“Whew, it’s finally done!”

Queens, New York, in an apartment.

Looking at the video content in the computer, Lin Yan couldn’t help but smile.

As soon as I woke up, I traveled to the Marvel world.

Unlike the wonderful and gorgeous in the movie, this is definitely a dangerous world for ordinary people.

For ordinary people, this is not much different from the world of Cthulhu or the world of foundations.

But fortunately, after crossing over, Lin Yan awakened the system.

Universal Foundation!

As long as the popularity is wide enough and the acceptance is high enough, he can acquire different characteristics.

And, whenever the belief value reaches a certain level,

There are also some special rewards.

After a few days of liver race, he finally made the first batch of inventory videos.

【Ding! Detects that your video has been created successfully, will it be delivered immediately? 】

Yes [No].

Seeing the virtual light curtain suddenly cast in front of him, Lin Yan nodded slightly and directly chose yes.

In this Marvel world, of course, the faster the strength increases, the better!


It was almost at the same time that Lin Yan chose it.

The mobile phone screens of countless people have instantly become the same video picture.

A very strange sign consisting of a ring and three arrows.

and the name of a “foundation”.

At the same time,

A gloomy curtain of light suddenly flickered in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge translucent picture appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“what? What is this foundation? ”

“It’s a big screen, is it a projector? What the hell is this? ”

“Damn it! Why has my phone screen changed? ”



“What the hell is this?!”

Looking at the huge light curtain that suddenly appeared outside the window, Nick Fury’s originally dark face became deeper.

Because even their S.H.I.E.L.D. computers have just been hit, and all computer screens, without exception, have all been transformed into the same logo.

And even if they use all means, they cannot trace the source of the virus.


No matter the archives of any department, or even the materials of S.H.I.E.L.D., there is no such so-called foundation!

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Nothing can escape the grip of S.H.I.E.L.D.!


Stark Industries Building.

“Foundation? What is this thing? Or what organization? ”

Stark looked at the light curtain outside, and curiosity bloomed in his eyes.

“This projection technology is so strong, the person who made this thing must be a genius like me!” Jarvis, analyze it… If you can’t analyze it, then try to contact, can you work together! ”


Karma Taj.

“What kind of magic is this? It doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the book. ”

“I don’t know, the Supreme Mage never said it?”


In this isolated place,

All the apprentices stopped the connection of the magic in their hands and looked at the sky with shocked expressions.

“It’s not magic.”

And at this time,

A bald woman with an extraordinary temperament walked out of the room and looked solemnly at the light curtain in the sky.

As a Supreme Mage, he is also in charge of the Time Gem

It can be said that at least on Earth, there are very few people who can hide her things and people.

But for this sudden light curtain,

This is called a foundation

She found that she didn’t know anything!

Just when she wanted to cast her magic and observe the light curtain.

On the originally dark screen, a picture suddenly appeared.

[Humans have been multiplying for 250,000 years now, and only the last 4,000 years are meaningful.] 】

So, what have we been doing for nearly 250,000 years?] 】

[We hide in caves, around small campfires, afraid of things we don’t know. Those explanations about how the sun rises, those monsters with human heads and birds, those living stones. 】

As this sound sounded, a video appeared on the screen!

That seems to be

The period of obscurantism that history has not yet recorded!

The ancestors of mankind hid in the cave, lit a faint bonfire, and looked in awe at the strange creatures circling in the sky!


The ancestors worshiped these strange creatures! Prayer!

[So, we call them “gods” and “demons” and ask them for forgiveness and prayer for salvation. 】

[After that, their number is decreasing, and our number is increasing. As we fear fewer and fewer things, we begin to see the world more rationally. 】

[However, the unexplained things have not disappeared, as if the universe deliberately wanted to appear absurd and unthinkable. 】

Humanity can no longer live in fear. Nothing can protect us, we must protect ourselves. 】

While others live in the sun, we must fight them in the shadows and prevent them from being exposed to the public eye so that others can live in a sane, ordinary world. 】

In the picture ——

A small number of humans actively move away from the majority and face up to things that are difficult for humans to understand.

Under the light, human society flourishes.

In the dark, they fight with those anomalies!

And contain them in darkness,

Blocking in,

Out of sight of humanity!

The screen turns,

In the darkness, a pair of eyes lit up, looking at those humans in the light.

The tone is flat,

But the extremely firm declaration suddenly sounded:

[We contain, we control, we protect!] 】

[We are… Foundation. 】

Look at this picture.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury was shocked.

“An organization that protects humanity in the dark?”

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is well aware that there are many threats on Earth that are not well known to the general public.

Superheroes, mutants, aliens, magic…

S.H.I.E.L.D. was created to manage these.

Look at what it means

Is this foundation a similar organization?

But why is there never any news about this organization in S.H.I.E.L.D. information?

“Is it the organization that appeared for the first time?”

Nick Fury muttered in a low voice, and couldn’t help but quietly pull out a pager.

And this time!

On a pitch-black light curtain.

A piece of text reappeared.

[Inventory of the Foundation’s Top Ten Abnormal Containments! ] 】

[Tenth place, abnormal containment -173! ] 】


PS: The author is an old author of SCP, as long as the data is good, the update quality is absolutely guaranteed!

The results of the first day of the new book are very important, kneel for a wave of flowers! Appraise! Pass! Review support!

As long as the data is good, the quality of the update is not a problem, at least 10,000 words are updated every day!


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