Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 7, the Federal Reserve?

Ferdinand cherishes feathers. Even in order to win the coinage to strengthen the economic control of the government, he will never come forward!

If Ferdinand's prestige is forced to pass, even this time he has no selfishness. One day in the future, a lot of conspiracy theories will be interpreted, which is not conducive to the rule of his descendants!

For this kind of thing, it is more appropriate for a private company like Union Bank to start out. Although it is only a vest, Union Bank also represents most of the Bulgarian business community!

Moreover, the fact that private banks have the right to mint coins is not news at all in Europe, everyone is used to it.

"Mr. Victor, this matter involves a lot of questions. I can't answer you right now! But I want to know how much gold your bank can use as reserves this time? This is very important!" Kennedy said seriously

Obviously in his heart, Kennedy has accepted this proposal. As long as Union Bank can really come up with enough gold, it is not impossible for them to join in!

Victor thought for a while and said, "Within one month, Union Bank can take out ten tons of gold, in six months we can take out twenty tons of gold, and in one year we can raise more than thirty tons of gold, which is basically the same as the current government. equivalent of gold reserves!"

Yes, the gold reserves in Union Bank are less than ten tons, but that doesn't stop Victor from bragging! Businessmen, when they talk about business, they naturally have to raise their prices!

As for whether the United Bank can come up with so much gold later, Victor is not sure, but the boss behind him has already made a promise, so he dares to say it.

Having been the manager of Union Bank for so long, Victor can roughly infer that there must be a big force behind Union Bank, specifically which force, his curiosity is not so heavy.

Kennedy was shocked when he heard Victor's words. If Victor said before: "Take out the same imperial gold reserve as the government", he still didn't believe it, but now he does!

At least there are ten tons of gold in Union Bank now,

Otherwise, Victor would not dare to make any promises!

The Bulgarian government is very strong. If you dare to deceive the government, even if the backstage of Union Bank is very hard, you will not be able to eat and walk away. At least the president of Victor will be in bad luck!

With an expression of admiration on his face, Kennedy said with anticipation: "Mr. Victor is amazing, I can see that United Bank has only been established a few years ago, and it is already one of the three major banks in Bulgaria, not without reason. , Your ability is indeed admirable!

By comparison, the National Bank of Bulgaria is far behind! Now, on behalf of the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance, I would like to invite Mr. Victor to take up the post of President of the Bulgarian National Bank. What is the intention of Mr. "

Victor was suddenly stunned, what is this operation? It was originally about business, but now why is it now poaching?

However, looking at Kennedy's expression, it doesn't seem like he's telling a lie. Is there any temptation for the position of Governor of the National Bank of Bulgaria?

For the previous Victor, there must be some, but now, he has become the president of United Bank, and he is not so keen on that position!

"Thank you Mr. Kennedy for your kindness, and I'm sorry! I had a great time at Union Bank, and I have no plans to change jobs!" Victor shook his head and refused.

Kennedy sighed and tried his best to say: "Your Excellency is worried about the internal control of Union Bank! You can rest assured that this time the government has decided to rectify them severely!

If you are the president, the Ministry of Finance can fully authorize you to handle all the affairs of the bank, even if you dismiss all the current employees! "

Victor's eyes lit up, and then he became depressed again.

The Bulgarian National Bank does have many advantages. If he is the president, he will restructure the system, and I believe that this old bank will soon be rejuvenated!

It's a pity that there are too many bad things in government enterprises, especially old-fashioned enterprises! It's definitely not a matter of one or two days to smooth things out. Instead of fighting with people every day, it's better to be comfortable at United Bank!

"Sorry, I have limited ability, I really can't help the National Bank!" Victor thought for a while and said

Kennedy smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's hard for the strong! The problem of the Bulgarian National Bank has been gone for a day or two. Even though the government has rectified it twice, it still hasn't changed much!

Well, let's continue with our previous topic!

Regarding the issue of Union Bank's participation in the currency bank, it is beyond the scope of my authority to decide, not me alone!

After I go back, I have to convene a meeting of the Ministry of Finance. If it is approved, I have to report it to the cabinet before the final decision can be made!

However, I think Mr. Victor can prepare gold, even if the cabinet fails to pass, we are willing to pay a high price for it! "


Seeing off Chancellor Kennedy, Victor had a smile on his face, and he knew it was almost done.

For the Bulgarian government, it is not unacceptable that a part of the minting rights should be allocated as long as it can satisfy the domestic currency circulation.

There are already many such examples in the world. Just think about the Federal Reserve. The Americans simply split the exercise of the currency from the government!

Of course, even if international capital participates, no country is willing to have foreign forces participating in its own currency line. Now Greece is a negative example. After the currency collapsed, it had to ask the foreign powers to restore the currency value, so that the European powers completely grasped the financial power!

Kennedy went straight back to the Treasury Department, and instead of going to the Royal Bank, he held an emergency meeting.

With the current size of Bulgaria's economy, even if it adds another billion levs, the market can easily digest it!

But the gold reserves required for this are simply not what the Bulgarian government can solve now, even adding the Royal Bank is not enough!

Only the combination of the three major banks in Bulgaria can barely solve it! If there is no Union Bank to join, there will be a huge gold gap!

"I went to Union Bank just now, and they have much more gold reserves than we expected, at least ten tons of gold!

If they were given time, within a year, they could even raise thirty tons of gold!

But they also put forward conditions, Union Bank wants to join the money bank! "

As soon as Kennedy's voice fell, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect the United Bank of Light to have such a strong strength. From this, it can be inferred that the gold reserves of the Royal Bank are definitely not low!

The Director of the Currency Department turned dark, this is definitely not good news for him! If Union Bank is on board, then Royal Bank is sure to.

With the addition of two shareholders, the rights of the currency company will definitely be limited! But now the Bulgarian bureaucracy has not been completely corrupted, and he did not directly speak out for the power in his hands!

After calmly thinking about it, the director of the currency department said unexpectedly: "I have no objection to the joining of the Union Bank, but the exercise of the currency must be firmly controlled by the government! Is there any way to ensure that the Union Bank will not be affected by the international community? Capital holding?"

Kennedy was stunned for a moment, and then reacted quickly. Now the Bulgarian government has no choice at all.

Instead of letting foreign currencies occupy the Bulgarian market, it is better to teach your own people to control them, at least the minting power government can control!

In this case, there is no need to oppose Union Bank joining the currency bank. On the contrary, it is more important to ensure that the United Bank is penetrated by international capital!

Of course, the Royal Bank, no one mentioned that the strength of the Ferdinand family is unquestionable, and they do not think that any international force can control the Royal Bank!

At this time, the director of the tax department said: "To ensure the purity of the Union Bank, we can restrict it by introducing laws.

For example: Ban all banks with foreign backgrounds, plus currency banks! Or directly restrict international capital from investing in United Bank! "

After thinking about it, Kennedy said neatly: "Okay, if there is no other proposal from others, we will vote directly! Now our time is very tight, and we don't have more time to discuss it slowly!"


The result is self-evident, there is no better way, usually everyone will not object, this is also the characteristic of Bulgarian bureaucrats!

The clear streamers who oppose for the sake of opposition have no place in the Bulgarian government! Now you can oppose any decision made by the government, the premise is that you can come up with a better strategy to solve the problem!

This is also the atmosphere that Ferdinand has been working hard to create. Anyone in the government who has a better strategy can come up with it. Even if the cabinet has already made a decision, it can be revised!

This kind of thing happens a lot, and everyone is used to it. Anyway, there is a more suitable method to change it. It has become the norm of the Bulgarian government. This is true from top to bottom, and there is nothing to be ashamed of!

Kennedy's efficiency was very high, and it was passed by the Treasury Department on the same day. The next day, it was submitted to the cabinet for deliberation. In the evening, the proposal was passed to Ferdinand!

Of course, there are also a lot of restrictions on joining banks, such as: participating banks prohibit all international capital from entering the board of directors; participating in bank equity transactions, more than 1%, must be reviewed by the Ministry of Finance...

Ferdinand looked at it and saw that there were no problems, so he signed his name on the proposal, and the famous "Federal Reserve Bank" came out like this!

The specific participants have not yet been finalized, but now Bulgaria has the strength to participate. Except for Union Bank and Royal Bank, there are no local financial institutions. This kind of big scene is not something they can participate in!

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