Chapter 446 Terror Cost

Superconducting materials can not only minimize supercomputing consumption…

Ordinary supercomputing, the hourly power consumption may be hundreds of kilowatts.

Then use superconducting materials as a connection … It may only take a battery to drive a powerful supercomputer.

If the entire supercomputing, a large number of uses, or even direct use of superconducting materials to create, will develop graphene to the limit in semiconductors.

The performance of supercomputing may be improved by hundreds of times!!

Just think about it, of course.

The cost of 10 million centimeters of superconducting materials is simply impossible to use to create supercomputing.

Even if it is used for controlled nuclear fusion, it is impossible.

Too expensive!

Too expensive!

Too expensive!

Too expensive!!!

Even Anjing can’t afford it!!

No exaggeration at all!

What is the concept of a cost of 10 million centimeters?

1 meter of material, you need 100 million!

An Jing’s value is indeed terrifying, but that is only a value, and it does not prove that he can come up with that much money.

With the money that An Jing can take out, it would be nice to be able to build a few hundred meters … That would also require hundreds of billions of dollars.

It’s terrifying!

In the controllable nuclear fusion project, even if it is used, at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of meters of superconducting materials must be used to build tokamak devices, constrain magnetic fields, and achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

This cost, it is impossible to use for controlled nuclear fusion, it is too expensive.

Further cost reductions must be made.


Deep Blue Labs

Superconducting Materials Research Group.

An Jing and the leader of the group arrived here and saw the room temperature superconducting materials that had just been studied in the laboratory.

A section of material that is only about ten centimeters long, inside the vacuum hood.

Don’t look at ten centimeters, ordinary people’s palms are so big, the cost is hundreds of millions!!

This is definitely one of the most expensive materials in the world.

Of course, many materials, many elements, more expensive than this room temperature superconducting material.

“Try it, test it.”

On the side of the superconducting group, there are quite a few people.

Not only Anjing, but also the heads of other research projects have been informed that the superconducting materials group has made a breakthrough here, come and take a look.

As An Jing’s voice fell.

Superconducting materials were tested once.

The entire test result was carried out in the eyes of everyone.

Finally, the precision instrument showed that the resistance of the material was 0, and this section of superconducting material!

Room temperature superconducting materials!


There was no stinginess, and everyone present was in their own hands.

Including Anjing.

Applause for the entire superconductivity research group.

An old professor excitedly said, “Does this need to be in a vacuum to achieve superconductivity?” ”

It may be seen that this section of superconducting material is inside the glass cover, thinking that it is vacuum.

will ask this kind of question.

The head of the superconductivity research group said: “Of course, there is no such limitation, if superconductivity can be achieved in a vacuum, it is a bit chicken.” ”

“It is placed here because the cost of this material is too high, there is not a vacuum, there is also air, and the temperature is room temperature…”

The person in charge of superconducting materials explained.

It even seemed a little excited.

This is also normal, the superconducting materials he researched, if there is really a vacuum limit, then the limit is too great.

When everyone heard the word “high cost”, they were also curious and asked: “How high is the cost of superconducting materials?” ”

“That is, a controlled fusion project should be able to be used, right?”

“Our side has a relationship with the power grid company, if the cost can be suppressed, it is an incomparably huge improvement for the entire power transmission system…”

“Power delivery system?” The person in charge of superconducting materials said with a wry smile: “Don’t talk about this, even if it is a controllable nuclear fusion research project, you must press down the cost, otherwise… A lot of controlled fusion projects are used. ”

The person in charge of superconducting materials pointed to the piece of material in the glass cover and said: “The total length of this material is 17 centimeters, and the cost is 164!” ”

“1.6 billion?”


“1 meter nearly 10 million”

“Who can afford this?”


Hearing this cost, everyone present knew.

Even the laboratory side cannot be used for controlled nuclear fusion.

Everyone studies controlled nuclear fusion, how many superconducting materials are used in this research?

There is a number in the heart.

Such a terrifying cost simply cannot be used.

An Jing also said: “In terms of superconducting materials, try to reduce the cost, there is still time, other breakthroughs in research progress have not yet gone, try to reduce the cost when the equipment is finally installed.” ”

“If you have any questions or difficulties, you can talk to me directly.”

When the person in charge of superconducting materials heard this, he also frowned, and assured: “We will do our best to reduce the cost in terms of cost…”

“At the same time, we really need help, high-end precision instruments, manufacturing equipment, and need the help of Professor An’s Deep Blue Group.”

An Jing said: “You will tell me directly about the requirements of the instruments and equipment, and I will let Deep Blue solve this problem!” ”

In terms of precision instruments and manufacturing equipment, there is no need to worry at all.

Deep Blue can’t do it there, An Jing himself still has the top equipment opened in the [Big Treasure Chest].

At that time, it is not a problem to upgrade the equipment on the Deep Blue Precision Group and create better and more powerful instruments and equipment.

As long as the cost of superconducting materials can be pushed down, for the entire Deep Blue and Anshi Technology…

For countless industries, for entire countries… All have huge benefits.


In terms of superconducting materials in the Deep Blue Laboratory, after obtaining relevant research results, the progress will also be reported to the above.

As for patents, this top-notch technology is still in the laboratory for the time being, and there is no need to apply for a patent at all.

Patents cannot be applied for!

Patents, to put it bluntly, are a restriction on commercial use.

There are no restrictions on private use, or use in laboratories, or even official use by a country overseas.

As long as it is not sold on the market, it is not known… There won’t be any problems.

Superconducting materials, whether military, aerospace, civil and other fields, can bring great changes.

Relevant research results, naturally, are blocked.

At that time, on the side of superconducting materials, including Anjing, were the leaders of other major projects, and it was impossible to leak relevant news and materials.

However, related breakthroughs, the outside world has more or less some news.

It is only the news of breakthroughs in superconducting materials, and it is not related technical information or important data.

It’s just a word!

It doesn’t matter if it is known to the outside world.

Or to say… The outside world doesn’t necessarily believe it.

Maybe it’s a controlled nuclear fusion project, which has not made any important progress, and released a news of progress in superconducting materials.

Controlled fusion projects, which many countries have been working on for decades, have not achieved breakthroughs.

It proves that this project is not so easy to overcome.

Even if An Jing personally leads the research on controllable nuclear fusion – not good!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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