also plays a very important role in the field of smart home appliances." The senior woman said.

"But don't forget that our TV business is also our main project." The middle-aged man wearing glasses made a blessing asked.

The senior woman shook her head: "Compared with the core business of mobile phones, this aspect is actually selectively discarded."

"Okay! We still don't know what they are doing. We will quarrel ourselves."

The first middle-aged man with thin hair waved his hand to interrupt the argument between the two, and then said to the people present: "No matter what the other side is, our core business must not be lost. This is the bottom line.

Of course, above this bottom line, we can also try to release goodwill to each other. After all, the global market is so large that our domestic companies do not need to fight for it. There is a saying that is good, and good fortune.

I think if Wu Hao is smart enough, he won't fall out with us directly.

It is not only our family who is following this press conference today, everyone will come back to exchange views with each other in private through their own channels. Then let's come forward and talk to this young man together. There is still a lot of fresh blood in this circle. "

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