Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 253: Hot in the experience area

After answering some questions, Wu Haocai got away with the help of Zhang Jun and other staff. Without the goal, media reporters set their sights on the new products in the experience area.

Although it is relatively late, the experience area is still full of enthusiasm. Many journalists and fans gathered here to queue up to experience related products.

Among them, the most eye-catching, I am afraid that the HS_1 smart manipulator and the virtual steward of the smart home terminal.

The first is the HS_1 intelligent robot exhibition area, where most people gather. The exhibition area actually imitates the living space of an ordinary family. In general, it is a joint display area of ​​the living room and bedroom, which should be there.

In this experience area, there are two red and blue HS_1 smart robots, and a host with a loudspeaker is standing to demonstrate this product for everyone.

"Now I invite two viewers to come and complete the test with us. Which two are interested?" The host asked at the crowd.

"I, I, here, we ..."

"Okay, let's invite this lady in red clothes, and this man with glasses here, please!" The host invited two young men, one man and one woman, to the demonstration area.

"At the press conference, Mr. Wu has already introduced to you the handling capabilities of this HS_1 intelligent robot in housework. I think many people will be a little disbelieved. Here we will actually demonstrate it for you.

The two are temporarily acting as a little couple in our lives, this is your home. Now I want you to mess up this home as much as possible. The scene is played by you, no matter how messy, but be careful not to damage the items. "

The young men and women were a little hesitant to hear the host's words. But after paying attention to the host's intentions, the two started to act. The first was the boy, who pushed down everything on the table, and some were still on the ground. The girl did not want to be outdone, and threw herself directly on the bed, messing up the quilt, and even spilled a drink.

Looking at some messy demo areas, the host laughed: "Actually, you can make more mess, such as ..."

Talking about the host coming directly to the scene to help, he first spilled a packet of coffee powder directly on the carpet, and then broke a bunch of grapes on the ground, and also took a few doll pillows on the sofa and threw them On the ground.

Looking at the fruits of his labor, the host smiled and said, "Well, now this family is in a mess. The two can go back now, thank you for your participation."

After letting the men and women go out, the host immediately shouted with a smile: "Stay, stay cute!"

At this time, I saw two HS_1 intelligent manipulators sleeping at the dock docking slowly. After seeing obstacles on the ground, the two HS_1 intelligent robots bypassed in turn, then stopped two or three meters in front of the host to look at the host, and clicked the robot as if to please.

Everyone at the scene laughed and laughed.

"The house is a bit messy now, help me sort it out." The host smiled at the two HS_1 intelligent robots.

After hearing the words of the host, the two HS_1 intelligent robots nodded, and then started to move. They first made a circle around the space of the entire experience area, checked the chaos on the scene, and then the two HS_1 intelligent robots moved into action.

One picks up a rag directly from the shelf on one side and starts to wipe the messy coffee table, while the other picks things up from the ground and puts them in the original position.

The two HS_1 intelligent robots cooperate very well, and the whole speed is very fast. When packing up the chaotic bedding on the bed, the two HS_1 intelligent robots actually joined together to lay the bed together.

Looking at the neatly folded bedding in the end, everyone present gave warm applause.

Of course, packing is still going on. HS_1 intelligent robot began to pick up tools to clean up dust, juice, and smashed fruits on the ground.

These tools are various, with a small mop and a broom. At this time, a family cleaning robot on one side was also involved, and began to **** dust from the carpet.

It took about fifteen minutes or so, the whole house was re-regulated and cleaned neatly, completely without the messy look just now. Only the sporadic white color that still exists in the carpet style is still proving to everyone that all this just now really exists.

Papapap ... The media and fans who watched the scene did not hesitate and gave very warm applause.

"Thank you!" The host laughed in the middle of the venue: "In fact, in addition to doing these housework, he also has many functions. For example, to help you get drinks from the refrigerator, connect our smart home terminal to pick things from other rooms .

Or when you are tired, help you pinch your shoulders, pinch your legs, and massage the intensity you can tell it to adjust yourself.

Does anyone experience our massage service below? "


Those who raised their hands to sign up this time are more enthusiastic than before.

On the other side of the experience area, a 100-inch large TV is connected to their smart home terminal. Here is how to talk face to face with a virtual housekeeper.

On television, the image of a virtual housekeeper in a short skirt is standing there, talking to every reporter and fan who has come to experience it.

These reporters will also ask some tricky questions, such as how to handle the relationship between you and family members, what is your gender, what are your hobbies, what should you do if the homeowner does something illegal.

The lively and interesting answer of the virtual housekeeper also attracted a lot of laughter.

Of course, there were also some foreign media participating in the press conference this time, which was specially invited by Wu Hao. After all, if you want to enter the international market, you should promote it.

In the experience area, foreign media have focused more on the new-generation H2 intelligent voice assistant.

Several foreign media reporters are assisting on-site staff ~ ~ with intelligent voice assistants for testing. Among them, the most interesting thing is probably the intelligent simultaneous interpretation function.

It can be seen that several foreign media reporters are talking to each other in a foreign language through an intelligent voice assistant, or they are directly playing a Q & A session with the host.

There are a lot of self-media and fans waiting in line next to these people. Everyone wants to experience it for themselves and see if these products are really as good as Wu Hao said on the stage.

Although the time is getting late, the number of people in the experience area has not decreased. Everyone stays in the experience area of ​​each product, and enjoys playing or watching it.

In the end, they had to persuade the venue management and field staff to clear the field, and these people left reluctantly.

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