Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Embrace the world with a broad mind

What I want to say is that unless a friend relationship is added, the temporary channel established is only for translation data transmission processing, and has no other transmission purpose.

So you don't need to worry about your smart voice assistant being maliciously connected and attacked in public places. All connections require the user's authorization.

If the scene you are using is confusing, a ‘hello’ greeting alone is no longer sufficient for related connection needs. You can set relevant authentication information after the greeting "hello", such as "hello, I am Wu Hao" or "hello, 9527" such as a self-introduction method or password to strengthen the authentication method.

Of course, you can also set the corresponding permissions, the system will help you shield some harassing connections. When other devices want to connect with your smart voice assistant, it will also ask you if you want to authorize the connection. "

When introducing the related connection translation methods, he took into account that viewers would have such doubts and concerns. After all, for today's society, personal information security and privacy have become the issues that everyone is most concerned about, especially in overseas Europe and the United States.

In particular, this voice device and our country's products have long been prejudiced or maliciously slandered in Europe and the United States.

So Wu Hao, if they want consumers in these regions to accept their products, they must show enough sincerity in this regard.

From the current performance, it is still quite good.

"Today, with the globalization of technological development, our entire world has become even closer under the connection of the Internet and convenient transportation. Such a close connection can not only strengthen the exchanges between nationalities in various countries, but also promote the economic development of various countries and regions. .

More importantly, this close connection can promote mutual understanding, resolve misunderstandings, dilute conflicts, and promote peace.

But for a long time, the language barrier has become the biggest obstacle for everyone to communicate. Although various translation equipment software technologies have also emerged, none have broken this invisible wall.

This time, the emergence of our intelligent simultaneous interpretation technology is to break the wall and allow people in all regions and countries to communicate seamlessly through our devices.

In the future, you don't have to worry about language inconvenience in tourist offices in countries in unfamiliar areas, and you don't have to worry about missing a lot of people and things because of the language incompatibility.

Of course, this is just a tool, a bridge. It is your own heart that really makes the choice. Are you eager to communicate with people in other parts of the world, can you respect and accept their cultural traditions, and are you willing to have friends in such different regions and different countries.

It all depends on you, whether you have a broad mind to embrace the whole world! "

Pappa Pap ... Not only these people who did the press conference, but also the guests in the four conference rooms on the big screen also applauded and cheered.

Waiting for applause to fall behind, Wu Hao sorted out his thoughts and continued, "Everyone knows that language translation is an important research topic until now. How to accurately translate the language of the other country, including the meaning of the language, Translators are required to fully understand the language and culture of both countries. Only in this way, the translated language is accurate, appropriate and beautiful.

Why separate accuracy and properness here, because for many languages, accurate translation does not necessarily mean that it is appropriate. Because of different cultures, many words and phrases need to be changed according to the scene. This is what we often mean by polysemy, or polysemy.

Moreover, even in a single language area, the pronunciation of the people's language is different in each area, and even the accent of each person is different. Needless to say, some words have different meanings in each place. How to correctly express the meaning of these words is also a headache for many translators.

This time we added a huge vocabulary to the intelligent simultaneous interpretation system. Basically, we put the most authoritative vocabulary in the three languages ​​of infants. We also sent professional teams to collect specimens in various regions, communicate with local linguists, and collect relevant local words and accents.

These accents are then collected together to extract relevant information data. This also makes our speech translation very inclusive, which cannot be done by human scholars.

Finally, on this basis, we also added AI algorithms. It makes it possible to translate the user's language more humane, and even imitate the user's tone and tone.

For example, joy, anger, sorrow, pain, loss, these tones can be recognized and expressed by our intelligent simultaneous interpretation system. "

"It's amazing to be able to express the emotions contained in language, but that's not all."

Looking at the audience, Wu Hao paused for a while and then said, "To do this, we must do our best, so that everyone else can never reach out.

So we also added speech matching translation technology to this intelligent simultaneous interpretation system. Using this technology, the system can match similar speech translations based on the language of the translation object.

For example, if the object is a woman, then the voice of our intelligent simultaneous interpretation system is a woman. It ’s a man who turns into a man. It is the voice of the elderly and children, which translates into the voice of the elderly and children.

Even we will make relevant adjustments based on the tone of the translation object, such as soft, rough, deep, trip, pleasant and so on. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled: "So when testing this technology, some technicians in our laboratory were wide open. Actually I thought of a perfect test method, that is, take him to see The rice drama or the English drama is long.

Perhaps the content of this test is too interesting, so many people soon applied to volunteer to participate in this test content. In the end I had to suspend the test because of too many applicants. "

Hahahaha ...

The crowd here laughed, followed by bursts of applause and warm applause.

"I'm going, this technology Niu B!"

"Hurry up for sale ~ ~ I want to buy."

"It's fragrant, it's too fragrant."

"I suddenly noticed that my H1 was a bit ugly and was ready to get a new one."

"I thought about buying H1 before, but fortunately I didn't buy it, hehe, this time let me wait."

"It's great. I won't have to stare at the subtitles after watching the film."

"Speaking of wearing this H2, I don't know if I can realistically translate the humming and fighting sounds in action movies."

"I'm going, genius upstairs!"

"No, it's a master. This is a real master!"

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