Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 56, Like a God Helping the 2nd Army

After the capture of Adrianople, Ferdinand had already set his sights on Constantinople!

At this time, the First Army swept through the cities of Kerklarelli and Lüleburgaz after the war like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the road to Constantinople was cleared!

"Have the artillery promised by the Russians been delivered?" Ferdinand asked.

"The ship was shipped from the port of Odessa yesterday, and the navy transported it directly to the front line. If there is no accident, it will be handed over to General Husband tonight!" Prime Minister Constantine replied seriously

Ferdinand hesitated for a moment, and said, "Constantinople is not so easy to break through. After all, it is the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Although the Armenians made a fuss a few years ago, the Sudanese government will not give up!

Once we are unable to overcome it in the short term, the reinforcements from Ottoman Asia will continue to rush over, and we can't stand the exhaustion!

The last heavy artillery regiment is also sent there. At this point, Romania will not participate in the war! "


Ferdinand decided to go all out!

The life of the Ottoman Empire is not easy. The situation in the Balkans is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the internal struggle of the Ottoman government is becoming more and more intense!

In the face of the crisis, the major factions not only did not unite with sincerity and overcome difficulties together, but instead blamed each other, shirked responsibility, and tried to use the Balkan war to knock down political opponents!

Due to internal struggles, the strategy of the Ottoman Empire was greatly divided.

The conservatives headed by the prime minister believed that the Ottoman Empire would not be able to win in the short term.

Proposition 1. Give up the Bosnia and Herzegovina region in exchange for the Austro-Hungarian Empire giving up its support for the alliance;

2. Abandon the Egyptian region and gain the support of the British;

3. Strengthen the offensive against Greece, put pressure on the Greek government, and let Greece withdraw from the Balkan Union through political means;

4. Temporarily abandon the Kosovo region, abandon most of Macedonia, and focus on defense. Immediately reinforce Istanbul and fight a protracted war with Bulgaria.

The radical faction headed by the Minister of the Interior believes that the nationalism of the Ottoman Empire is now on the rise. Once the government takes improper measures, it will cause further turbulence in the domestic situation, and they oppose the large concessions to the foreign powers!

Proposition 1. Abandon the Greek battlefield and concentrate forces on a decisive battle with Bulgaria in the Macedonian region;

2. Increase troops to Istanbul and fight Bulgaria;

3. Immediately expand the army by one million to prevent the Russians from participating in the war.

The pessimists, led by the Minister of Finance, believed that the Balkan war was a proxy war of the great powers, and they must be cautious. If it is not handled properly, it may trigger the frenzy of the great powers to carve up the Ottoman Empire again.

Especially the Russians! They believe that this Balkan war was planned by the Russians with the purpose of seizing the Black Sea Strait, while other powers can compromise!

Claim 1. Give up the Bosnia and Herzegovina region, and ask Germany to come forward to coordinate relations with Austria-Hungary;

2. Recognize the status quo in Egypt in exchange for the British not intervening in the Balkan War;

3. Use the currently occupied Greek cities as bargaining chips to negotiate with the Greeks;

4. Buy Bulgaria, dismantle the Bulgaria-Russia League and the Balkan League. For this reason, you can give up all the territories in Europe except Istanbul!


The Sudanese government has not yet come to a result, and changes have taken place on the battlefield. On May 15, 1897, the Ottoman army in Skopje mutinied!

The mutiny of the Ottoman army is no longer a news every day or two. It always comes several times a year, but this time it happened at the wrong time and place.

At this moment, the Bulgarian army is approaching the city!

The cause and effect are not important anymore, anyway, they are all old routines, withholding military pay, and the captured young men are unbearable to be bullied and rebel.

Dante Kristoff was not chivalrous. He noticed the changes in the Ottoman barracks and immediately launched a tentative attack. After more than five hours of hard fighting, the largest city in Macedonia planted the Bulgarian flag!

Until now Dante-Christophe was dazed,

Victory came too suddenly.

After counting the results of the battle, more than 3,800 enemies were wiped out in this campaign, and more than 45,000 enemy soldiers were captured!

Seeing this number, Dante Christoph wondered if his subordinates had written an extra zero! The Bulgarian army that participated in the attack had only two divisions of more than 30,000 people, broke through a city defended by more than 50,000 people, and captured more than 40,000 people. No matter how you look at it, it is a fantasy!

"What's going on? Could it be that the Ottomans collectively had diarrhea today and became prisoners obediently?"

The chief of staff suppressed a smile and said, "The Ottomans didn't have collective diarrhea, but they did become prisoners obediently!

This is the detailed battle report, take your time to read it! "

After a while, Dante Christophe browsed the battle report and sighed, "It's really self-inflicted!"

The chief of staff smiled and said, "Isn't this right? The more the Ottomans fiddle around, the better for us!

Since the start of the war, the Ottoman army defeated by our Second Army has already exceeded 100,000, and the enemy has captured 70,000 to 80,000 troops!

You must know that there are only more than 80,000 defenders in the Macedonian region. Didn't you already know how these people came here? "

Dante Kristoff still said in disbelief, "Who knew the Ottomans could do such a thing! Are their commanders all idiots?

There are only more than 10,000 regular troops, but they just arrested more than 40,000 civilians to make up the number. Do they think they can scare us with numbers? "

The chief of staff thought for a while and said cautiously, "You have to ask Aris Pasha about this? Maybe he thinks that these people are loyal supporters of the Ottoman Empire!"

If more than 40,000 people are united as one, even with a hoe, they can cause us a lot of harm in street fighting! "

Dante-Christoph retorted, "Let's save it! It's as if Aris Pasha didn't lead troops to suppress the previous Macedonian uprising!

The Macedonian region has been greatly harmed by them, and the local people hate them to the bone, how could he not know?

Didn't you see that we called over? Are the local people "eating pots of pulp to welcome the king's teacher"? Without their help, we would not have been able to advance so fast! "


Whether Aris Pasha who is discussing is an idiot or not, and Aris Pasha who has escaped unharmed is also very wronged. He doesn't know the specific situation at all!

The system of the Ottoman army has long been chaotic, and it has long been a practice for officers who have eaten nothing and lost battles to recruit strong men to make up for the number!

Many troops in the Macedonian region have been defeated by the Second Army for several rounds. Some Ottoman armies were even eliminated regiment by regiment, but they still existed in the Ottoman army formation!

As long as the senior generals are still there, the troops will be quickly replenished. Of course, no one knows whether they can fight or not.

It’s fine in other places. The revolution in Macedonia has just been extinguished, and there are quite a few fish that slipped through the net. Seeing the opportunity coming, of course we have to do something!

The situation in Skopje is just a microcosm of the Ottoman army. In the successive battlefields, the strength of the Macedonian region is insufficient, and they are forced to recruit a large number of strong men to make up for it.

The next battle of the Second Army is going smoothly!

After the outbreak of the Greek-Turkish War, the Sudanese government not only mobilized a large number of troops from the Macedonian region, but also transported a large amount of strategic materials.

At this moment, the Macedonian region is not only short of troops, but also lacks of supplies, especially in areas close to Greece, where weapons and ammunition have been depleted!

In the next week, the Second Army swept across the Macedonian region. If it were not for logistical constraints, it would have conquered Thessaloniki now!


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