Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 120, Italy Surrenders

On the battlefield of Rome, Wallicot was worried at this time. In the first week of the counter-offensive, the Italians played beyond the standard and surprised him with their bravery.

Of course, if that's the case, it's not enough to worry him, anyway, the braver the Italians are, the more casualties they will suffer, and if they can keep up this level, it's another Roman version of the Verdun ground meat. machine

Unfortunately, he soon discovered that the Italians had returned to their normal level again. It might be that the middle-2 boys who dared to fight and kill were almost dead, and the rest were old fritters.

Well, if Wallicot just wants to mess around with no ambitions, then now is the best state. Anyway, he just needs to keep Rome, and it is not a problem to be promoted after the war.

However, if he wants to have greater development, then this is not enough. The Bulgarian army and the new generation of officers with similar records are also in double digits. It is not easy for him to stand out from the crowd.

The army is a place to talk about its achievements. Unfortunately, because the Italians have limited strength, their military exploits must be discounted. The combat effectiveness rankings of the armies of various countries produced by the Bulgarian General Staff are a good reference.

After the outbreak of the World War, the Bulgarian General Staff re-assessed the combat effectiveness of the armies of various countries based on the performance of the armies of various countries on the battlefield.

The full score is 100 points. Simply put, it is based on the performance on the battlefield, mainly on the record, and also integrates various factors such as the morale of the army, weapons and equipment, and logistical supplies.

The Germans still occupy the top spot with a total score of 71 points, mainly due to serious deductions in logistics and strategy, which lowered the score.

The Italians continued to be at the bottom, and the Bulgarian staff gave them a comedy 5. Since the start of the war, they have never won a battle with more than 1,000 people; the army's morale is low, weapons and equipment are outdated, and logistical supplies are rotten.

The comprehensive evaluation given by Ferdinand The Italian strategy is very clear, but unfortunately there is no ability to implement it

So Wallicot was a little embarrassed. Although he had killed hundreds of thousands of Italian troops, this record was still unconvincing.

Unless he can stab the Austro-Hungarian Empire after defeating the Italians, preferably all the way to Germany, can people recognize him as the first person in the new generation of the Bulgarian Army.

Of course, this sweet dream can be done while sleeping, unless he can hang up, otherwise it is impossible to happen under normal circumstances.

Day by day, the Italians' offensive intensity was getting lower and lower, and Wallicot could still hold on, but his officers and soldiers were already anxious.

Where can I find such a good opponent as the Italians? If they are dragged down, the Italians suddenly surrender, and their military exploits will fly away.

A young staff officer suggested, "General, why don't we have a decisive battle with the Italians. Now the total strength of the Allied Powers on the Italian peninsula is still nearly 300,000. If you gather them all together, we may not have the strength to fight the Italians."

Under the influence of Ferdinand, the senior leaders of the Bulgarian army did not like to continue taking risks and increase variables when the overall situation was determined, and Wallikot was no exception.

Wallicot thought about it and said, "No, we can concentrate our troops, and the Italians will also concentrate their troops. This is their homeland. With the current situation in Italy, they can still concentrate 1,230,000 troops.

At 300,000 to more than 1 million, including nearly three-quarters of the colonial troops, the risk is simply too great

It is better to delay the time like now, I am afraid that the food panic has begun to appear in Italy at this time, and they will not last long."

The staff officer said unwillingly, "General, do we just wait and do nothing?"

Wallicot said with a smile, "Of course it's impossible that since the Italians don't come, can't we go to them?"

Time flies by, and in a flash, we entered 1917, and the world war has turned a new page.

The Italians finally couldn't hold it anymore and announced their surrender after Christmas

Of course, militarily, whether Italy surrenders or not has little impact. Anyway, they only have a little strength left, and they cannot affect the direction of the world war.

However, the political influence has become too great. From the start of the war in 1915 to the present, Belgium has been killed among the Allied members, while a series of younger brothers have been killed by the Allies, and now even the big country, Italy, has surrendered.

Although the Italians announced their withdrawal from the war last year, everyone knew that they wanted to speculate again. Some people even thought that the Italians asked for too high a price, so they were placed by John Bull.

But no one could have imagined that the Italians announced their surrender so quickly, after all, they are also foreign powers.

Even Ferdinand was a little puzzled. This time the Italians surrendered too simply. Because of the battle on the southern front, he hadn't paid attention to the Italian battlefield for a long time.

"What's the matter, why are the Italians surrendering so soon"

Acting Chief of Staff Klosf said gloatingly, "Your Majesty, in fact, the Italian government has now announced its surrender, and there is no way out.

In order to counter-attack Rome, the Italians have exhausted their final war potential. In just a few months, they have paid at least more than 200,000 casualties, but still have not succeeded. The brutal casualties have collapsed the Italian army.

In fact, apart from the first week or so, when the Italians had an astonishing burst of courage, they quickly returned to their normal levels.

On December 2 last year, our troops in Rome launched a sneak attack and accidentally captured an Italian division prisoner, twice as many as we went there.

General Wallicot decided that the morale of the Italians had collapsed, and then he concentrated all the troops of the Allies in mainland Italy to fight the Italians. Although the Italians still had several times the strength of ours at that time, they still at a disadvantage.

On Christmas Eve, the Italian army unexpectedly mutinied again, and the front-line troops seized the opportunity to launch an attack.

Nearly 100,000 Italian soldiers walked into our POW camp on their own initiative, the only request was for us to give them the treatment that matched their status, and some even asked our soldiers for Christmas gifts

The Italian government has no choice but to continue the war now, because they don't know when the troops on the front line will surrender."

Ferdinand rubbed his forehead, he thought he had heard it wrong, how could such a strange thing happen, but thinking about Italy in history, Ferdinand felt that it seemed that it was impossible for them to happen to them

In history, a pilot can parachute and capture an Italian infantry regiment. The British and Italians fought, and the capture of prisoners was calculated in acres.

Now that the Italians have begun to surrender on a large scale, you can guess without thinking about Ferdinand, but for the following reasons

1. They are desperate for this war and don’t want to fight anymore;

2. There is a problem with the supply of logistics materials, such as the reduction of the food standard of the soldiers; remark that the Italian soldiers have high requirements for food, but unfortunately their logistics cannot be satisfied at all. In history, there have been many soldiers because the food standard is too high. Low, mass surrender to the enemy event

3. The casualties are too great, they can't take it

It seems that these three iron laws have all appeared in the Italian army, and surrender seems to be their normal operation.

As for courage, can this be eaten? Except at the beginning, everyone knew that he was tricked by John Bull and lost Rome, and suddenly his blood rushed up and wanted to fight the enemy desperately. After calming down, the Italians found that it looked like this war. very uneconomical

It is not worth it to sacrifice your own life for a war that is actively lost.

Even if Rome is recaptured, how can it still not change the outcome of this war? Besides, if Rome is recaptured by force, it will definitely turn Rome into ruins. In the end, it is not Italy that is injured.

Why the Italians surrendered is not important, the key is the aftermath. After all, Italy was once a member of the great powers, and still has some family background. As a victorious country, it is natural to divide it up.

After pondering for a moment, Ferdinand said, "Let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicate with Britain and France. Let's see what conditions the British will give. On the issue of dividing up Italy, we can make deals in other places."

Obviously, it is impossible for the British to let the Bulgarians and the French easily carve up Italy, otherwise how can John Bull gain a foothold in the Mediterranean in the future?

Of course, no matter how arrogant John Bull is now, if he doesn't come up with real money in exchange, it's impossible for the two countries to make concessions easily.

From the outbreak of the World War to the present, Bulgaria has been struggling. From the Arabian Peninsula to the Balkan Peninsula, Bulgaria has now occupied millions of square kilometers of territory. It is time to digest it.

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