Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 10. The outbreak of the Russian financial crisis

After dealing with the treasure, Ferdinand was free again. Take little Ferdinand around every day, even on official business.

The little guy also misses Ferdinand very much, and hugs him when he sees him. There were also frequent surprise attacks on him—urinating on him, or wiping his drool with his clothes, but Ferdinand was not impatient at all.

Especially not long ago, little Ferdinand opened his mouth to speak, and the first sentence he said was "pee"! However, Fei's shameless and direct default is "Dad". It is understandable that the child's pronunciation is inaccurate!

The relationship between father and son made the two mistresses of the family very jealous. For this reason, they also divided the time for taking the baby and tried to teach little Ferdinand to learn to speak.

However, Ferdinand's good mood did not last long. He had already determined that the first sentence the little guy learned was not "Dad", but "Pee"!

Because every time the little guy opens his mouth, he either urinates or poops! This made him very embarrassed. The previous act of pretending was a complete failure, and it made him lose face in front of the two hostess!

Ferdinand has decided that when the little guy is a little older, let him get a good feel for what aristocratic education is.

The education of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Kohali family, even now he can still be found in the memory of the original owner!

"Three summers in summer, three colds in winter." This sentence is not enough to describe his experience!

In Ferdinand's memory, at a very young age, he began to receive aristocratic training. First learn language, noble etiquette, and then begin to receive military training when you are a little older, including music, art, history, humanities...

In short, don't even think about having a few days off at the end of the year! In addition to his birthday, the birthdays of his elders, and Christmas, it is probably a holiday to participate in aristocratic society!

So now Ferdinand is proficient in German, French, Russian, Hungarian, and a little bit of Arabic and Spanish, all of which were left over from his predecessor. (Note: Bulgarian and Russian can be used in common)

Ferdinand was fortunate more than once, but fortunately he preserved his predecessor's memory, otherwise, with his scumbag attributes, he might not even have learned a foreign language now!

After thinking about it, Ferdinand had to look at his son with sympathy. A beautiful childhood was too extravagant for him!

Maybe three years old, maybe four years old, no more than five years old at the latest, he will say goodbye to his childhood life and start learning a lot of things.

Of course, the little guy doesn't know yet.

His unscrupulous father is really gloating about misfortune. At this moment, his eyes are spinning, and he seems to be thinking about something!

Leisure time is always short, especially for a king!

"Your Majesty, the Jewish consortium has attacked the Russian stock market!" Fuhu said with admiration

For Ferdinand's precise judgment, the more people who know him, the more they admire him, and Fuhu is no exception!

Ferdinand said lightly: "As expected, our layout can also be closed!"

Knowing that the beginning of the economic crisis was the stock market, how could Ferdinand not enter the market and make a fortune? Long before the Jewish action, he bought a lot of stocks in batches, waiting for the opportunity to vote!

Fuhu was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Your Majesty, is it too early for us to retreat now?

The Jews have just started to drive up the stock price, and the Russian stock market should continue to soar in a short period of time. If we retreat now, isn’t the loss too great? "

Ferdinand shook his head. If he didn't have the treasure he obtained before, maybe he would really be tempted to take a risk and take a chance. Now let's forget it, playing finance, he doesn't think he is a genius, More likely to be played dead!

He explained: "Jews have been playing finance for thousands of years, right? There may be people who can outperform them in this regard, but it will never be us! If they are tricked by them, it will be troublesome to become a blamer. It's gone!"

With Ferdinand's order, all his stocks began to sell quietly and slowly. But now the Jewish consortium is preparing to harvest, and is still raising the stock price, the stocks released by Ferdinand will naturally be taken over!

As for shorting? A small amount is okay, a large amount: Ferdinand said, if anyone dares to do this, after the outbreak of the Russian financial crisis, Nicholas II will ask him how to rewrite his life?

Don't look at how much the Jewish consortium has made this time. In the next few decades, the bane of the Russian anti-Semitic movement will be buried now!

(Lessons from the past 404, omitting the 50,000-character stock market situation)


Taking advantage of the advantage of the Jewish consortium to drive up the stock price, Ferdinand took the opportunity to make a small profit and left the market in a hurry.

At this time, the stock market of the Russian Empire has begun to break through the sky, and the market has soared by 80% compared with half a year ago, but investors still believe that the stock will still rise!

It is not that everyone does not understand that the stock market is already very dangerous now. But many people think that it is not yet the peak, holding the attitude of selling as long as there is another wave, looking forward to the emergence of another wave of pick-up heroes!

The turmoil in the stock market, the Tsarist government is not clear. However, what is now pursued is a free market economy, and the market should adjust itself when there is a crisis. The tsarist government chose to watch all this from the sidelines!


Finally, the Jewish consortium felt the time was right, and on June 2, 1899, the crisis broke out on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange!

More and more sell orders were placed, but no one was interested, and the stock price began to plummet!

The volatility in the stock market soon spread to the financial market. A large number of bad loans appeared in the banks, and the run crisis broke out.

There are long queues of withdrawals at the door of every bank, and of course, the efforts of competitors are indispensable!


"Your Majesty, the Russian financial crisis broke out!" the Finance Minister said anxiously

Along with him were Bulgarian cabinet ministers and senior officials of various ministries and commissions, and everyone was not at ease at the moment.

The Bulgarian-Russian alliance is not a simple military alliance, it is an economic alliance of the economic integration of the Bulgarian-Russian economy. There is a financial crisis in Russia, and Bulgaria does not want to be alone!

Of course, the financial crisis can still be handled. This has little impact on Bulgaria. It seems that Bulgarians have little interest in the stock market. Due to the small scale, they were also affected by the Stam cabinet incident.

As early as 1888, Ferdinand ordered the temporary closure of the stock exchange. The so-called stock market crash, for Bulgaria, everyone can only be a melon eater once, just take a look.

What about people who want to speculate in stocks? Of course it's cold! The ideas of a few people cannot compete with the general trend!

Anyway, this year, it is not popular for ordinary people to trade stocks abroad, and going abroad is also a troublesome job!

Especially after the Balkan War, the national self-confidence of the Bulgarians suddenly rose. Except for Austria-Hungary and Russia, other countries in Eastern Europe were dismissive!

Nearby Greece and Serbia have stock exchanges, but unfortunately everyone doesn't like it! Austro-Hungary and Russia are far away and out of reach, can't you spend a few months rushing to buy a stock?

Ferdinand said with a smile: "Don't worry, the financial crisis won't affect us, and the Bulgarian people don't buy stocks!

Moreover, the Federal Reserve has just been established. In order to raise gold, the overseas business of United Bank and Royal Bank has been greatly reduced, and the impact will not be too great; the National Bank will never go out to play finance, right?

As long as the three major banks are stabilized, the Bulgarian financial crisis will not break out! "

The Minister of Finance is also a fan of the authorities. With the increase in the volume of trade between Russia and Russia, the United Bank and the Royal Bank naturally followed the trend and opened a number of branches in Russia to carry out foreign exchange business.

At this time, a wave of runs broke out in Russia, and they were naturally the first to bear the brunt. If any one had a problem, the Bulgarian financial community would not be able to eat it!

Of course, what he is more worried about is United Bank. Royal Bank is Ferdinand's family bank. With the support of this big family, it will never go bankrupt!

Moreover, the Royal Bank of Bulgaria has a high reputation even in Russia, and its credibility is still reliable in the hearts of ordinary people, and few people will worry about it going bankrupt!

Even if there is a run, it will be the small bank that will suffer first!

Very bad. Although the Union Bank is very powerful in Bulgaria, it is really a small bank internationally, at least the Russian people think so!

Bulgarian business community? Is this a ghost? How powerful can they be? How many millions of rubles? Or only a few hundred thousand rubles?

It's a pity that he didn't know that Ferdinand was also behind the Union Bank, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious.

The Bulgarian business community sounds very powerful, but in fact, everyone is a newcomer, and their family is really not rich. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream to ask everyone to use money to fill the hole!

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy echoed: "Yes, this financial crisis will not affect us too much!

The real trouble is the industrial crisis that followed the financial crisis! At present, after the Russian finance has been hit hard, many companies will go bankrupt directly because of funding problems!

At that time, there will be a large number of unemployed people, and the purchasing power of the unemployed will be greatly reduced. The Russian market will shrink significantly in a very short period of time, and our exports of industrial products to Russia will be in big trouble! "

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