Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 229: Treasure boy

After an introduction by Wu Hao, Lin Wei started to talk to Coco as if she had found a new toy, and burst of cheerful laughter from time to time.

She is not without a smart voice assistant, but she uses the kind of goods that Wu Hao sells, and Wu Hao ’s smart assistant Coco is a private product hidden by him. Naturally, it requires intelligence and humanity. How much higher than in the market.

I washed some fresh fruits, cut them into a platter, and handed them to a coffee table. Seeing this, Lin Wei picked up a bite and ate.

"How did you do that?" Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao for a moment, then curiously. Suddenly, she found that the boy in his age was handsome. A gray shirt and a pair of dark jeans, paired with that short hair, gave the feeling of the sunshine of the brother next door to her, and suddenly, she seemed to have returned to her high center to sprout and secretly love the one stage.

Thinking of this, she felt her face and ears very hot, her heart beating constantly. Before, she was only interested in Wu Hao and wanted to try to make contacts. After all, in her opinion, this young man was excellent.

And now, my heart seemed to be melted all of a sudden.

Love is like this. Two people who haven't known each other for a long time may like each other in an instant. Nothing else, just for that moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Wu Hao couldn't help asking when Lin Wei suddenly flushed.

"Ah, it's nothing." Lin Wei stood up all of a sudden, then quickly ran to the bathroom.

Wu Hao watched Lin Wei's back running out quickly, then shook it and ate a piece of pear with a toothpick.

After a long time, Lin Wei came out of the bathroom and looked at Wu Hao who was already busy in the kitchen. She began to explore around, very eager to know what secrets were still hidden in the treasure boy.

Wu Hao's house is very large. The propaganda is more than 280 square meters, but in fact it is only 223. This is already a very conscience.

Of course, for Wu Hao to live alone, it must be more than enough.

The whole house is divided into four rooms, two halls, one kitchen and four bathrooms. In addition to the main bathroom, the master bedroom and the other two rooms have bathrooms, only the study room does not. In addition, there are two large balconies.

The inside of the master bedroom was very clean, and there was no room for a boy. There are no signs of check-in in the other two rooms. The most chaotic in the whole room should belong to the study.

In other words, this is not a study at all, but a home laboratory with many computers and equipment. From this perspective, this ordinary person should stay here at home.

The creatures with high IQ and low EQ are the evaluation that Lin Wei gave to Wu Hao in this circle.

"What are you doing?" Lin Wei asked at the busy Wu Hao at the kitchen door.

Wu Hao was busy and said to her, "How do you say that guests are coming from the house? I must not prepare it. I will pick and wash the dishes and wait for a while."

"I help you." Lin Wei rolled up her sleeves.

"No, it's over soon. You can sit and rest." Wu Hao quickly refused.

"Come on." Lin Wei came to Wu Hao, then picked up the leeks in the bag and started picking them.

Seeing her skilled movements, Wu Hao quipped with a smile: "Oh, very skilled, let's do more."

Lin Wei gave him a white look and continued to work: "I have cooked for myself for four years in the infant country."

"I didn't see it." Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei with a smile again.

Lin Wei smiled and said, "You do n’t see that there is still a lot, mainly because the local food is too unpalatable, I am not used to it. So either go to a restaurant opened by our compatriots for Chinese food. Do it yourself.

At first it was certain that nothing would be done, and all the cooking was dark, but learning would be enough. "

"It must be very hard." Although she said with a smile, Wu Hao could still hear the hard course of a girl studying in a foreign country from her words.

"not bad."

Lin Wei brushed her hair with her hands, and then she showed a bright smile: "How hard is it to study abroad? It's just more inhumane.

In fact, most of the students who went out to study were very hard-working, but our group of people were ruined by the young people.

What's more, they are not serious colleges, the courses of really good schools are very tight, and it is difficult to graduate. "

Hearing Lin Wei telling that, Wu Hao listened quietly, but also moved by the strength of the girl in front of her.

The scary thing is not that others are better than you, but that people are better than you and are constantly working hard.

As far as Lin Wei is concerned, she has lived in a wealthy family since she was a child, and she can live a good life without much effort. But even so, she still worked very hard, not everyone can get a master's degree from Oxford Business School.

"Since this is the case, let's make this meal today and let me taste your craft." Wu Hao said with a smile when she saw Lin Wei being awakened.

The responded Lin Wei gave him a blank look and said, "Why, this is your house. How can you let a guest come to the door and cook for the first time?"

"Isn't you good at craftsmanship, I just learned it soon, and I'm afraid I can't do it well." Wu Haoxiao laughed. Originally expecting to show off his hands, but did not expect to meet a connoisseur, he was a little faint.

"It's okay, I believe in your level." Lin Wei encouraged him.

"Uh, okay!"

Seeing that it was almost time, he immediately put on an apron and started to move. And Lin Wei, seems to like watching him cooking, always leaning on the kitchen door.

Although he didn't know the bottom of his heart, who made him come down? Fortunately, after exploring this period of time, he also mastered a lot of technology.

Shredded pork with green peppers, spicy chicken, hot pot beef, tomatoes and eggs, sweet and sour fish, stir-fried tofu and vegetables, plus a diced scallion

Looking at the dishes on the table, Lin Wei couldn't help but choke and said, "You call this bad workmanship."

Wu Hao unlocked the apron and said, "Well, I just learned it. I'm not very skilled. How do you taste it?"

"Cut, hypocrisy." After giving him a white look, Lin Wei immediately picked up the tableware and added a piece of sweet and sour fish to her mouth.

"good to eat!"

"Hehe ~ ~ Just like it." Wu Hao smiled when she saw Lin Wei's happy expression.

Lin Wei beckoned at him immediately: "Did I not buy a bottle of red wine when I was in the supermarket? Take it out. Such a good dish should be served with red wine."

Wu Hao hesitated slightly when he saw the situation: "Well, you have to drive a while, drinking is not good."

"Oh, I'm going to get it." Lin Wei stood up and ran to take the red wine out of the wine cabinet, and brought two goblets.

"Drunk, please drive it. If you can't do it, I will live here. Anyway, I have a free room."

Wu Hao: "Uh ..."

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