Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 84, Children?

The end of the 19th century was a turbulent era, an era of alternating old and new, the golden age of imperialism, and the best era of territorial expansion!

Now there is no complete history book in the Balkans, and now Ferdinand has ordered people to compile "The History of the Balkans". The biggest advantage is that no one competes with him for the right to interpret!

Since the Ottoman Empire occupied the Balkans, the original system of civilization has been interrupted. As for history? What the Ottomans recorded, will the Balkan peoples buy it?

Believe it or not, a general history of the Balkans is about to be released. How long it will take to come out is beyond Ferdinand's control.

In this day and age, scholars are still a little bit scrupulous, even if they want to fake it, they have to create a professional! To stand the test, too obvious loopholes are not allowed to exist.

In addition to the artistic processing of historical events, there must be enough historical documents or cultural relics to prove it. This is not a small project!

Ferdinand still supports the request of scholars, this is the level of professionals! The counterfeiting is a complete set. Even if someone doubts it in the future, it is just a war of words!

These cultural relics will be put into the museum that just started construction in Bulgaria in the future for people to visit. Even if some people question it, they will not be able to verify it!

Don't get me wrong, the cultural relics are all real, just make up a new version of the story for them.

Literature? The original is naturally gone, and it was destroyed by the Ottomans!

This is not to wrong them. After the Ottoman Empire occupied the Balkans, many things were destroyed! Now the Ottomans themselves are not sure how much their ancestors have destroyed!

There is absolutely no proof for this!

What attracted the most attention to Ferdinand was the "History of the Origin of the Balkan Nations". In order to write a popular history of the origin of the nation, Bulgarian writers basically participated in it.

Now Ferdinand misses the internet age in his previous life. To make up stories, online writers are experts, and they can talk nonsense in earnest.

The most important thing is efficiency. Let this group of traditional literature workers in Bulgaria do it. It takes three to five years as soon as possible, and ten or eight years as slow as possible. Even if someone writes for 20 to 30 years, it is normal!

In exchange for an online author, a mere hundreds of thousands of words of the history of the origin of the Balkan peoples can be taken out in ten days and a half months!

Bulgarians are mixed race anyway,

It has some relations with all ethnic groups in the Balkans, and I can't figure it out!


Anyway, as soon as the construction of "General History of the Balkans" and "History of the Origin of the Balkan Nations" started, experts and scholars from the Balkans flocked to them. Now, under this circumstance, it is the best opportunity for them to bring smuggled goods!

The real opportunity to gain both fame and fortune, anyway, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, who are responsible for presiding over the compilation of books, are all welcome to these people, and they are all preferential!

The only requirement is that the creation must be done within the established framework. These are not difficult for them, after all, those who chase fame and fortune have low morals!


The busyness of the outside world has nothing to do with Ferdinand for the time being. Tai is now dining with his family, his wife, Grand Duchess Senia, and his mother, Princess Clementine.

Now the two hostess are very dissatisfied with Ferdinand. During the Balkan wars you were understandably busy, but after the war it was too much to be so busy!

In particular, Ferdinand could not hold a large palace banquet for several years, which is too much! It's so bad that they don't even have a chance to express themselves. You must know that the lives of noble ladies are also very boring.

Of course, they could throw their own banquets, but the Bulgarian vibe really didn't suit it. Looking around, all of them are a group of upstarts, and they really have no common language with them! Less than 30 years after the founding of the country, where can I find nobles with profound background?

Of course, Ferdinand didn't know this, and thought that he was too busy and didn't pay enough attention to them, which made them dissatisfied!

"Ferdinand has won the war for so long, why don't you organize an event to celebrate?" Princess Clementina asked suspiciously

Xenia also stared at Ferdinand, as if expecting his answer. At the same time, mixed with a bit of doubt, why does Ferdinand from a noble family seem so different?

Ferdinand, who was unclear about the situation, answered honestly: "There are celebrations, and now the government is preparing for the establishment of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom. We put the victory celebration and the establishment of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom together. !"

After listening to Ferdinand's words, Princess Clementine weakly replied: "Oh!"

This kind of courtship is too serious, and she is destined to be only a supporting role. The protagonists must be the king and queen, the queen dowager, it's better not to be in the limelight, otherwise people will laugh at them and don't understand the rules!

The Grand Duchess of Xenia has come to the spirit now, you must know that the principality is always inferior to the kingdom, and the queen of the kingdom is always more face-saving than the principality!

"By the way, when will the ceremony be held?" Xenia asked excitedly

Ferdinand said embarrassedly: "The specific time has not yet been determined. Today, Congress has just approved it, and it is still in preparation."

Xenia rolled her eyes and said in her heart: You just thought of it! Bulgarian Congress, when has it been in charge?

Suddenly Xenia felt nauseous, so she said, "I'm feeling a little sick, so I'm going to rest first."

After he finished speaking, he just got up and took a few steps before he started to vomit.

Ferdinand got up quickly, and without waiting for him to pass, the maids already took the lead and went over to support Xenia.

"Call the doctor!" Ferdinand shouted, walking over and watching with concern.

Well, now Ferdinand doesn't know what to do, he's not a doctor! If it is in the future, the minor faults are not worth mentioning. Now? Any minor illness could be fatal, and he couldn't help worrying about it.

Although he and Xenia didn't have a deep relationship at the beginning, they also respected each other, which was very rare for a big noble. After getting along for a long time, and now that they have accepted each other, he can't help but worry.

Soon the court doctor Melody Nicholas rushed over, and as soon as the diagnosis was made, a smile appeared on Melody's face.

Princess Clementina seemed to think of something, and asked with concern, "How is it, Mr. Melody?"

Melody Nicholas replied happily, saying: "Congratulations, the queen is pregnant!"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere on the field changed immediately. Obviously, this is a good thing for everyone!

Ferdinand is not too young, and he has been married for four years. Everyone is anxious, especially Bulgaria now needs an heir.

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