Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Committed to helping more people in need

Going to the stage, watching the crowd at the huge conference hall, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Hello everyone, everyone is welcome to join Haoyu Technology's spring new product launch conference.

At this press conference, we also set up branch venues in four countries overseas: infant countries, Laos, India, and Laos.

At the same time, the conference images will also be transmitted to various branch venues through the network. Here, I would like to say hello to everyone on behalf of Haoyu Technology.

are you ready? "

After his remarks, the following two hundred user fans cheered.

Wu Hao smiled and calmed down. He went on to say, "Last spring, at the new product launch, we launched the Smart Voice Assistant, as well as smart home terminals and accessories based on the Smart Voice Assistant.

Once these products are sold, they are loved by consumers. As of 12 o'clock on the evening of March 20th, the total sales volume of our H1 intelligent voice assistant has reached 3,286,427. "

Papapap ... Everyone in the audience saw the numbers on the big screen applauding, this is indeed an achievement worth applauding. The representatives in the front row also began to talk and whispered, apparently a bit surprised by this achievement.

"Thank you, this result is really amazing, it should be regarded as the highest annual sales volume of a single product in the past ten years." Wu Hao said with a smile: "In addition, our smart home terminals have sold a total of nearly two Million units, other auxiliary equipment also had a very good result.

So how about the usage of these 32 million users, we also do continuous tracking. After our long-term tracking and monitoring, the average daily utilization rate of our intelligent voice assistant is more than 82%, which means that we have more than 26 million active users every day.

This is an impressive achievement, but at the same time it brings us a lot of pressure. How to better serve this huge user group has always been a difficult problem for me and my colleagues in the company.

For this reason, in the past year, we have totally optimized our intelligent voice system more than 100 times, of which more than 30 are key optimization upgrades.

In order to make it understand you better, smarter, and better serve everyone, we have worked **** the system.

Some people think that the recognition rate of dialects is somewhat unsatisfactory, so we will correct it. Send a team of professional language experts and technical experts to the relevant areas to find local dialect cultural heritage collectors to collect material data, ask the relevant dialect pronunciation, meaning, etc., and strive to make it understand more people's voices.

With the hard work of these colleagues, I can proudly announce to you today. Our intelligent speech system has been able to recognize more than 80% of Chinese Mandarin dialects in the country and understand their meaning correctly. "

After a long burst of applause, Wu Hao's voice slowed down: "Of course, there are still some dialects that we can't translate because they are too many and too complicated.

We often speak ten miles of different sounds, and it is basically impossible to accommodate all the dialects because our country is too big.

In addition, there are some types of dialects or languages ​​that are different from Mandarin, such as Southern Fujian, Cantonese, Mongolian and Tibetan, etc. We can not recognize these languages.

On the one hand, because they are really difficult to understand, on the other hand, we lack the relevant experts and data resources.

This is a huge project that cannot be completed by our own strength.

Some regrets, but this is reality. "

Seeing that the scene was a little quiet, Wu Hao then turned around and said, "Of course, we will continue to do things in this area and strive to include these languages.

Although there are some regrets, we have also gained a lot in the past year. We are glad to have helped many people in need in the past year.

Mr. Li of East Island suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while cooking. Thanks to his smart voice assistant, he was in time to ask for help, and finally got out of danger.

Ms. Ma in Yangcheng encountered gangster harassment during night running. With the help of our intelligent voice assistant, Ms. Ma secretly reported to the police and dealed with the gangster when prompted, and finally escaped.

The children of Yang Guoguo in Los Angeles, with the help of our intelligent voice assistant, not only slowly got rid of autism, but also gradually learned to speak.

There are many such examples. According to statistics in the past year, we have helped more than 2,300 people get out of various difficulties.

I'm glad that our products can help so many people in need. "

While Wu Hao was talking, the big screen behind him was showing photos of these story heroes in real time, and then more and more photos gathered to form the logo of Haoyu Technology.

Papapap ... Looking at this screen-filled photo, the crowd broke out again with warm applause, which lasted for a long time in the venue.

Waiting for applause to stop, Wu Ha who drank saliva returned to the middle of the stage again, and smiled at the crowd: "This is an achievement and an incentive; it is a responsibility and a pressure.

We have been following the feedback from our users and watching everyone ’s developments closely. Then learn lessons and carry out targeted optimization and upgrading.

But everyone knows that some things can be optimized, but some things are difficult to optimize once they are formed.

For example, some users have reported that our smart voice assistants are inconvenient to stay on the ears, long-term damage to hearing, and easy to fall during exercise and sleep, etc.

To this end, we have also carefully listened to the opinions of users and optimized them in new products. "

As Wu Hao pressed the remote control, he changed a PPT and said, "Many people like the personal health monitoring function in our intelligent voice assistant, but we feel that it is not convenient to match our intelligent voice assistant.

So this time we responded to the needs of these users ~ ~ made a bracelet for personal health supervision alone. "

As he spoke, a picture of the bracelet appeared on the background screen. This is a bracelet, but it is also different from ordinary bracelets. In simple terms, it has no screen, and it is still a type of hidden buckle, which looks like an integrated whole.

And the colors in the photos are gorgeous, and many bracelets present a rainbow-like appearance.

"This bracelet has a one-piece design, and all our components are hidden in this bracelet.

In other words, this bracelet is a real bracelet, not a watch or bracelet holding the banner flag. "

Hehehe, everyone laughed and clearly understood the point of laughter Wu Hao said.

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