“! Why was Stark so bold that he actually went straight in? ”

“Doesn’t he know that these abnormal containments are dangerous?”

“Obviously everything has been fine so far, he actually took the initiative to look for danger?!”

“shit! shit! What was going on in his head? ”


Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.,

Many agents suddenly boiled.

And a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. high-ranking officials,

It is to look intently at the content in the light curtain

Since Stark is so bold, he wants to use his life to find out the truth inside this Red Sea object

They also just have a look

What’s in there.

“Did the task force start?”

Nick Fury asked.

“Director Fury, confirm that this abnormal containment appears in Stark’s villa, and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have already acted.”

A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent reported.

Immediately after,

He hesitated again and spoke, “But… General Ross, they also acted! Say take over the incident in full. ”

“General Ross?”

Nick Fury was stunned, and then hammered the table: “This kind of thing, obviously our S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible, what is their military making a scene?!” ”


The voice just fell.

I saw the light curtain in the picture

Countless soldiers directly surrounded the entire mountain villa.

At the same time,

A huge military truck also stopped in front of the mountain villa, and it seemed that something was being held inside.

And see this scene,

The network exploded directly.

“shit! shit! The military actually dispatched! I’m around here, and I’m pretty sure it’s really a military sortie! ”

“ohmygod! Don’t tell me that the abnormal containment items that were counted before are actually real? ”

“Mostly! General Ross in this military and Colonel Rhodes have appeared, who can invite them to shoot? ”

“In other words, the organization that filmed this thing, even the light curtain can come out, and it seems that it is not difficult to understand if the military helps, right?”

“It’s all now, why don’t you still want to believe this is the truth?”


Inside a mountain villa.

General Ross with Colonel Rhodes,

Under the protection of a group of servicemen,

Also entered the villa.

First time,

And they found the mirror.

In the mirror,

Stark was holding a Red Sea object and was observing a huge cylindrical object.

Above the pillars, there are many caves.

From time to time, a ray of light will bloom from inside the cave.

Stark’s attention,

Obviously attracted by these lights, he couldn’t help but step forward and watch.

Immediately after,

The picture moves in the mirror.

You can see it,

In those rays,

It also has the same thing as the Red Sea object in Stark’s hand!

Stark’s face suddenly showed a look of horror.

“ohshit! Stark! Come out quickly! You are simply a lunatic! ”

General Rhode couldn’t help but exclaim.

And yet,

What he said, apparently Stark in the mirror could not hear at all.

“There are actually so many Red Sea objects?”

General Ross’s eyes lit up immediately.

The number of these Red Sea objects is simply too much

If it can be shipped out,

Wouldn’t it be possible to directly organize an army to enter this alien space in the Red Sea object?

Inside the mirror.

Stark was soon in front of the pillar

Saw a ladder on the floor that led to the ground.

There was a slight hesitation

Stark took a deep breath directly and stepped down the ladder.


He found himself in a large, clean room.

Inside the room,

A lot of old computer equipment is on display.

“Here… Is it a laboratory? ”

Looking at these computers, Stark’s eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

Those fears at the beginning,

It has been completely replaced by excitement.

He continued his search in the room.


Then I saw a huge screen that was still flickering.

【Clean……. Unclean! Clean…… Unclean! Lost contact! Unclean! 】

Stark was stunned.

See this scene,

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury’s brows furrowed tightly.

“So many computers, that is, at least the civilization of the electronic age was born here before!”

“It should not be as dangerous as other abnormal containments.” But…”

He stared at the words that kept flashing on the screen.

Total feeling,

These flashing words have a special meaning!

“Clean, unclean…”

He muttered a few times

Suddenly, the pupils shrank suddenly!


In the picture of the light curtain——

“These … As if it were some kind of warning! ”

Stark stared at the light curtain and couldn’t help but exclaim.


Stark took a deep breath, slowly calmed down, and continued to search the room: “Wait… This computer is still on? ”

He stopped in front of a computer in the room lens.

On the screen of the computer

Several documents immediately caught his attention.

“Report, Status X-549, Status X-550, Evacuation Log …”

Stark murmured.

These words,

It further confirmed what he had just guessed.

That word on the screen is a warning!

Or rather,

It’s a record!


Stark’s gaze was fixed on the last file on the computer.

“Report from Agent █-██-█!”

Stark’s pupils shrank suddenly.


PS: The update is coming today! Challenge 20,000 words to burst more!

Thanks to the 100 VIP points rewarded by the big guy at the beginning of 1767! Thanks to the 100 VIP points rewarded by the big guy at the beginning of 1596! Thanks to SCP4444 for the 100 VIP points!

Kneel for the support of the Flower Review Monthly Pass Review!


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