Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 37, Split Plan

In the Royal Palace of Sofia, Ferdinand is thinking about the current international situation. The British have jumped into the pit, but this pit may not be able to bury the British Empire. Maybe the empire can be reborn from the ashes.

Compared with the British, the French are much worse. This time they can only be regarded as a small gain. The usury empire has already distorted the skill points, and Germany is in the way of Central Europe. It is almost impossible for them to become bigger. up.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire lost too much in the World War, and had to pay war indemnity, coupled with domestic ethnic conflicts, it would not recover within twenty or thirty years.

Japan committed suicide by its own people. Although it kicked away the stumbling block of the United States, it offended and killed several major powers in the world, especially the British. Because of the private actions of the Japanese army, their North American strategy has increased several times.

In the next ten years, it is estimated that the Japanese government will have to behave with its tail between its legs, otherwise the British Empire will definitely let them understand the majesty of the world hegemon!

The bear civil war is still going on, and Nicholas II temporarily has the upper hand, but under the joint efforts of the Moscow government and the new tsarist government, his advantage no longer exists, and it will not be over in a short time!

You have to be hard to strike iron! In the short term, the international situation is still very favorable to Bulgaria. All the major powers are restrained by their own affairs. Ferdinand decided to officially launch the strategy of the Asia Minor peninsula, that is, the fourth five-year plan!

Ferdinand smiled and said, "Gira, inform the cabinet to meet at the palace tomorrow afternoon!"


In Nevada, USA, after paying a painful price, Uehara Yusaku finally joined forces with the besieged Uchiyama Kojiro, but at this time the Second Army had already suffered more than half of its casualties.

With the abandonment of the Wilson government, the U.S. Army fell into chaos. They also had a dispute over whether to continue fighting with the Japanese. The government announced a truce, but they did not order him to stop the attack!

This distressed Pershing very much.

Several telegram inquiries did not get a clear answer. Obviously, the negotiating delegation of the coalition forces had automatically ignored the Japanese army that was still in the war.

If it was a normal U.S. military, Pershing would have made up his mind a long time ago. However, most of his subordinates were cannon fodder troops, and no matter how many people died, he would not feel bad. In addition, several state governments put pressure on him to kill this Japanese army!

Yusaku Uehara helped them make up their minds. After the Japanese army completed their rendezvous, they launched a counterattack, causing the American army to retreat steadily.

Now the Japanese army has let go of their scruples, breaking the cans and smashing them, and looting when they have no supplies. While fighting fiercely with the US army, they still don't forget to harm the surrounding small towns.

They even created an army of servants, all of whom were forcibly conscripted from the local area, and they were forced to fight the U.S. military by threatening their families.

Waiting for the reply from the coalition headquarters, the Japanese army also fell into a state of contradiction. They didn't know whether they should continue to fight.

Uchiyama Kojiro, who had just been rescued, asked, "Marshal, what should we do now, continue to fight the Americans, or retreat back and join the main force of the coalition forces?"

Yusaku Uehara sighed, and said: "Incoming domestic calls, our previous attack on Wells has caused the empire to fall into a very passive state in diplomacy. Gain the right to speak!"

Such a decision, in the eyes of Japanese military officers, is very normal. It doesn't matter if you are wrong. The winner is not blamed, and the loser needs to bear the responsibility!

Everyone fell into silence, not because they didn't work hard, but because there were too many American troops on the opposite side, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Neiji Okamura suddenly said: "Maybe we don't have to follow the rules, and no one stipulates that our battlefield is in Nevada. If we can send troops to attack the rear of the US military, maybe this war will end soon!"

Kaesueda retorted: "Our troops are insufficient, and the U.S. troops on the opposite side are four times our strength. If we divide our troops again, we will be in danger!"

Gangcun Ningci said coldly: "Isn't there still a servant army? If we get more servants, even if we fail, we will have enough hostages in our hands to allow us to retreat calmly!"

This is also one of the weaknesses of the US military. If the Japanese army really captured dozens of American people as human shields, Pershing would not dare to order to continue the attack. Otherwise, the court-martial would be difficult to pass. The premise is that the US government still exists!

"Okay, it's a bet!" Yusaku Uehara made up his mind

Without winning this battle, it is impossible for the country to spare him. There must be an explanation for such a big hole! But there is another practice in Japan, that is, the winner can be an exception!

The grassroots officers who provoked the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War back then were not only not punished, but were promoted step by step.

Why can an officer who provokes a war without authorization, or even disobeys orders, be promoted? Just because the war is won, they are heroes if they win, and heroes are not to be blamed!


The Washington Conference has also begun. Unlike the Washington Conference in history, this time the Washington Conference negotiations went very smoothly. Wilson, who is also the protagonist, is now not even eligible to participate in the conference. Simply put, he is under house arrest. If It's not that there is still a need for a president who takes the blame, he is dead now!

negotiation? There is no negotiation, as long as the U.S. government announces the dissolution of the federal government, they don't need to participate in the rest of the matter, not even surrender!

It doesn't make any sense to surrender a government that is about to close down, and they can't afford a penny of reparations. The war has been fought until now, and the dollar is almost equivalent to straw paper!

According to the British plan, the six states in the New England region in the northeast corner of the United States, the seven states in the Mid-Atlantic region, and the four states in the southeast will all establish their own countries and join the Commonwealth of Nations.

Namely: Kingdom of New England (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts (Massachusetts), Rhode Island, Connecticut);

Atlantic Kingdom (New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, DC);

Kingdom of North America (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida).

Of course, George V is the king himself. The specific system is yet to be determined. The British have already discussed these issues with the Eastern Consortium in the United States. Everyone's interests will be protected. The premise is that they must support the British Federation and be honest. pay taxes!

Of course, the dismembered United States will not only have these three kingdoms, but the British Empire is really full. Even if a compromise is reached with the local consortium, they dare not eat anymore, and they will really choke to death if they come again. up!

You must know that the American consortium even encouraged them to annex the Great Lakes region, and many people in the UK were also ready to move, but Lloyd George still found a problem and decisively persuaded the domestic MPs.

Really can't be more, no matter how many people there are, they will turn their backs on customers! Now that the three kingdoms have joined forces, their strength is already comparable to that of England. If there is one more kingdom, it is estimated that this primary and secondary dispute will be a problem!

You must know that the Great Lakes region also includes: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, where the largest industrial base in the United States is located.

Greedy eyes are greedy, but in the end the British reluctantly gave up. As far as the three kingdoms are concerned, they are not so obedient. All states are armed. If it weren’t for the American consortium’s strong opposition to dialogue, the British really don’t mind letting everyone states are independent.

It is estimated that the relationship between these three kingdoms will not be better in the future. Well, how can the British Empire rule them?

The Great Lakes region will be independent, but the king will still come from the British royal family, and the control of the British Empire over them is still indispensable!

The Southern United States: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, will also become an independent country.

The French have a strong local influence, but it is a pity that they are a republic, and it is not suitable for them to form a federal state? You can't become an ally with this newly established country, can you? The French Republic still has to face, not any country is qualified to be an ally with them!

The plains in the central part of the United States include: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, and three independent countries will be established.

No way, the Great Plains of the United States is 4800 kilometers long from north to south, 480~1120 kilometers wide from east to west, and covers an area of ​​about 2.9 million square kilometers.

It is rich in mineral resources and suitable for food production. If such a chosen place is given to a country, it is estimated that it will not be long before it will develop again and have the strength to unify the United States again.

Rocky Mountains: Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, these five states are one country.

Pacific Coast: Washington State, Oregon State, California State, these three states are another kingdom. Especially in California, Ferdinand has been peeping for a long time, and the layout still hasn't stopped!

Southwest: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, but since Texas has become independent, the remaining two states are another country.

Including the already independent state of Arisia, there are already thirteen countries, and this does not include the Hawaii area, which is not yet a state of the United States.

It has to be said that the Americans have a strong foundation. Even if they are divided into thirteen parts, there are still many big countries. Except for Arisca, the development potential of other countries is no less than that of Italy!

Now it is a dispute over the system. There is no doubt that the constitutional monarchy has the absolute upper hand. Who will let there be more countries with a constitutional monarchy?

There were originally only two representatives of the republic, one the United States and one France, and now only France is left alone, and the royalists in France have been strong for a long time!

Ferdinand is sending people to persuade the three French royalists to join forces and put pressure on the French government. The excuse is of course that they will launch their own royal family to fight for the king in America!

At least the major European royal families are interested in these new thrones. Those with strength will fight for it, and those without strength will fight for it. Even if it is an empty throne, there are still a lot of children in your family?

If according to Ferdinand's idea, let all the states in the United States be independent, then no one will have to fight, and everyone will have a share. Unfortunately, the British will not agree!

In order to gain the support of the consortia in the United States, they must ensure that the territory of the Three Kingdoms cannot be too small. If it is too small, how can these consortiums get mixed up? Transnational is to pay tariffs, which will harm the interests of the consortium!

Since the size of the kingdom controlled by the British is large, other countries must also be large. If it is too small, it will be easily eaten away by the British Empire. Everyone is worried!

Of course, this is only a preliminary plan, which is acceptable to everyone, but it is hard to say whether the Americans will accept it!

For this reason, Ferdinand also suggested that as long as all states in the United States want to be independent, they should approve it. Such an artificial force to let others merge is obviously contrary to the principle of freedom of others, and it is not in line with the development of the times!


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