Military Technology

Chapter 1187 Our goal is to grow vegetables in space

In addition to the inflatable inflatable space capsule itself, the space farm experiment project carried in the inflatable inflatable space capsule has attracted the most attention.

According to the relevant plan, after the inflatable inflatable space capsule is successfully launched into space and inflated, the space farm project will start immediately.

This time, more than 20 kinds of plant seeds accompanied the spacecraft to space. In addition to some vegetables, there are also some wheat and rice, corn, and other food crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

In addition to plants, this time there are also several protein-rich insects and some microorganisms to build a complete space ecosystem at one time.

According to the plan, the expandable inflatable space capsule will fly autonomously in space for seven to eight months to verify the reliability of the expandable inflatable space capsule itself.

In addition, it is whether the experimental space farm and the constructed space ecosystem are feasible.

You know, the food problem has always been one of the most important problems that plague us humans going into space. At present, the astronauts on all spacecraft in space rely on supplies from the earth to survive.

Every period of time, the cargo spacecraft carrying these many materials will take off, dock with the space station, and deliver important materials to the space station, such as the most important water and food for astronauts. This almost occupies more than half or even more of the capacity and space of the entire cargo spacecraft.

In the future, humans will land on other planets, such as the moon, Mars, and even distant planets like Enceladus.

It is unrealistic, unreliable, and expensive to rely on the earth for supplies. Therefore, adapting measures to local conditions and self-reliance are the key issues that scientists are currently studying.

For example, in the sci-fi movie "The Martian", the hero survived by growing potatoes on Mars.

At present, according to relevant detections, there will be water in the south pole of the moon and the landmarks of Mars.

At the south pole of the moon, there are a large number of glaciers and frozen soil, which contain considerable water resources, enough for humans to use on it.

On the surface of Mars, according to NASA's latest detection and research results, there is liquid water on the surface of Mars that changes with the seasons.

And in the south pole of Mars, there are also abundant glaciers and frozen soil, and the water resource reserves are also very considerable.

With water resources, this lays the foundation for human survival. In addition to being used by astronauts, water resources can also be used as fuel.

The decomposed hydrogen can be used as rocket fuel, and the separated oxygen can not only satisfy human breathing, but also act as a combustion aid.

Even hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide breathed out by humans and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars to produce another high-quality fuel, methane, which is also an ideal spacecraft propulsion fuel.

With water and soil, can humans grow food and vegetables on these alien planets?

No, it's far from that simple.

Whether it is the moon or Mars, they are very desolate, and the soil has no nutrients, so how can we grow plants.

So if you want to grow plants, you must improve the soil. But this was not accomplished in a short period of time, so scientists turned their attention to soilless cultivation techniques.

The so-called soilless cultivation, in simple terms, does not use soil, but uses nutrient solution for hydroponics or air cultivation.

This soilless cultivation technology, especially the nutrient hydroponics technology, is very simple and practical, and has already entered our dining table. At present, many vegetables in supermarkets basically come from plant factories in the suburbs, using soilless cultivation technology and hydroponics.

This is why you can see that there is not even a little soil on many fresh vegetables in the supermarket.

Very clean reason.

And one of the biggest advantages of this kind of plant factory is that it can not be affected by the external climate, and the internal environment of the factory can be adjusted at any time according to the needs, including temperature, humidity, light, etc. .

And these plants can also absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide, release a large amount of oxygen, and support human survival.

So now scientists hope to apply this technology to space and alien planet exploration, to cultivate sufficient rations for astronauts, so that they can solve food problems by themselves.

But in theory, the idea of ​​this technology is entirely feasible. However, in actual operation, many problems have been encountered.

Scientists once simulated a closed environment in space on the earth, hoping to build a simulated closed ecosystem isolated from the world, and then let some volunteers live in it.

This experiment was originally planned for one year, but these people couldn't stand it in more than two hundred days. The reason is that there is a problem in the entire ecological circle, which makes the volunteers unable to survive.

The space farm project tested by Wu Hao and the others this time also wants to explore this field, so as to achieve the ambitious goal of human beings living in space and on alien planets for a long time.

For Wu Hao and the others, it is actually not easy to grow vegetables in space. It is not as simple as some space experiments, where a few seeds are directly cultivated to germinate.

First of all, this inflatable inflatable space capsule, although originally designed, can be used for people to enter, live and even live. But this is the first testing stage, and for safety reasons, it is naturally impossible for anyone to do so.

Once Wu Hao and the others planned to seek to dock this inflatable inflatable space capsule with our own space station, which would be much more convenient and allow for more experiments and tests.

However, for the sake of safety, the relevant departments and expert groups rejected their request after many discussions and consultations.

After all, it is related to the great cause of aerospace development, the safety of the hundreds of billions of space stations, and the lives of several astronauts, so we have to be conservative.

So this time the inflatable inflatable space capsule operates independently in space, and all operations of the space farm in the inflatable inflatable space capsule rely on two self-developed intelligent robotic arms to follow Program to operate, or remote control operation.

In this way, the difficulty of the experiment is greatly increased.

Here, the space is always in a state, and this increases the difficulty of setting up the entire space farm. Secondly, the cultivation and daily care of so many plants are also very difficult.

And a more difficult job is that the intelligent robotic arm has to pick some vegetable leaves and then feed those kinds of bugs.

In space suspended in weightlessness, everything becomes difficult, let alone such meticulous work.

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