Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 29, Confused

Intelligence leader Morka reported to Ferdinand Hui: "Your Majesty, the plan on the US side has been completed. This time we are working with the French. Some people in the US government have accepted our goodwill and have begun to promote this plan. , They asked us not to hold them accountable after the war, and to guarantee their safety, and we have agreed!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Goodwill" is of course money. American capitalists are very rich, and American politicians will also become rich after retirement, but during their tenure, they are basically poor! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Although [31 Update Quick] their status is very high and they have great power, it is still not so easy to embezzle and accept bribes, and there are too many eyes staring at them. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Now, the U.S. government is about to rush to the street. At the last moment, they will make a fortune and leave. Naturally, there is no pressure on everyone! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Ferdinand smiled and said: "Well, you have done a good job this time, as long as we can achieve our goal, it doesn't matter even if President Wilson is spared!\u00261t;/p\u003e

How have states on the east coast of the United States reacted? Did the British get them done? "\u00261t;/p\u003e

Morka thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the British have a great influence in the eastern states. Now the representatives of the British have appeared in the local upper class in a grand manner. They should have achieved some results, but the state councils are still in the state. Talk about it!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

Ferdinand said calmly: "The British have been operating in the United States for hundreds of years, but they have supported many younger brothers. Although these younger brothers became traitors a while ago, their influence is still not small. It is only time to persuade these people to defect. The problem, we are incomparable in this respect! \u00261t;/p\u003e

In terms of influence in American society, we are not only inferior to the British, but even small countries such as the Netherlands, Portugal, and Switzerland have much greater influence among the American people than us! \u00261t;/p\u003e

So you have a heavy task this time, we are already behind in this round of competition! correct,

Have you figured out the distribution of Slavic peoples in the United States? "\u00261t;/p\u003e

Morka thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, I have already figured it out. The distribution of Slavic peoples in the United States is mainly concentrated in Ariska, California, Washington, Oregon, and Chicago.\u00261t;/p\u003e

Due to the small number of Slavic nationalities, except for Ariska, the Slavic nationalities in other regions have no advantage, and their influence in the United States is very small! \u00261t;/p\u003e

And among these Slavic nationalities, the largest number is Poles. The total population of all Slavic nationalities in the United States will not exceed three million! "\u00261t;/p\u003e

Ferdinand frowned, even though he knew all these things, if it weren't for the rise of Bulgaria, which cut off the immigrants from Eastern Europe, the current proportion would probably be higher. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Obviously, the original plan had to be revised. With such a small population and scattered distribution, it would be unrealistic to gather all of them to establish a kingdom, unless it was the Kingdom of Arisgar! \u00261t;/p\u003e

In that case, Ferdinand would be at a great loss. Don’t look at how rich the resources of Aris State are. It is not compared with other states in the United States. The gap between the two is too big. The Chosen Country has almost everything country! \u00261t;/p\u003e

It's not too late now, Ferdinand can still rearrange the layout, if he waits until the end to start planning, it will be too late! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Ferdinand thought for a while and said: "Next, focus on California and Texas to increase our local intelligence capabilities. I believe someone will cooperate with us now!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Yes!" Morka replied without hesitation\u00261t;/p\u003e


On March 15, 1921, the forward troops of the coalition arrived in Idaho, the heart of the Northwest of the United States in the Pacific Ocean. At this time, the U.S. Army was also in full swing. \u00261t;/p\u003e

For the U.S. government, it really can't retreat anymore, even if it wants to lure the enemy to go deeper, it can't go deeper, otherwise they can surrender directly! \u00261t;/p\u003e

The vanguard of the coalition forces is the Japanese Second Army, commander: Uchiyama Kojiro (a general of the Japanese Army, and a general who graduated from the Sixth Army). \u00261t;/p\u003e

In this war, the Japanese were particularly active, especially after fighting the U.S. military, they let go of all worries and took the initiative to take the forward job. \u00261t;/p\u003e

As the saying goes, no profit can't afford it early, and the Japanese army's active performance is of course for the benefit! As a forward force, it is naturally beneficial. For example, when robbing, you can always grab the most lucrative loot. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In the eyes of the Japanese, the United States is really too rich. The harvest of looting a small town is greater than that of attacking a county in the Sino-Japanese War. If a city can be looted, the harvest will be even greater! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Compared with the rich harvest of robbery, the casualties of the forward troops are not worth mentioning. Anyway, human lives are worthless in Japan! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Japanese soldiers are not picky about what they eat, use, and wear. Food, cloth, mechanical equipment, and even tables, chairs, benches, sheets, and quilt covers also appeared in the Japanese army's trophies. \u00261t;/p\u003e

European countries expressed serious contempt for the looting of Japanese soldiers who were hungry and hungry. Since the Japanese army wants to play the vanguard, let them be fulfilled. The lives of soldiers from all countries are precious! \u00261t;/p\u003e

After the smooth battle, the Japanese army's self-confidence swelled to the limit, and Uchiyama Kojiro ignored the main force behind and directly attacked the opposite American army. \u00261t;/p\u003e

According to the usual practice, these U.S. troops relied on the trenches to resist for a period of time, and then they were overwhelmed by their "toughness". In the end, they either surrendered or fled, and they could continue to carry out the robbery! \u00261t;/p\u003e

At this time, the US military coach Pershing had already arrived at the front line and was setting up a pocket formation waiting for the enemy to penetrate. Seeing that the Japanese were the first to take the bait, his nervousness disappeared. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Just as the Japanese look down on the combat effectiveness of the American army, Americans in this era look down on the Japanese even more, not only for the coaches, but also for the soldiers. This is a kind of contempt from the bottom of their hearts! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Pershing's nickname "Pan Busheng" was given to him by his enemies in the country after the war broke out, mainly because in this war, the US army was defeated all the way without a single victory! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Now his chance has come. Although he has not formally fought with the coalition forces, the U.S. military has also divided the combat effectiveness of the countries in the coalition forces into ranks and ranks. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Of course, the most powerful country in the army is the French army, followed by the army powers like Bulgaria, the armies of European countries, the armies of American countries, and finally the armies of Asian countries. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The fighting power of the Japanese army is so low. This is the fault of the World War. The American military observation team happened to see the Japanese army on the Western Front. The expeditionary force was finished in less than a week! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Then, the Americans wrote comments on the Japanese army: backward tactics, rigid thinking, third-rate command ability of officers, third-rate weapons and equipment, and the overall evaluation is a third-rate army. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Well, maybe because of the superiority of the white people in this era, the military observer group ignored all the advantages of the Japanese army; or it was simply because of the displeasure of the Japanese, and deliberately lowered their evaluation. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In short, the Americans have a very low evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army. This concept has also affected the judgment of the high-level US military. For example, Pershing now thinks that the Japanese army in front of him is nothing to worry about! \u00261t;/p\u003e

The reason for drawing this conclusion is: the commander is an idiot, he didn't even know how many enemies there are, so he stupidly launched an attack. If he tightens his pockets now, the hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops will be finished! \u00261t;/p\u003e

The battle started, the equipment of the Japanese army was backward, and the equipment of the Americans was not very good. It also took time for planes, tanks, and artillery, and the torrent of steel was gone. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In just a few months, the Americans insisted on producing more than 8,000 cannons, more than 3,000 aircraft, and more than 2,000 tanks. Unfortunately, many of these equipment were intercepted by the states and fell into the hands of the US Army. Only half. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Even with this half of the equipment, plus the US military's own equipment before, as well as the weapons and equipment that countries in the world war did not comply with, the US military is no longer inferior in terms of firepower. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This refers to the total firepower. If it is averaged to the troops, the two sides are even more incomparable. The Americans also know this, so the heavy firepower is concentrated, and the Japanese army is the first to enjoy this. The treatment boarded 6 troops. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Don't look at the coalition's plan to send more than 2.5 million troops. In fact, the navy's 200,000 troops must be deducted first. It is impossible for them to go to 6! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Of the remaining 2.3 million troops, the air force has another 100,000 troops, and the total strength of the Allied Army is only 2.2 million. More than 300,000 troops. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The final landing force was only 1.9 million troops, and it was divided into two. The coalition landing force on the Pacific side actually had less than one million people! \u00261t;/p\u003e

This is why the Americans dare to fight them decisively. How about killing elephants with so many ants? Relying on its superiority in military strength, the U.S. Army can still fight. \u00261t;/p\u003e

If it weren't for the states in the United States, who were bluffed by the news of a joint attack from all over the world, with their full support, such a small force would not be able to destroy the United States! \u00261t;/p\u003e

A combat staff officer reported to Uchiyama Kojiro: "Your Excellency, the front-line troops have called, saying that the enemy's artillery fire is too strong, and we are suppressed so that we cannot lift our heads. They request fire support!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

Uchiyama Kojiro's face darkened. He knew that he had encountered the main force of the Americans, but he was not panicked at all. The previous battle told him that a Japanese army could chase down an American division. But there is a group army, I dare not say that there are too many, and he is not afraid to face 1.8 million US troops! \u00261t;/p\u003e

It was because of this wrong understanding that Uchiyama Kojiro made a wrong decision. He paused for a moment, and then said indifferently: "Order the troops on the front line to hold on, and counterattack again at night!"\u00261t;/ p\u003e


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