In Ferdinand's view, it was really cost-effective for the government to fund the market rescue after the war. Most of these enterprises were high-quality industries, but they were hit hard by the war. As long as there was a working capital, they could resume normal operations.

Even the excess production capacity disappeared after the war. After the end of the World War, the population of Bulgaria will inevitably skyrocket. The refugees + the population in the newly added territory + the big family of mercenaries + the original domestic population \u003e 40 million. If you calculate the sphere of influence of Bulgaria's expansion, it will eventually form a A big market with a population of 50 to 60 million!

Well, this "big market" is also relatively speaking, and it is incomparable with Britain, France and Russia. Ferdinand in the colonial market has no expectations, just look at the map.

There are basically few people in Bulgaria's vast colony. Don't expect how strong the purchasing power of those nomads!

In Ferdinand's view, it is good to create a market without a market. Given the current land area and resources of Bulgaria, even if the population increases three or five times, it is not a problem, then the family planning policy can still be continued.

As the population increases, the market naturally increases. At the same time, the new population will consume a lot of wealth of the people and enhance their fighting spirit!


After taking stock of the gains he had already obtained, Ferdinand had to sigh that war was the best way to get rich.

If there is no world war, and Bulgaria will develop slowly, even if it is planted for another hundred and eighty years, it may not be able to have the current wealth.

In terms of industrial technology, after the birth of this world war, it can be said that Bulgaria has generally caught up with countries such as Britain and France.

The biggest gain is still the territory. These newly added lands have laid the foundation for the future development of Bulgaria. The only thing that has no fly in the ointment is that there are more than 80% of the land in the desert!

Plant trees to turn deserts into oasis? This is a good idea. At least when the economic crisis occurs, it can be taken out and used. It is better than learning from Roosevelt to build roads.

Of course, it's still too early, Ferdinand is busy teaching his son! He was busy training little Ferdinand to handle government affairs. To put it simply, he threw them all to little Ferdinand and asked him to come up with a government plan!

Not only the crown prince Ferdinand Jr., but also several other little guys, he did not let go, each of them had political assignments of different difficulty.

It's definitely not that he is lazy, it's all about cultivating the children's ability to govern. Besides, he doesn't dare to use the answers given by these little guys!

For example: How should the Iraqi region be governed after the war? How to deal with ethnic relations?

The answer given by Ferdinand Jr. is: military control + immigration! The locals all send them to Iran next door, or just find a piece of land and throw it away...

The answer Peter gave was: go to the concentration camp and send all the disobedient people to plant trees!

The answer given by Caesar is: immigration + chu chu chu


There is no doubt that the princes of Bulgaria have been cultivated into hawks by Ferdinand. Of course, in this period, it is difficult to cultivate doves!

And it's still nationwide, the younger you are, the more radical it is! These are all consequences of the world war. If we want to reverse this situation, we can only wait until the end of the world war and the belligerence among the people has weakened.

This is also something that can't be helped. Not only Bulgaria, but the younger generation of the major warring countries around the world are now the main war faction. The reason is very simple - being fooled by publicity!

After the war is over, many people calm down and start to reflect on the war, and the government will relax the control of public opinion. This situation will change, but it is easy to go to the other extreme - fear of war!

Therefore, the ideological education of the people after the war has to be put on the agenda again, and Ferdinand has to correct the thoughts of a few little guys, especially Caesar's "Tu Tu Tu", can this be said?

Even if you want to do it,

I have to come a little bit, and I have to find a scapegoat first. It is even more perfect to be able to kill with a knife!


During the war, the efficiency of the governments of various countries was very high. In more than half a month, Wallicot's coalition troops successfully joined forces in the northern Italian city of Trento.

Of course, this was also thanks to the active cooperation of the Italians, who used their railway network for transportation, so that they could complete the meeting in such a short time.

The days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were sad, but with the existence of the Alps, it was not so easy for the coalition to attack Austria.

Historically, Italians have tried their best to suckle milk, but they have failed.

However, the border between Italy and Austria-Hungary is so long that there are always weak points. For example, the defense of the Austrian army in Slovenia is not as strong as that of Austria!

If the Slovenian region is conquered, the navy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be finished. You must know that once the Bulgarian army enters the Yugoslav ethnic region, the number of leading parties will definitely be indispensable!

The Yugoslav National United Congress is not for nothing. Many resistance groups have obtained weapons and ammunition supported by Bulgaria and are now waiting for an opportunity.

In fact, when the Allied forces reached the Slovenian border, the troubles for the Austro-Hungarian Empire had already begun, and many local militias chose to be neutral!

They were still loyal to the Habsburg family, but they only swore allegiance to the old emperor, and they didn't have much affection for the second generation of Ferdinand who succeeded the throne.

At the same time, many of them also have a good impression of Bulgaria, especially after Ferdinand promised to let them decide their own future, which has won the support of most of them. If that's the case, why go to war?

Wallikot has not yet determined the direction of the attack. After all, the impact of attacking Austria is greater, while the difficulty of attacking Slovenia is less, at least there is no need to worry about falling into the sea of ​​people's war.

Of course, in the wars that broke out in European countries, there is almost no people's war, because they have too few people and too many enemies!

In the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Ferdinand II was looking at the battle report with a headache. There was no bad news, and no good news. The battlefield was still in a state of anxiety. The daily casualties were as high as five figures. Almost out of breath.

There is no way, Bulgaria has already exerted its strength, and the long border line between the two sides is full of blood. Although the Russians have not attacked in an all-round way, it is still indispensable to organize 200,000 to 300,000 troops to play a "friendly game" with them.

Ferdinand II asked with a headache: "Your Excellency Chief of Staff, the Allies have opened up a new front in Italy and directly threatened Austria. What plans does the staff have?"

Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was no longer an idiot like Karl, and Conrad's position as chief of staff was naturally preserved.

Conrad thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the current situation is very unfavorable for us, and some troops have even begun to become unstable.

The staff is communicating with the Germans, hoping to exchange 20 divisions with them. We sent troops to the Western Front, and they sent troops to deal with the Allied forces in Italy! "

Conrad's concern is very necessary. Since the current war situation is very unfavorable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the ethnic minorities in the country have begun to be unstable.

Maybe now they are still loyal to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but what about the future? People always tend to benefit, who knows if they can be reliable all the time?

Both Bulgaria and Russia are trying to win over the Slavic peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Due to geopolitics, the Russians are winning over the West Slavs, while Bulgaria is winning over the Yugoslavs.

Once the situation changes, it is not impossible for these troops to defect! Some people may be loyal, but human nature cannot stand the test, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot take risks now!

Swap armies with the Germans. This risk is much smaller. These Slavic troops may be bought when the Bulgarians and Russians are at war, but it is difficult for Britain and France to buy them on the western front. Much bigger!

Ferdinand II was very worried and said: "Will the Germans agree? Don't forget that our army's combat effectiveness is not comparable to the German army?

And it is not convenient to command. This mess of language is difficult for us to command, and it is even more difficult for the Germans to command! "

Conrad said firmly: "Yes! Unless the Germans want to see us defeated, they will definitely pull us!

From a military point of view, we are already at a disadvantage on the southern front. Once the Italian front is added, we will not fight at all. Consumption can also kill us!

If we withdraw from this war, within three months at most, the Germans will have one enemy and four. No matter how strong their army's combat effectiveness is, they will not be able to face an enemy that is several times their size! "

Ferdinand II nodded, and then asked cautiously: "Mr. Conrad, with your professional ability and purely from a military point of view, what are the chances of us winning this war? It's just us, not Including the Germans!"

Conrad thought for a while and said, "Ours alone will not exceed three floors, and the Germans' chances of winning are less than half!"

Ferdinand II thought for a moment and said, "Well, politically, we have actually lost the war!

Due to the needs of the war, we now have to depend on the Germans, and even if the war is over, we will have to become a German vassal state!

If we can't win, do you think we need to continue this war? It's not worth our lives to make wedding dresses for the Germans! "

Conrad's face changed greatly. He really did not expect that the emperor's attitude had been shaken, but the current Austro-Hungarian Empire really did not need to carry the war to the end!

However, he still advised: "Your Majesty, I am afraid this problem is difficult to solve, the Italians are the lessons learned!"

Ferdinand II nodded and said: "Indeed, the Italians have fallen for the British, and John Bull's promises are as unreliable as their integrity!"

Conrad said hesitantly: "If the conditions are right, it is not impossible for us to withdraw from this war!"

Ferdinand II smiled bitterly and said: "You think too well, the conditions given by the Allies are not good at all, and it can be said to be very harsh!

The Russians wanted Austrian Poland and Galicia, Bulgaria wanted more than half of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Belgrade and most of Transinia. "

Conrad's face changed greatly, which meant that the decades of effort of the Austro-Hungarian Empire would be ruined, and all the newly occupied lands had been abandoned.

Ferdinand II seemed to see his nervousness, and said again: "This is not bad. Before the end of the Eastern Front, the Russians had a great appetite. In addition to these requirements, they also responded to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, etc. The region is interested, it is simply to swallow the Austro-Hungarian Empire in one bite!

Do you understand? Even if we withdraw from the war now, we must win the battle on the southern front, otherwise the Austro-Hungarian Empire will lose its skin this time! "

In fact, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not incapable of ceding territory. For example, the Transinian Plateau requested by Bulgaria, not to mention half, but all of it.

After all, this only weakens the Kingdom of Hungary, which is still a good thing for the central government of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but not for other regions, they cannot afford such a huge loss.

Conrad replied prudently: "Your Majesty, I can't answer this question for you, I'm afraid the battle on the southern front won't get the result you want!

Based on the analysis of the actual situation on the battlefield, we judged that the Bulgarians had not done their best, and because the Allies had opened a new front on the Italian border, the last domestic reserves were also pinned down.

If we can't achieve a quick solution, the problems in the later stage will be even bigger. As long as this battle drags on for two or three months, we will lose. The polar bears in the east have been hungry for a winter, and they will definitely come out to hunt for food. of!

All I can say is, we'll do our best, but the odds of winning this battle are slim! "

Ferdinand II stared at Conrad in astonishment. He never dreamed that the Austrian chief of staff was so disinterested in war!

Thinking about it, it's right. This is all determined by its own strength. After the outbreak of the war, the combat effectiveness of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's army is really no way to make people feel at ease?

No matter how good a strategy is, doesn't it all require people to implement it? The combat effectiveness of the army is not good, and any combat plan may become a laughing stock.

After a moment of silence, Ferdinand said dissatisfiedly: "Well, let's pray to God together!"

He never dreamed that he would inherit a messed up Austro-Hungarian Empire, not only unable to make breakthroughs militarily, but also passively politically.

After a pause, Ferdinand II added another sentence: "By the way, Your Excellency Chief of Staff remember to hit the Kingdom of Hungary, they are too outrageous!"

Conrad nodded. He knew all the bad things about the Kingdom of Hungary. As the largest grain producing area in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he actually said that there was a shortage of food, and the central government had to allocate funds for them to buy grain!

This is simply a joke. During the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also specially formulated a wartime bill to combat hoarding, but when it came to the Kingdom of Hungary, there was nothing like that at all.

The granaries of the capitalists were still full of grain. The Hungarian Royal Government had to take measures to allow them to receive grain from the market. Instead, they stood with the capitalists and demanded that the central government pay for them to buy grain, and also demanded that Gold payment.

The whole world is watching the joke of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Its own currency cannot be circulated in its own country. It has to be said that this is an irony.

However, Ferdinand II had to find a way to solve the problem of food for ordinary people. The Hungarian capitalists have openly claimed that the central government took away the food, which caused the shortage of food in the Kingdom of Hungary and caused the price of food to rise!

There is no doubt that these capitalists are retaliating after the government, under the wartime act, forced to buy a batch of grain from them at a fair price.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will wake up the Hungarians!" Conrad said murderously

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