Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Not simple girl

As the annual meeting ends, most companies and employees are waiting for the Lunar New Year.

As the new year approaches, the company's work is relatively easy, so employees are anxiously waiting while enjoying this relaxed working state.

Wu Hao was finally busy with most of his work years ago, but as the company's principal, he had to wait for all employees of the company to take a vacation before leaving.

However, compared with other employees, he seems much more relaxed and casual. After going to the company every morning to finish some work, he was relaxed at other times, and he took the time to enjoy this leisurely year-old life.

Since moving to Yanming Lake, Wu Hao has learned to cook by himself. Originally, it was more convenient to order outside the public rental housing. There was a snack street downstairs, and he didn't cook much at all, so he either ate in the company restaurant, ate outside or ordered takeout.

But after coming here, although the surrounding environment is beautiful, it is not very lively, and there is no snack street. Even ordering take-away is not enough, because the access control is strict, it is difficult for the take-out staff to enter.

So Wu Hao went to the supermarket to buy something and learned to do it. At first I bought some cooked or frozen foods, but slowly later, he would learn to cook simple home-cooked dishes according to recipes and some food bloggers.

The weather was good on the weekend. Wu Hao, who woke up naturally, woke up and washed up, only to find that it was more than eleven o'clock. A bit hungry, he decisively gave up cooking, but changed his clothes and went out to eat something.

Upon learning that Wu Hao went out, Li Wenming hurried over. Although Wu Hao said several times that he didn't have to follow him on the weekend, Li Wenming kept his duties silently.

I found a noodle shop and ordered a bowl of green pepper and mustard pork noodles. Wu Hao started to look at the mobile phone boringly.

"Where?" A message flashed out of WeChat.

When Wu Hao smiled slightly, he pressed a few words and sent it over: "Why eat out?"

"A person?"


"Send a position."

"What are you doing?"

"It's up to you."

Wu Hao smiled helplessly, and sent a positioning.

"Wait for me." The other party responded with two words and then did not move.

Wu Hao shook his head, then took the green pepper and mustard pork noodles handed over by the waiter and ate them. It's so refreshing to be able to eat a bowl of hot noodles during this hungry winter moon.

After eating half, I saw a black wrangler parked outside. From the car, a short-haired girl wearing sunglasses, wearing an army green casual jacket with a black T-shirt, wearing blue slim jeans and stepping on a pair of black long waist military boots quickly walked into the store.

After seeing Wu Hao eating noodles, he immediately sat in front of Wu Hao, and threw the car keys in his hand on the table and shouted, "Boss, pour me soup."

"Come here, or have something to eat together." Wu Hao asked with a smile, looking at the carefree girl in front of her.

Lin Wei waved her hand and said, "I've eaten it, I'm not hungry."

After looking at the environment of the lower hall, Lin Wei said to Wu Hao, who was eating noodles, "You usually eat this. Does anyone cook at home?"

"Just me a bachelor, who will do it. 'Wu Hao laughed.

Lin Wei heard that she was not very angry: "You wouldn't hire a nanny, would you lack this money?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "I'm used to living alone."

"Cut!" Lin Wei rolled her eyes, then lifted the noodles and drank carefully, and then smiled at him: "What are you going to do today?"

Wu Hao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "There is no arrangement. I will go to the supermarket in a while and then go home to rest."

"I'm boring, do you usually live like this?" Lin Wei asked involuntarily at him.

Wu Hao shook and said, "I often go out to eat with my friends or watch a movie or something. This is not a home."

"Otherwise, let's go out and play, I know there are a few interesting places." Lin Wei suggested.

Wu Haowen took a look at Li Wenming, who was sitting, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll go home and rest."

"Hey, why are you like this?" But after seeing his eyes, Lin Wei's eyes suddenly smiled and said: "Are you afraid that it will be inconvenient for him to follow, is it OK, just send him away? Now. "

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "When I usually rest at home on weekends, he will go back to rest. If I come out, he will be affected and follow, so I usually don't go out on weekends."

"Do you want him to rest?"

Lin Wei glanced at Li Wenming, and then she expressed an admiring expression, "Did you think that you were thinking for someone else. I really don't understand you, you have to follow the bodyguard when you go there, for fear that others will harm you. . "

Wu Hao smiled and didn't speak, but continued to lower his head and finish eating. Lin Wei was a little annoyed when she saw this, and then exasperated, "I'm afraid of you, don't go if you don't. But I don't mind if I go to your house."

Speaking of Lin Wei staring at Wu Hao, Wu Hao looked at her with a smile and said, "As long as you are not bored, you can follow."

"Great." Lin Wei smiled victoriously.

Looking at Lin Wei's smile, Wu Hao smiled unconsciously.

After Li Wenming gave him survey information, he also got to know the girl in front of him. As a child, Lin Honghan and his wife were busy with their careers, so she was sent back to her hometown to live with her grandparents, and thus developed her torrid personality.

All day with a bunch of boys to provoke trouble, so Lin Honghan and his wife had a headache, and finally had to return to the city to strictly discipline in junior high school.

It may be that the significant changes in adolescent girlhood caused her character to converge a lot. Although still careless, she has already looked like a girl.

There was nothing special throughout the high school period. At this time, Lin Wei was quite self-reliant and matured a lot, and she was admitted to Fudan with excellent results through hard work.

During college, he participated in many societies and was said to have had a relationship with a boy from the province of Suzhou. When I was a junior, I participated in the inter-school exchange program, and obtained an international exchange student from a university in the infant country ~ ~. After that, I was admitted to the Institute of Oxford Business School. Completed all studies.

I just returned home after graduating this year, but after I returned, I didn't want to enter Hengfa Industry, my father's Honghan.

So what are you thinking about? Wu Hao looked at the beautiful girl and was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking?" Lin Wei could not help asking.

"Ah, nothing, suddenly I think you are still pretty." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Cut, only to find out." Having said that, Lin Wei's face still showed redness.

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