Mercenary War

Chapter 331

Mercenary War chain 鏂 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 枃涓夌栌涓夊崄涓 灏 灏 椋 椋 椋 椋 椋 浠庡瑙嗕华阅岀湅杩囧幓锛屽叧鎶汉璐ㄧ殑鍦版楠搴旇鏄釜鐗涙涓€绫荤殑鍦版锛屽洓闱(锛屽洓闱)兘 chain変竴浜 潵楂樼殑 潵楂樼殑 ㄦ爮锲 ㄦ爮锲 潃锛屽彲浠ュ緢杞 潃锛屽彲浠ュ緢杞 潃锛屽彲浠ュ緢杞 潃锛屽彲浠ュ緢杞 槗镄勭炕鍑哄幓锛屾墍浠ワ纴 槗镄勭炕鍑哄幓锛屾墍浠ワ纴 槗镄勭炕鍑哄幓锛屾墍浠ワ纴闾d簺浜Hongchuan銆

铏 劧 劧 夊畧鍗纴浣嗘槸闾 簺瀹埚崼镄勬 簺瀹埚崼镄勬 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜 镒忓姏鏄庢樉涓嶅湪浜嗘鍦ㄧ┖鍦 笂澶 悆澶 悆澶 悆澶 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪 枬镄勪

Reconnaissance 缁勯噷锛屾潕楣忛璧 湪 chain 鍓嶉 鍓嶉 锛屼粬浠ザ浜嗕竴涓湀瀛愶纴浠庣 锛屼粬浠ザ浜嗕竴涓湀瀛愶纴浠庣 镙忕殑鍙 竴杈 竴杈 竴杈 竴杈 竴杈 竴杈繎銆

鐗涙爮骞堕潪寰埚ぇ锛屽叚涓畧鍗鏋沧妸娉ㄦ剰锷涙斁鍦ㄤ汉璐ㄨ韩涓婄殑璇濓纴瑙嗛嗛瀹屽叏涓崭细链夋掞纴鍙槸鍦ㄥ叚涓畧鍗兘鎶婄洰鍏夋姇钖戜 绌哄湴涓婄殑浜 绌哄湴涓婄殑浜 绌哄湴涓婄殑浜 绌哄湴涓婄殑浜 兢钖庯纴鏉庨箯椋炰粬浠笁涓﹄ 灏 灏 灏 灏浜嗘満浼氥€

锲犱 浜 浜 浜 鏁 浜 噺澶锛屽鏋沧棤娉旷 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸 濇妸鎴樿В鏁憃peration 锛屾墍浠ヨ Umbrella 涓€娆$殑operation 镄勪富瑕佺洰镄勬槸reconnaissance 锛屼笉鎯婂姩鏁屼汉嶆槸嶆槸 chain 涓 涓€

Gao Yang 涓€鐩村湪鍏虫镌€reconnaissance 缁勭殑锷ㄥ悜锛岀湅鍒皉econnaissance 缁勫湪鎺ヨ繎鍒板洿镙忎笉瓒充笁鍗佺背 down涔嫔悗锛孏ao Yang 镄勪竴棰楀绩缁欐彧浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鍦ㄤ粬鐪嬫潵锛屽畲鍏ㄤ笉鎯婂姩鏁屼汉璇濓纴鏄笉鍙兘鎺ヨ繎闾d簺浜Hongchuan 镄勩€

灏卞湪Gao Yang 浠ヤ 渚 渚 缁勪笉浼 缁勪笉浼 缁勪笉浼 缁勪笉浼 啋闄╁お杩囨帴杩戠殑镞跺 欙纴浠栧嵈鎯婅镄勫彂鐜 欙纴浠栧嵈鎯婅镄勫彂鐜 欙纴浠栧嵈鎯婅镄勫彂鐜 潕楣忛浠庡湴涓 潕楣忛浠庡湴涓婄殑鐖 璧 璧 潵锛屾 潵锛屾 鎱 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三殑涓€涓畧鍗€

鏉庨箯椋炴 鎱 鎱 (3) 殑闱犺繎浜嗗畧鍗箣钖庯纴绐佺劧钖戝墠鐚涚劧 戜 戜 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖嶨庨箯椋炴湁 粈涔埚姩浣溿 粈涔埚姩浣溿 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效

鎶婂畧鍗 鎱 鎱 (3) 殑鏀 埌鍦 埌鍦 埌鍦 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴镄勬湪妫崭笂钖庣 韬竴璺冿纴杞 韬竴璺冿纴杞 韬竴璺冿纴杞 韬竴璺冿纴杞 韬竴璺冿纴杞 韬竴璺冿纴杞 椋樼殑灏 椋樼殑灏

鏉庨箯椋炵珶鐒 繘鍏ヤ 繘鍏ヤ 锲 爮锛岃 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨 璁〨熻窇鍒 闾 闾 闾 簺铚 簺铚 簺铚 洸镌 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 鍧愬湪鍦 佹潕楣忛鎱 佹潕楣忛鎱镄勬尓鍒 镄勬尓鍒 镄勬尓鍒 镄勬尓鍒 锲 爮杈 爮杈 爮杈 爮杈 笂锛屽弻 笂锛屽弻 笂锛屽弻 笂锛屽弻 笂锛屽弻 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲

After jumping out of the fence, Li Pengfei quickly gathered with Jiang Yun and Wang Tiger. Just after a while, Gao Yang could see Li Pengfei start to use sign language, which means to be vigilant and they want to operate.

The reconnaissance operation was to be taken to save the hostages, which made Gao Yang very surprised.

Li Pengfei and Jiang Yun were divided into two directions. They emptied their hands toward the guards who guarded the hostages. Jiang Yun first started. After he got close to the guard from behind, his left arm slammed out. After he grabbed the guard's neck, he immediately caught the guard's head and had a strong twisting action for a short time. Only about two seconds later, Jiang Yun let go of the guard in his hand and gently placed the stationary guard on the ground.

Li Pengfei and Jiang Yun's movements are almost the same. After being close to the guards, they quickly put the guards silently on the ground.

Strongly twisting the spine of the person. It can ensure that the silent silence of the people will not kill people. It's faster and quieter than using a knife. To do this, you can't do it with light. Without long training, you can't master this pure killing skill.

Six guards, Li Pengfei and Jiang Yun quickly disappeared, but Li Pengfei had a little accident when he was near the last guard. When he touched the guard, the guard just turned around, but Li Pengfei did not give the guard a chance to speak. After a strong punch directly broke the guard's throat, Li Pengfei quickly caught up and clamped the guard's neck with his right arm. Gao Yang only saw the guard's legs and feet. After a few chaos, I quickly stopped moving.

Li Pengfei leaned the guard on the wooden fence and looked like the guard was resting on the fence. At this moment, Jiang Yun easily opened the wooden door on the fence.

At this time, Gao Yang knew that the original fence was not locked at all. It seems that the robbers thought that it was safe to watch the hostages.

After the wooden door opened, Jiang Yun took the gun behind him and waved it again and again. Then someone quickly ran out of the wooden door of the fence and ran towards the opposite direction of the robber on the open space.

The gate of the fence is facing the open space, but the distance is not nearly 100 meters. Gao Yang didn’t understand why the robbers were so far away from the hostages, but Gao Yang understood it. The houses of cattle and sheep are blamed for their lack of taste. When those who robbery eat the sea, they are not willing to take advantage of the stinky cow circle.

Gao Yang kicked his heart to the eyes of the blind man. He is now concentrating on the robbers in the open space. The hostage operation is not slow. Although there are fifty or sixty people, they will soon go almost, but there are only hostages. The wounded, when the last few people came out, were carrying two wounded people, and the speed was slower.

Seeing that the last batch of hostages also left the fence, Jiang Yun carefully closed the door of the fence, and then Jiang Yun made a cover for attention. After withdrawing the sign language at any time, he pointed to a direction, indicating that he was out in that direction. Converged after five kilometers.

Wang Tiger and Li Pengfei have already escorted the hostages away, and Jiang Yun walked in the end with sign language, and soon left behind the hostages.

Gao Yang didn't understand Jiang Yun's sign language very much. It was not a system with his well-known sign language, but fortunately, Li Jinfa had taught him some, and even with the guess, Gao Yang can roughly understand. What is Jiang Yun’s sign language?

The reconnaissance team had escorted the hostages first, but the support team and Gao Yang could not leave immediately, but the robbers did not find that their hostages were not left.

After almost ten minutes, Gao Yang felt that the time was almost over. The hostages should have been evacuated to a safe enough distance. Now, even if you want to start playing, Gao Yang does not have to worry about hurting the hostages, but can leave without a break. Naturally the best.

At this moment, Gao Yang saw the summer morning closest to him, screaming desperately, indicating that he had to evacuate.

The four people in the support group are in the dark, and the operation of the reconnaissance group is almost done in the dark. Because of the lack of communication equipment, Gao Yang does not know whether the support group has seen Jiang Yun’s sign language and support. It is also difficult for each of the four groups in the group to communicate effectively.

What can now be relied upon, Li Pengfei's tacit understanding of these people, Gao Yang put away the rifle, climbed backwards for a while, slowly stood up, and then quickly ran to the direction of Jiang Yun's evacuation.

After escaping four or five hundred meters in one breath, Gao Yang had already seen the hostages. When Gao Yang stopped, he wanted to cover the hostages who were still evacuating, and also had to wait for the support group.

Finally, with time, Gao Yang immediately slammed the intercom, Shen Sheng: "Ram calls Frog, please answer."

"Frog received, finished."

"We saved the hostages. Now we urgently need to bring the hostages back with the car. You will arrange the car to be ready. I will give you the coordinates later. You will take the car to pick up the hostage and finish."

"Frog understands, Ram, everything is careful, finish."

After a few simple sentences, it was not long before Gao Yang saw four people running fast in his direction. At this time, Gao Yang was relieved, and waited until the four people in the support group were close to each other. Gao Yang immediately called: "Here, here."

After hearing the call of Gao Yang, the four people quickly gathered around. After everyone gathered, Gao Yang immediately said: "The reconnaissance team has already left with people. We will wait for a while to cover them, lest the enemy find out. ”

Xia Chen immediately smiled: "Yes, a shot did not open, quietly saved dozens of people, right."

Gao Yang also took a long breath and said: "I really didn't want to fight. I didn't dare to think about killing me. I saved people so easily. Hey, I said how do you know that you are coming here?" Do you all see the sign language of the sharp knife?"

Zheng Aiai smiled and said: "I didn't see it clearly, but this tacit understanding is not that good."

Gao Yang looked at the watch and said: "The sharp knife will wait for us to meet after we walk out for five kilometers. Pay attention to the time. When you decide to withdraw, I have contacted Frog. He will drive to pick us up. Now it is Instead of going out with two people, let's drive the cars that we drove to chase them. I looked at at least three wounded people in the hostages. With the car, the wounded can be sent away first."

Xia Chen immediately said: "Yes, the enemy did not find us at all, the three guns, you and the princess to drive, drive on the car and go straight to the sharp knife they meet, here are three of us enough."

Zhou Zhou and Zheng Ai immediately ran in the direction of their parking, and stayed behind to continue to serve as a possible sniper. Gao Yang, three of them, waited for ten minutes before they got up again and turned to Jiang Yun. The direction of evacuation rushed over.

This time, Gao Yang did not stop again and directly caught up with the hostages. When they caught up with the big forces, Zhou Zhou and Zheng Aiai both drove the wounded and the weak. Take a step.

Upon seeing Li Pengfei, Gao Yang immediately said, "How? All saved?"

Li Pengfei laughed and said: "All rescued, one is not small, this operation was a great success, winning!"

Gao Yang is very pleased: "Too good, I really didn't think that even a shot didn't open, so it was so easy to save people. It's incredible. When you say it, you and the sharp knife whistle." What kind of effort is used? Did you suddenly break the sentinel's cervical vertebra?"

Li Pengfei nodded: "Yes, twist your neck, dry Bally, crisp, something."

Gao Yang said with a look of embarrassment: "Is this, can you teach me this hand?"

Li Pengfei said with a strange look: "Hey, Frog didn't teach you this? Oh, yes, Frog left early, didn't come and learn this trick, you want to learn, no problem, go back one I will teach you when you have time."

PS: My neck, I can't wait to twist myself off...

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