Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Advance layout of the aerospace field

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "Not as exaggerated as you said, we are just adjusting and upgrading the company's current industry.

You also know that without the support of the physical manufacturing industry, a technology company is like a big tree without roots, and a little wind may be blown down.

As the company grows to its current size, we must consider its potential risks in advance and make corresponding preparations. This is what we often say is a precautionary and worrying consciousness. "

Luo Kai nodded his head and said, "That's right, we can still remember the lessons of H and Z. This is a loud slap to all of our domestic researchers.

It is precisely because of our backwardness in technology research and development that our companies and our country are bullied and restricted everywhere.

Knowing that the other party is a hooligan, but we have to condescend and under the power of the hooligan. This is ironic, but it is also a stark reality.

You can realize that this is very valuable and important, and we urgently hope that our domestic enterprises can grow into a group of enterprises that master the core technology. In this way, we can go straight and stay straight and not be bullied or blackmailed. "

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly. In fact, in addition to the company's industrial adjustment and upgrading, as well as the related preliminary layout.

Wu Hao, they spent so much money to set up a network of offline stores, and to build and purchase factories. They mainly wanted to digest it, that is, spend a lot of time to absorb the huge profit income funds.

Money is in circulation, and it will only be devalued if it exists in the bank, so the best way is to let it enter the market again.

Therefore, in addition to the construction and acquisition projects, they also set up a strategic investment department, which is used to invest in some promising industries and enterprises or projects.

There are many of these projects, most of which are Internet companies. Of course, there are some other scientific and technological research projects.

For example, one of their ongoing investment projects is to invest in a domestic rocket R & D and manufacturing company specializing in returnable reuse, Zerogram Aerospace.

Of course, this project is still in the early stages of contact and inspection. Wu Hao is certainly interested in space technology, but he is still cautiously optimistic about the current development of private space technology in China.

The entry of a large amount of capital will certainly promote the continuous progress of private space technology, but it will also bring some other problems. For example, some people use the gimmick of research and development of aerospace technology to frantically raise money from the capital market, and then get a second kick and listen to the sound.

What Wu Hao needs now is a more mature and mature aerospace technology R & D team, and investment and acquisition are the best and fastest sources.

The acquisition is good, but only if you find the right person and technical team. His vision is not limited to just rocket technology, satellites, spacecraft, or even deeper areas. This is his ultimate goal.

So just one team is not enough.

During the conversation, Wu Hao and Luo Kai came to the parlour, and everyone in the conversation was standing up.

"Xiao Wu, let me introduce you. This is the Song director of our test flight center." Luo Kai pointed to a 50-year-old flat-headed, somewhat dark middle-aged man.

Wu Hao stepped forward and shook hands quickly: "Hello, Director Song."

"Hello, Mr. Wu, welcome to our test flight center." The director Song kindly held Wu Hao's hand.

Wu Hao said quickly. "Haha, just call me Xiao Wu like Director Luo."

"Okay, then I'll call you Xiao Wu." Director Song cried in his words.

"This is Director Huang from the Civil Aviation Administration I told you earlier. He is not only observing the test flight this time, but he is also very interested in our intelligent voice assistance system." Luo Kai rushed to introduce this to him. The middle-aged man who was also in his fifties and had a round belly was introduced.

"Hello, Director Huang. Director Luo told me just now that you are interested in our intelligent voice assist system. I am very happy to hear that, and I am honored to provide services for our civil aviation system." Wu Hao took hold of this Director Huang's fatter hand said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm relieved to hear your words. The civil aviation system is about national security, economy and people's livelihood. It's very important. I came here with an open mind and an attitude of knowledge, and I just want to take a look at your intelligent voice Research results in assistive technology, and whether this technology can be applied to the air traffic management system in our civil aviation field. "The director Huang held his hand, and then enthusiastically told him.

After hearing this, Wu Hao roughly understood the purpose of this visit.

Air traffic management refers to the use of communications, navigation technology and monitoring methods to monitor and control aircraft flight activities to ensure flight safety and orderly flight.

This management system may sound simple at first, but it is actually very complicated. Because the airspace of the aircraft's flight path is divided into different management airspaces, including routes, flight information management areas, approach management areas, tower management areas, waiting airspace management areas, etc., and different radar equipment is used according to different management areas.

The interval is divided in the management airspace, and the horizontal and vertical intervals between aircraft form the basis of air traffic management. The air traffic management system is composed of navigation equipment, radar system, communication equipment, and ground control center to monitor, identify, and guide takeoff, flight, and landing within the coverage area.

Special circumstances, such as sudden thunderstorms, aircraft failures, airspace control, and busy airports, require special treatment.

Our country is a country with a large population. With the development of the aviation industry, airplanes have become more and more common means of transportation for people to travel.

The huge market demand ~ ~ also stimulates the continuous development of the aviation industry. With the increasing number of aircraft, the workload of managing and controlling these aircraft has become more and more difficult.

Therefore, in recent years, the Civil Aviation Administration has also been exploring, hoping to find a management system that can adapt to the rapid development of the current aviation field.

I don't know where they heard this time from Wu Hao. They are working with the military and aviation industry companies to develop related intelligent voice assistance systems, especially intelligent language service management platforms.

This made the Civil Aviation Administration, which was feeling more and more pressure, see a glimmer of hope, so after inquiring about the relevant information, the director Huang directly took people over.

Wu Hao was naturally very happy that such a rich man came to the door in person. Not only Wu Hao, but even Luo Kai and the leaders of the aviation industry department are very happy.

After all, for them, who would discard too much money.

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