Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 117, Serbia's preparations

Although he knew that the enemy's combat effectiveness this time was not good, Ferdinand still wanted to reduce the losses as much as possible!

Regarding the issue of army command, Ferdinand did not intend to intervene, so it was considered a training exercise! When it comes to weapons and equipment, you can still make a fuss, and you don't need to think about artillery. Poor Serbia can't afford artillery shells even if it has artillery. Otherwise, what will happen to the rebels?

Now the artillery equipped by the Bulgarian Army has taken the lead!

At the end of the 19th century, what was the army's cross-generational weapon other than rapid-fire guns?

Of course, it is the first push of the Mark Qin heavy machine gun! 1894 happened to be the time when the Mark Qin heavy machine gun first appeared!

In 1894 in Rhodesia, Africa, during the war between the British army and the local Metabele-Surus people, in a battle, a British force of more than 50 people defeated 5,000 people with only 4 Maxim heavy machine guns. Dozens of charges from the Dometabilis killed more than 3,000 people.

It was World War I that really made Mark Qin stand out. At that time, the Germans were equipped with MG08 Mark Qin heavy machine guns. In the battle of the Somme, 60,000 British soldiers were killed in one day, becoming the death toll in the First World War. most once.

Since then, the armies of various countries have been equipped with the Maxim heavy machine gun, and the Maxim has become a famous murder weapon.

Although we know the power of the Mark Qin heavy machine gun, the arsenal can also copy it, but because the Mark Qin heavy machine gun in this period is too heavy, and water needs to be added at any time during use, it is also prone to jamming. Once it is discovered by the enemy in advance, Practicality is greatly reduced!

At present, the Bulgarian army is only equipped with a small amount of equipment, mainly to train machine gunners. Ferdinand originally planned to launch the M1897 Hatchkiss machine gun directly after the technical breakthrough.

Now I don't care so much anymore, I immediately ordered the arsenal to rush to produce 300 Mark Qin heavy machine guns, plus the ones already installed, so that each company of the main force can be equipped with one.

It's not that I don't want to add more, the key is that the consumption of bullets is too high. Now the production capacity of the Bulgarian arsenal is so large, and the logistics will not be able to supply if there are too many machine guns!

The most important thing is money. After a large-scale battle, according to the consumption of 50,000 bullets of a machine gun, the good guy lost tens of millions of bullets. This is all money!

Fortunately, this time it was only a local war, and the goal was only to weaken Serbia's military strength. It was a preventive war!

The staff estimates that the duration will not exceed two weeks, Serbia will ask Austria-Hungary for help, and then the scene can end!

It may only be a day or two of real continuous fighting, or it may even be just a few hours, and the outcome will be decided!

Bulgaria's war machine has started, the history of the Bulgarian War has once again appeared in the newspapers, revenge has become the mainstream of the people, and Serbia has once again become the number one enemy!

Anyone with a heart knows that war is coming! The Balkans have always been a hot spot for wars. Since Serbia invaded Bulgaria nine years ago, the relationship between the two countries has not been better.

Bulgaria's big move is naturally hidden from the Serbian government.

The young king Alexander Oblianovy is now in a hurry, the troubles at home have not been settled, and the Bulgarians are coming again! No matter how arrogant he is, he does not think that the current Serbia can win this war!

As soon as the emergency meeting began, Alexander couldn't help but speak: "Everyone, Bulgaria's wolf ambitions are already known to passers-by, what should we do now??"

The Minister of War said angrily: "We have to mobilize the whole country immediately and give Bulgaria a head-on attack!!"

After listening to the words of the Minister of War, Alexander asked expectantly: "Oh, what plans does your War Department have? How many troops need to be mobilized to win this war?"

The Minister of War thought for a while and said, "This... depends on how many troops were invaded by Bulgaria? They now have 130,000 regular troops,

Civil mobilization can also be carried out, and the invading army may exceed 100,000, or even 200,000!

And we only have 100,000 troops, and we have to divide our troops to suppress the rebels. At least 200,000 troops must be mobilized before we can defeat them! "

As soon as the Minister of War's words fell, everyone took a deep breath. For a small country with a population of two million, this is already a powerful force!

The Chancellor of the Exchequer was frightened by the lion's mouth from the Minister of War, and questioned: "But what about the weapons and equipment?? To arm so many troops, where are we going to get so many weapons??"

It was rare that the Minister of Finance did not mention the money this time. He knew that at this time, he could no longer care about whether the finances would collapse. If the war was won, everything could be said. If the war was lost, the Cabinet had to prepare to get out, and he did not need to worry about it any more!

After listening to the words of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alexander looked at the Minister of War with anticipation and asked, "How many weapons do we have in stock now and how many troops can we equip?"

The Minister of War was silent for a moment, and said in embarrassment: "This~ alas! Due to the insufficient funds of the army and the wear and tear of suppressing the rebellion, in the past two years, the weapon reserve has dropped to the lowest point in ten years, and there are only more than 1,300 rifles. Two artillery pieces, barely enough to equip a regiment!"

Even though all the amateur players are sitting, they know that no matter what, the army must ensure that each person has a gun!

Looking at it now, after the nationwide mobilization, an average of three people have a gun, which is similar to the Russian Army in World War I, and the combat effectiveness can be imagined!

Alexander I asked reluctantly, "So what about buying it now?"

Without thinking, the Foreign Minister spoke up immediately and said, "Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has communicated with the envoys of various countries. There is no problem in purchasing weapons, but the price is slightly higher, and it will take a little time!"

"How high?" the Chancellor of the Exchequer asked habitually.

"It's five tiers higher than the current international price, and they suggest that we buy front-loading rifles. They have a lot of stock, and they can offer a little discount on the price, and the time is much faster!" The foreign secretary said nervously.

"What is five stories high, why don't you grab it!"

"What breech rifle, those junk have a fart!"

Almost at the same time, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Minister of War issued a question!

At this time, the Prime Minister said: "I remember that we also eliminated a batch of front-loading rifles before, why don't we take them out for the recruits first!"

The Minister of War retorted: "No! What use are those old-fashioned weapons? Isn't this murder?"

The Prime Minister said calmly: "Don't get excited, our Minister of War! Can't kill people even with outdated weapons? First use them for training recruits, and then wait for the weapons to be bought back, and then change clothes!"

After listening to the Prime Minister's explanation, the Minister of War nodded reluctantly!

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