Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 234: Nong Nong's family is hard to leave

In the early morning of the second day of the second day, the Wu Hao family rose.

Because they have to leave, the family is naturally a little unhappy, especially at a time when the taste is strong.

The younger sister reddened her eyes several times and pouted at him. The stepmother Zhang Xiaoman was more telling, and prepared a bunch of things for him, bacon, sausage, and some home-made steamed meat, braised beef and so on. Anyway, she could find a way to get it out, which was the result of Wu Hao blocking it several times.

Although his father Wu Jianhua didn't say anything, he still helped from time to time. You can see that there is still a lot of perseverance in his eyes.

Wu Hao is also very uncomfortable. He certainly hopes to stay a few more days, but the schedule has been arranged and there is no way to change it.

I stayed at home counted the day I came back, and stayed at home for a total of three days. These three days are actually only one day with my parents. On the first day of yesterday, he had to go to the grandmother's house to pay the New Year. Especially since he hasn't been back for several years, he has to go.

The grandmother left him late, and his grandmother even held his hand to tears, and he stayed a few times when he wanted to leave. My grandmother is a little older. Although she was in good spirits this time, her hair was obviously whiter.

As a child, he loved to run to grandma's house as soon as he was aggrieved at home, so he had a deep relationship with grandma and grandma's. Even after graduating from work, he would talk to grandma from time to time. But as soon as I get busy, the number of calls is reduced.

He didn't leave his uncle's house until it was too late. Before leaving, a card was reserved for grandma and grandma, each of which contained 200,000.

Originally they were thinking about being together, anyway, they lived together, but later think about it or separate. After all, whoever wants to use this money will be somewhat restrained or embarrassed. Moreover, Auntie also involved auntie and cousin who were not easy to handle, so they separated directly.

Giving money has no other meaning, that is, he is now big, and it is time to honor them in turn. After all, his grandmother and grandma took care of him very much these years. Even if he didn't take care of him, as an elder, he should respect him.

In fact, he thought about giving a little more, but he turned around and thought it was inappropriate, but it ’s better to keep it flowing. If you give too much money at one time, it may cause some trouble. It's better to just take it slowly. Although there are not many 200,000, there are also many. In their small third- and fourth-tier cities, they are still very moist.

As for giving 200,000 yuan to her grandmother, she actually wanted her to have money to support her. Although grandma's frugal nature is reluctant to spend, but with money, at least mother-in-law relationship can be much better.

As for the home side, Wu Hao also left money. Originally, I was thinking about visiting the uncle's family for thirty, but I didn't expect that their family would come first. So when they left, Wu Hao directly stuffed the money into the baby son's pocket in the lobby. It is also 200,000, and a bowl of water is flat.

As for the family, Wu Hao directly stuck a card to his stepmother Zhang Xiaoman. He didn't say how much. This card was originally intended to be handed to his father, but thinking of his father's disposition, it is estimated that any friend or relative would come to him to borrow money, so Wu Hao directly gave it to Zhang Xiaoman.

Compared with father, stepmother is much more rational. It can be said that this family can have today, and it is inseparable from the management of Zhang Xiaoman.

Zhang Xiaoman originally did not accept it, but after he persuaded it, he reluctantly accepted it, and kept telling him to keep it first, when he would need to come again.

As for what Uncle said about investment, Wu Hao did not directly refuse. Instead, he was busy with his work and had no time, and entrusted the matter to his father.

New Year's Eve, if you refuse directly, it will hurt your face and affect the atmosphere. And given to his father, Wu Hao rest assured that the uncle can accept it.

My father is familiar with things in his hometown, and has been mixed for a lifetime, so he should know what to invest in. After the uncle's family left, he also told his father, don't think about what to make money, just watch the project is reliable and invest a little. Anyway, their family moved into the city very early, and he didn't have a deep feeling for this hometown.

After eating dumplings together, Wu Hao started packing. The whole family was busy again, and her sister's eyes became red again.

Wu Hao smiled and pulled her down before rubbing her mushroom head and said, "Obviously, when you finish the exam this year, I will take you and your parents to Anxi and have a good summer vacation."

"Uh-huh, I must take the test well." Wu Tong pursed his head and looked very unhappy.

Wu Hao pinched her fleshy face and whispered, "The intelligent voice assistant I gave you can directly contact my home's intelligent voice assistant. If you miss me, you can have a direct voice or video call with me."

"Really, thank you brother!" Wu Tong smiled instantly.

"What are you two underestimating, Xiaohao, don't promise her any messy requirements. She passed the middle of the exam this year, and exhausted all the important points in her score." Zhang Xiaoman said sternly at Wu Tong.

Wu Tong made a face and ran away quickly.

"Although this girl has some fun, she is still very clever. I promised her and waited until the end of her high school entrance examination, and then took you to my summer together.

Anyway, my big one is enough to live with our family. As you guys can take a chance to play in the past, Anxi still has a lot of fun places. "Looking back at Wu Tong running away, Wu Hao said with a smile.

"This girl is too disturbing.

I've got you another agaric mushrooms. These are wild goods that you got from the mountain under your father's care. You can take them back to eat. Zhang Xiaoman gestured to the bag in his hand and said.

"No, Aunt Zhang, leave it to you to eat, I have everything over there." Wu Hao shied away quickly.

"Everything is sold. Those that are sold are artificially cultivated. Not only are there no nutrition or drug residues, how can there be such a good thing. You keep eating, there are still many at home ~ ~ Zhang Man could not help but tuck into the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

Until the whole trunk was full, Zhang Xiaoman was carrying a bunch of thoughts on where to see if there would be more stuffing.

Seeing that it was almost time, Wu Hao said goodbye to his family, and then got into the car. The sister Wu Tong, who had already run away, quickly ran back when she saw this, waving her hands with red eyes.

"Let's go." Li Wenming said, Wu Hao waved at his family outside the car.

The father, stepmother and sister stood on the side of the road and looked at the car until it disappeared for a long time. Then they walked slowly towards the house with loneliness.

Wu Hao in the car is also uncomfortable. This kind of uncomfortable is more uncomfortable than any previous walk. Maybe it is affected by the strong taste of the year outside the window.

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