Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Our robot can embroider

Even if we all enter a new environment, we need a period of familiarization and adaptation, and this mechanical type is the same.

In theory, it is the same as our intelligent voice assistant. The longer you use it, the more it understands you. This is AI's self-learning and adaptation technology. "

After popularizing these theoretical knowledge, Wu Hao pressed the remote control to change a page.

"Then we will formally introduce this smart manipulator now. Our scientific researchers kindly call it a dumb, meaning dumb.

We have cooperated with the famous domestic industrial robot manufacturing company ‘Luzai Intelligent Technology’ to develop the world ’s first intelligent home robot, HS_1. "

HS_1 is a three-stage free walking robot with a total weight of 24.5 kilograms. It consists of a construction site, a robot, an AI3D optical image lens, and a docking dock.

Below the site, we installed six omnidirectional silent rubber wheels, which can move freely and quietly in all directions. In the chassis, in addition to installing a large-capacity battery that can run for more than ten hours, it is also equipped with complex electronic components and intelligent control systems.

Above the chassis is a three-section free robotic arm, which can rotate 270 degrees flexibly. The whole unfolds, and its height can reach 170 cm. When folded, it is only sixty centimeters, which is very easy to store and does not occupy space.

The charging dock which we specially designed for it is the place where it usually charges and sleeps. The entire charging dock is not large, only 6.8 kilograms, and covers an area of ​​0.5 square meters. You can place it in any humble, unobtrusive corner of the home.

When our HS_1 smart manipulator needs to charge, it will automatically sense the position of the charging dock and go back to charge autonomously. After charging is completed, it will work again.

On the robotic arm, we are equipped with a flexible robotic arm. Although the entire robot has only three fingers, it is very flexible. Through our tests, it can achieve about 85 percent of the flexibility of our live fingers. As for stability, it is higher than our real fingers.

It can gently pick up an egg and place it intact where you need it. You can also pick up the contents of ten kilograms to help you do some daily heavy work.

I don't say this intuitively, let me show you how flexible it is.

Wu Hao pressed the remote control: "On the big screen, this is an accurate and detailed flexibility test for the HS_1 smart robot. We let this robot embroider two butterflies on this white Juan handkerchief.

Of course, this is not unusual, and some machines can do it. It's just that what we let it do is to pick up an embroidery needle, and then imitate the human's embroidery.

This is a clip of the process of recording the embroidery we recorded with the camera, everyone can take a look. "

His words fell, the lights on the stage were dim, and the HS_1 intelligent robot was embroidered on the big screen.

Seeing Bai Juan ’s handkerchief is tightly fixed on a robot arm, and this HS_1 smart robot hand gently and quickly began to embroider on this Bai Juan ’s handkerchief. It is fast and flexible . As the video speeded up, I saw two very smart butterflies appearing on the white handkerchief.

Poppy poppy ... Everyone in the audience applauded when they saw this.

The lights turned on, Wu Hao returned to the stage, and smiled at the crowd and said, "Of course, this is just an experiment to test its flexibility. Don't buy it and really take it for embroidery. No matter how good the show is, it's not as good as real people's embroidery.

If you like our country's embroidery culture and embroidery products, welcome to buy. We have a lot of great embroidery artists and create a lot of great works. "

In a different tone, he went on to say: "On the arm of this HS_1 smart robot, we have installed a set of high-sensitivity AI3D optical image lenses.

It can support our HS_1 intelligent manipulator to identify 95% of items in family life. I don't need to say much about this, but what I want to say is that we are leading the world in optical image recognition technology.

This technology is also the first time we have applied it to the field of civilian equipment. Regarding the amazingness of this technology, everyone can go to our experience area and experience the evaluation for yourself. "

"So much said, so what exactly can this HS_1 intelligent robot do, I think this is something everyone is paying close attention to.

In fact, it can do a lot of things, and it can do some basic housework. For example, you can run your legs to get something, go to the refrigerator to get a beer can, help you press the remote control to change the TV channel, help you fan, or come to give you a shoulder massage.

Help you clean up the messy living room after the party. Help you wipe some furniture glass, help you take care of home plants and water them on time. Help you to throw your dirty clothes sheets into the washing machine, wash them and dry them, and then take them out to help you fold them. "

While Wu Hao was speaking, some photos or videos of the HS_1 smart robot's work were playing on the big screen behind it.

"In fact, there are many more things that I can do. I won't show them one by one here. I leave it to everyone to dig."

Wu Hao said with a smile: "We have equipped him with a powerful learning function, so you can teach it to learn based on the actual situation in your home. But there is a point that some dangerous work or behaviors will not be done. This point, we have a special prevention mechanism set in its program.

The main reason for this is that we don't want such a device that serves the home to be an evil tool for some people. "

"This HS_1 smart robot is actually used in conjunction with our smart voice assistant and smart home terminal. You can directly command and work, or you can host it to the smart home terminal for unified management and become our smart Virtual character in real arm.

This way ~ ~ You can not only have a face-to-face call with our virtual smart housekeeper, but also have a good handshake with it. "

After a burst of applause, the scene returned to calm, Wu Hao laughed at everyone: "So the question is, how much are these two devices?

The first is a new generation of smart home terminals. It has a stylish appearance, a powerful AI management control system, and a vivid virtual smart housekeeper.

It can bring you high-quality smart home services and create a comfortable harbor for you. After considering all aspects, we finally put it at the price ... "

boom! A set of bright red numbers burst into the big screen.

1998 yuan!

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