Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 108, Little Man Weibot

In the early morning of the next day, Webert rushed to the factory again full of energy. By this time, the workers had already arrived in twos and threes. Not for anything else, just for the free breakfast in the cafeteria, so don't be late!

This was another saving for the budget-conscious Webert, and the canteen was pretty good, with plenty of bread, a small serving of vegetables, and the occasional milk.

Thinking of this, Weibot is very proud. There are only a handful of factories that can provide three meals for free in the entire development zone, and even the whole of Bulgaria, and the machinery factory is one of them.

After saying hello to my acquaintance colleagues, Weibot entered the cafeteria. At this time, it was the peak time for dining, and there were already many people sitting in the restaurant. After receiving a breakfast, Webbot found a place where no one was at random and sat down.

News of the national debt spread very quickly, and in just a few days, it was widely known through newspapers. Even a group of technical nerds who deal with machinery every day were discussing, and Weibot, who was eating, was quickly attracted.

Well, the Bulgarian people at the end of the 19th century had not yet developed a good habit of reading newspapers, mainly poor people! After all, the cost of printing in this era is not low. An ordinary newspaper is the income of an ordinary worker for a few days.

Ordinary people all know about national debt, and they all listen to what others say. The specific situation is not very clear to everyone.

"I heard that the highest interest rate on the national debt this time is more than 10%? Do you know??" said one person with high eyebrows.

"Really, Saddam, you kid didn't lie to me?? The country actually pays such high interest, why doesn't it borrow money from the bank??" Another asked suspiciously

"**, don't listen to his nonsense! A distant relative of mine works in the bank. The maximum interest rate on the national debt is 10.75%, but the term is 20 years!! Repay the principal and interest when it matures, think about it carefully, Is this still high??" Another person said indifferently.

When he heard Bush's questioning, Saddam stepped on his tail and became angry all of a sudden, and asked sharply: "Why is it not high?? It's still more than 10%, did I say something wrong?? Mr. Bush !!"

"So what? 'Mr. Saddam', have you waited for the 20-year national debt? What if you use money in the middle? Or what if the government changes?? I think it's better It is reliable in the short term, although the interest rate is a little lower, at least the risk is small!" Bush said with a sneer

Saddam gave Bush Jr. a nonchalant look and said, "You coward! What do you do without taking the risk? You might choke to death when you eat!"


It may be that they were too emotional, and their voices were too loud, which attracted the attention of the cafeteria managers, and a young man came to stop them.

"Two gentlemen, please abide by the discipline of the cafeteria and eat in a civilized manner! If there is another loud noise, then please go out!"

Frightened, Saddam and Bush immediately apologized, and said in unison: "I'm very sorry, we are too excited, we will change it immediately, never again!"

Influenced by Ferdinand, the rules of the machinery factory are very strict. There are clear rules about what can be done and what cannot be done. Once violated, the consequences are very serious.

Don't think that what people say is very light, "please go out" is easy, but it is difficult to come back. That also means saying goodbye to the free meals in the cafeteria for a long time in the future. Prepare three meals a day and take care of yourself, which is a lot of expense for them!

Of course, you can choose to leave, but the Bulgarian workers of the 19th century were still very simple. They can leave their jobs for any reason, but they cannot be punished for their own reasons and violate the regulations, and they will not be able to hold their heads up in front of relatives and friends!

Besides, the job in the machinery factory is very popular, with good wages and benefits.

Top rank among all factories in Bulgaria! There are a lot of people wanting to come in. For this job, Saddam and George W. Bush both went through five obstacles and killed them from a group of competitors.

A small episode just passed, and Webbot heard the news he wanted before he went to inquire.

He thought to himself, "It seems that the news of the national debt is true"! At the same time, I want to clarify things even more. After all, the conversation between Saddam and Bush was too brief, and the canteen administrator interrupted him before he said the specific details. Under the circumstances at that time, he could not go any further. asked.

Weibot is a typical technical house. He is not sociable. He doesn't know many friends. Every day is a workshop - a cafeteria - a rented dormitory. Occasionally I have a rest day, at most I sleep in at home, and I have no bad habits.

Now to inquire about the news, this can be difficult for him, dealing with people has always been the most troublesome thing for Weibot! But what has been promised to the wife must be done!

With something on his mind, Webbot was restless all morning and made several mistakes in a row, which caught the attention of the workers.

You must know that such a mistake will be deducted from the money. Under normal circumstances, a skilled person like Weibot will not make it, not to mention the continuous mistakes!

"What's wrong with you, Weibot?? Are you feeling unwell? Why don't you tell your supervisor, take a two-day break, you haven't had a vacation for a long time?" Horqin, who was in the same group with him, asked with concern.

"It's okay, Horqin, don't you know my health? When did you get sick?? Besides, everyone is working overtime. Who doesn't work overtime every day recently!" Kuwait said with a smile

Workers in the 19th century were not as delicate as later generations. They worked fifteen or six hours a day, and usually fell ill and took two days off as a luxury. It's not a serious illness, don't see a doctor! For ordinary workers, a visit to a doctor is basically a declaration of bankruptcy for a family.

Even with Ferdinand's labor protection law, workers have not improved much except for some increased income and increased job security. In order to earn more money, workers choose to work overtime voluntarily. Anyway, as long as overtime pay is paid, the government pretends not to see it.

Horqin looked at Weibot, and it didn't look like he was sick, and he warned again: "Well, that's good! You have to be careful, if there are more problems, you will be done for nothing today!"

Hearing Horqin's reminder, Weibot reacted at once, and quickly retracted his mind. Isn't that right, if I make another mistake, I'm afraid it's really going to be a waste today, and I don't dare to take this Weibot lightly!

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