Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 251: Equipment and treasure map

In the early morning of the next day, Corleone and the others went to a mansion at the invitation of the Minister of the Half Goat, where they will have a conversation with the king.

"Looking at this posture, isn't the old king going to fall back on the bill?" Corleone thought helplessly in his heart.

After entering the living room of the mansion, the dining table is filled with exquisite food, including various dishes and fine wines.

The old king looked at the coming members of the Eagle Group and let out a bold laugh:

"Hahaha! Welcome a few benefactors, these delicacies are prepared for you."

As soon as he said, the waiters served them, and there was the sound of knives and forks colliding on the table. After the staple food was finished, various fruits and desserts were delivered.

Corleone was naturally feasting, but he restrained his appetite very much and only ate half a roast suckling pig, 2 roast geese, 15 eggs and 6 pieces of white bread.

Otherwise, according to the normal way of eating, he would eat all the dishes on the table alone.

"As expected to be the leader of the Eagle Group, only a strong man like you can have such a good appetite!"

"Come on, continue serving!" The Minister of Half-Sheep was respectful, where there was still the arrogant appearance before.

This made Corleone embarrassed, and he waved his hand quickly to indicate that he was full.

The old king also interrupted at the right time: "Anyway, I and all the people have to thank several people for their help, especially your Excellency and the young warlock."

Corleone didn't reply, just raised his glass and gestured with a smile.

Then the old king turned his face and said with a dilemma: "I know, I still owe you the remaining 4000 gold coins commission, but...Because the castle is too worn out, I also urgently need gold coins for repairs."

"Relax! I am a king who believes in his words, so I plan to coordinate this matter with a few people and use a treasure in our country's treasury and a treasure map to repay these debts."

"This..." smiled and glanced at the head of the group, but he still had to make up his mind.

After drunk the wine in the glass, Corleone thought about it, and finally he nodded, agreeing to the price offered by the king.

After all, they are not very short of gold coins now, not to mention multiple friends and multiple paths, and they may be able to ask King Maha for help in the future.

The old king laughed happily, and personally took Corleone and the smiling face into the heavily guarded treasure house.

His treasure house was built in the middle of a cliff, and he needed a hanging basket to go down.

In addition to the soldiers guarding the treasure house, there was also an extremely poisonous basilisk. Seeing the old king approaching, this basilisk was entangled with excitement.

It made Corleone almost split it in half.

There are still a lot of good things in the treasure house. Regardless of the size of this island country, it has a profound background, including dozens of ancient druid creations.

But Corleone saw a pair of dusty leather boots. When he approached the boots, the strange breastplate he was wearing actually reacted, as if to remind him.

"Your Majesty, what is the origin of these leather boots?"

"Hmm...Let me think about it, oh, this treasure is a bit old, who is that! Bring me the treasure record book!"

A guard ran up holding a thick sheepskin book, and the king began to read this old book.

"I can see that these boots were obtained by a certain tribe after seeking help from the ancestors of Maha, and they also defeated an evil spirit fighting team at that time."

"It turns out that there will be a test after putting on the boots. Only those who pass the test can play the true role of this treasure."

"However, this book does not record the effects of treasures. It seems that no one can pass the test, or you should change a treasure? There may be unknown risks in it."

The old king really didn't lie, he didn't know what the effect of these boots were. In case these boots caused any harm to the members of the Eagle Group, it would be too bad.

"No, I have decided, I will take this one! All the risks are borne by myself." Corleone said categorically, without any hesitation.

"This... Since this is your choice, take it away, and I have a treasure map for you."

Speaking of which, the old king took them to another room, which contained dozens of bookcases full of scrolls and books.

One of the old treasure maps was laid on the table by the old king. He looked at the treasure map, and tears seemed to flash in his eyes.

"This is not a disguised map, but a real treasure map. I once sent a fleet to this location, but unfortunately it did not succeed."

"Oh, my eldest son also died in that adventure, but with the strength of your mercenary group, there shouldn't be a big problem."

The old king continued: "This treasure is located on Shark Reef Island. It is the territory of Sahua Murlocs and Splittooth Sharks. This treasure once belonged to the pirate king [One-eyed Dickon] of the Desolate Sea. Buried there."

"If you can eliminate the murlocs on the island, you will surely be able to unearth tens of thousands of gold coins and even more huge wealth!"

Hearing this, Corleone was still a little moved, so he asked the old king about the specific information about Shark Reef Island during his last adventure.

After listening to the old king, Corleone planned to discuss with all the members again to decide whether to participate in the next action.

She smiled and said excitedly: "Such an interesting adventure must be taken, and you will also drop in with your goal, Black Rock Island. It is a rare opportunity. Corleone, the great treasure of the former Pirate King, are you not interested?"

When he returned to the room, Corleone first put on the leather boots with gorgeous carvings.

Immediately after putting it on, he was pulled into a phantom.

There is only one simple goal in this prairie illusion, and that is to escape the chase of a total of 15 long-horned evil spirits.

These dozens of evil spirits have sharp horns on their heads, their skin is dark red, and their feet are like goat-like anti-joint hooves, and it also has a scorpion tail.

Originally, Corleone wanted to turn around and blow up all these long-horned evil, but he found that his strength was reduced to the same as that of ordinary people, and only his physical strength and speed remained normal.

It seemed that this was the rule of illusion, forcing him to flee desperately, so one person plus 15 evil spirits started the chasing competition. . .

I didn't know that after running for a few days and nights, Corleone felt that his heart was about to jump out, and finally waited until the end of the illusion.

The evil spirits in the distance all fell to the ground, exhausted from exhaustion.

"I'll go, this test is really outrageous!"

After leaving the illusion, Corleone also knew the name of this treasure and its specific function.

The ancient magic equipment [Dust Boots], like the [Strange Breastplate], is a part of 6 combined treasures.

The effect is: increase 2 points of agility, after stimulating the magic effect, there will be no traces of movement, and no sound will be made.

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