Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 80, The Split Plan

?The problem of agriculture cannot be solved overnight. In the short term, it is necessary to continue to engage in low-yield farming. If you want to develop the tertiary industry, wait another 30 years.

If the productive forces do not develop further, and the total wealth created by the society does not increase, how can people's living standards be improved?

If living standards do not improve, how can people have the money to travel and spend money?

Why in this era, people have the habit of saving money. In fact, they are forced to join, and they have no savings. Once something happens, they will go bankrupt immediately.

Especially for serious diseases, basically as long as you encounter a lifetime of savings, all of them will be filled in.

Bulgarian hospitals are fairly disciplined, at least for terminal illnesses that cannot be treated, and they will recommend conservative treatment to their families.

What kind of conservative treatment is to be considered. For the rich, it is natural to continue to spend more money. When a doctor's experiment is a guinea pig, it is a chance to bet. Those who have no money can only use cheap drugs to relieve the pain of the patients, and how long they can live depends on luck.

Ferdinand is also very aware of these situations, but he is powerless. In the world, Bulgaria has a high level of medical care.

Even so, in the face of major diseases, you can only gamble on luck. The rich have to gamble on luck, let alone the poor, who don't even have the chance to gamble.

There are many social problems in Bulgaria now, and these problems are still unsolvable. As a result, Ferdinand often wondered, how did the other seniors of the transmigrators manage it so easily, and how did they become a stubborn disease in society when they came to him?

The only thing that makes him gratified is that now everyone in the world is like this, and even other countries are even worse. It is the entrustment of these colleagues that highlights his excellence.

In particular, Nicholas II next door, in Ferdinand's opinion, is really a good person! The more chaotic the Russian Empire, the more stable Bulgaria will be.

If it weren't for Russia's ongoing civil war, these Russian immigrants would not have identified with Bulgaria so quickly and felt so strong.

"Your Majesty, the Russian government has made a loan application to us again!" said the Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy with a smile on his face

"With another loan, Nicholas II lost all those 12 billion levees so quickly?" Ferdinand asked suspiciously

"Your Majesty, there are not so many. This loan is deducted from the principal and interest that should be repaid in the first year. In fact, the Tsarist government only got 11.168 billion leva.

They have to repay the principal and interest of about 1.3 billion leva every year. Since 1923 to the present, they have paid 3.9 billion leva. If all these are deducted, then they have only spent the remaining 7.268 billion leva.

The debts of 1926 they have now paid, so now they are forced to take out new debts to pay off old debts, and to deal with the next war, which requires money. ' Kennedy explained

Really thick and black, Ferdinand thought to himself!

The 2.468 billion levs that the tsar received from the sale of land should not be 2.466 billion levs. Russian officials have integrity, and these public relations expenses can be deducted from the final payment.

Of course, this money is not discounted at all, and the Bulgarian government paid it directly in one go. The loan of 10 billion levs is not so easy to get. According to international practice, after deducting the principal and interest for the first year, 8.7 billion levs will be obtained.

In three years, the principal and interest of 3.9 billion levs were repaid, and Nicholas II only used 4.8 billion levs of them.

Of course, if Nicholas II had a financial sense, he might be able to make a fortune elsewhere to make up for the loss.

However, this possibility is unlikely. If Nicholas II had this talent, the Russian Empire would not be so short of money.

Based on the industry of the Tsarist family, if it is invested reasonably, the current income is estimated to be enough for the cost of war.

The easiest way is to go to London to buy stocks and get a few times the annual rate of return from real estate, which is enough to fill the gap.

Of course, people who don't have the vision and background to play will most likely die in a corner. There are still some czarist families in the background, and the only thing lacking is vision.


After thinking about it, Ferdinand suddenly found that the interest charged this time is not too high. Even the principal and interest are only 1.3 billion leva per year. Thinking about the loans of later generations of online platforms, the interest can be doubled several times in a month. Really kind.

Even compared with the bank loans of later generations, the monthly interest rate is still low, and the monthly interest rate for a thirty-year loan is only 7/1000.

There is no messy handling fee, the loan is timely, and the loan will never be called if it is not due. It is really conscientious. Ferdinand decisively ignored the fact of conspiracy to Ukraine.

War is the biggest beast of gold. Nicholas II can last for so long with such a little money, and the young Nicholas I who is still fighting is dying. If there is no blood transfusion behind the British, he would have killed this opponent by now.

"What are the Russians going to take as collateral this time?" Ferdinand asked with concern

"This time the Russians are no longer going to take the land as collateral. Nicholas II now probably regrets it. The unification process of the Russian Empire has been delayed. With their financial situation, it is almost impossible to repay the loan.

So the Russians have learned their lesson this time. They plan to borrow 20 billion levas of interest-free loans from us, which can be used as collateral for customs duties, salt taxes, and liquor taxes! ' said Kennedy

Ferdinand shook his head directly. If the Bulgarian capitalists want to continue to expand the market in the Russian Empire, the possibility of reaching this deal is high.

It is a pity that Ferdinand is no longer interested in these. After ten years of war, the Russian Empire has long been in poverty.

He clearly felt that in the past two years, the intensity of the civil war in Russia has been greatly reduced. In order to buy off the military heart, Nicholas II is also wanton knighting, attracting a large number of supporters.

The Russian Empire has enough land for him to splurge, so Nicholas II's shot is much more generous than Ferdinand.

Even so, it only stabilized the military's morale. After all, the war has been fought for too long, and the anti-war sentiment among the people has been high.

If he did this in the first year of the civil war, it is estimated that little Nicholas would not be mentioned, and even the Moscow government that went to Siberia to recuperate would have been pacified long ago.

Ferdinand has the most power to discover the combat power of the military nobles. Just look at the Bulgarian army. As soon as he heard that there was a battle, he rushed to fight one by one, for fear of missing the opportunity.

Even at the most critical moment, they are the most persistent. Under the stimulation of military exploits, on the battlefield, many can often break out of unimaginable combat effectiveness.

"Reject the Russians directly. This business is too risky. We in Bulgaria can't afford it. We suggest that they go to the British and the French to try!" Ferdinand said with a smile.

Don't do it? Do not!

In the end, this business can only be done by Bulgaria. The Russian Empire already has a lot of debts owed to Britain and France, which has long been expected.

If it weren't for the war reparations obtained by the Russians in the World War, which were used to offset part of the interest, the capitalists in Britain and France would vomit blood, especially the French were mistreated by the Russians.

In order to win over Russia to deal with the Germans, there were a lot of interest-free loans and low-interest loans. Now if the German-Austrian war reparations paid their interest, Nicholas II could only declare a default.

The interest is there, but no one knows where the principal is, so the French have the most complicated mood.

On the one hand, they hope that the Russians will continue the civil war, so that the Russians will not have the energy to compete with them for European hegemony.

After all, this is hundreds of billions of francs, which is not a small amount for any country. Historically, it was because Russia was wiped out that the French financial sector was devastated.

Anyway, the Russians are still here, and the transferred war reparations can barely repay the interest. These financial institutions can still accept it, and they will not be directly involved and go bankrupt.

At this time, would the French capitalists still dare to lend money to the Russians? Even if the Russians can take these taxes as collateral, they have to be able to get it!

Even Ferdinand didn't dare to take these taxes as collateral, he knew how bad the Russian tax system was. Maybe he got the Russian tax in name, but in fact he couldn't collect the big tax.

It's impossible for you to personally send someone to Russia to collect taxes, right? Will the Tsarist government really cooperate with you in collecting taxes? Even if you cooperate, the people below can still keep you from getting money.

Don't overestimate Mao Xiong's integrity. If it really reaches that point, the tax that can be received in the end will definitely be three melons and two dates.

The rogue tsarist government is not afraid of threats from the outside world. In history, there are not only one or two tsars who declared bankruptcy in order to default on their debts. Then these bankers who borrowed money can only admit that they are unlucky.

What about the British? Is this even a consideration?

Without their troubles, Nicholas II would have unified Russia long ago. Just look at the weapons and equipment of the little Tsar Nicholas. Most of them are British goods.

The weapons and equipment left over from the World War were selflessly given to the Russians by the British, so that the civil war could continue forever.

In contrast, although Ferdinand is also engaged in the arms trade, he will be much more restrained. That is, the captured Allied weapons were sold to Nicholas Jr. and the Moscow government, and the Bulgarian equipment was only sold to Nicholas II.

On the surface, he never supported Little Nicholas. These weapons were bought by British merchants from Bulgaria, and to whom they were finally sold, I don’t know.

Now the London government has invested a lot in little Nicholas. If Nicholas II unified Russia, wouldn't their investment go to waste?

What's more, a split bear is a good bear. Once Russia is reunified, where will their expansion go?

As long as the tsarist government is not stupid, they know that the expansion of the European continent has reached its limit, and if they continue to expand into Europe, they will be beaten by gangs.

Neither the French nor the Austro-Hungarian Empire, nor the Germans and Bulgarians would tolerate their continued expansion in Europe.

With their current strength, even if they unified the whole country, they would not have the courage to provoke another war.

Entering the ocean, let alone thinking about it, although the Baltic Sea has been tacitly regarded as the territory of the Russians, but they have no money to play the big navy now!

Then I looked around and found that the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor Peninsula, and North Persia were all Bulgarian territory. As the only ally of the Russians now, they still needed Bulgarian support, and it was impossible to turn their backs at this time.

The rest are only Central Asia and the Far East. If Mao Xiong goes to the Far East and fights with the Japanese, it is estimated that John Bull will fully support it.

However, from the point of view of economic value, it is a better choice to enter India from Central Asia. Even if the bear does not dare to directly challenge the British Empire, small actions are absolutely indispensable.

Anyway, on land, they are not afraid of the British, and the most important maritime trade line is controlled by Bulgaria again. The British want to suppress them, and at most restrict them in the Baltic Sea.

In the Black Sea area, it is definitely impossible for Bulgaria to let the British in. The British can't block Bulgaria together, right?

If the United Kingdom really did this, it is estimated that the Russians would still open champagne to celebrate, and the Suez Canal would be cut off with the conflict between the British and the British.

It is not far from the Palestine area to the Suez Canal. The Bulgarian Air Force can blow up the canal in just two or three hours.

It doesn't take long, as long as it is blocked for three or five months, the Russians can enter India.

These simple questions are very clear to everyone, so on the issue of splitting Russia, the British Empire is the most active.

Of course, other countries are also very active, including Ferdinand, everyone stands on the same position on this issue.

Otherwise, the civil war will continue for so long. Many times, Nicholas II seems to have the upper hand, and the dawn of victory will look again, but every time it comes to the last moment, he fails because of various unfavorable factors.

For example, Nicholas Jr.'s government will soon get the support of the British. According to Ferdinand's knowledge, every year the London government has to spend tens of millions of pounds in special funds, which are finally replaced by weapons and ammunition and flowed into Russia. .

The same is true for the French. The French army's weapons are replaced at an extraordinary speed, and the amount of weapons and ammunition consumed exceeds that of the war.

These increased consumption also flowed into Russia, and even many weapons and ammunition here are transited through Bulgaria, and Ferdinand is very tacit and pretends not to know what to do.

In addition to Britain and France, there are many countries in Europe that secretly supported the Russian Civil War, such as Sweden and Austria-Hungary, all of which have provided support to the rebels.

Did Nicholas II know? Of course he knew, but without evidence, he couldn't do anything! The tsarist government is about to start telling the evidence to know how badly they have been weakened.

Without the support of so many international friends, how could Nicholas II have not unified Russia yet? You must know that the main force of the Russian army is in his hands.

Little Nicholas still has some support from the Russian army, and the Moscow government is very short of qualified officers. Even if their organizational ability is the strongest, the troops are brave enough when they are defeated, but their combat effectiveness is not very good. .

Russian history has changed beyond recognition, and Ferdinand is still waiting for the British to come out as villains and completely divide the Russian Empire.

Judging from the current situation, if Nicholas II fails again, he will never have a chance to unify Russia. When the people's war weariness has reached its limit, no one can continue to promote the war!

"Your Majesty, why don't you talk to the Russians first, presumably the bottom line of the tsarist government is already very low now. If we insist, the benefits we will get this time will be great!" Kennedy thought for a while and said

"No, there are some things that we are inconvenient to do too much. Even if we want to take advantage of the fire, the Russians should take the initiative to let us rob, instead of us rushing to rob!" Ferdinand said cautiously

Kennedy nodded suspiciously. Anyway, he couldn't see any difference between the two. Anyway, the final result was to take advantage of the fire.


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