Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 70: Dark hole

Yang Feng’s gaze fell on the four bodies and said with a smile: “It’s a tenacious vitality, and it’s still not dead! Pierre, Anne, you two are still alive, it’s really beyond my expectations.”

Two of the four bodies on the ground moved slightly, and Pierre climbed pale and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was very decisive and screamed in front of Yang Feng: "Pierre is willing to swear Today, the family of loyalty to Yang Feng, the family of loyalty for generations, is also invited to take over."

Annie's pretty face changed, and she looked at Eunice without a trace. She also immediately slammed into Yang Feng's front and said loudly: "Annie is willing to swear allegiance to Yang Feng, and please take it. No matter what you have. Anne will be fully obeyed."

Both Pierre and Anne are very smart. They know that they have heard the secret of Yang Feng, and they are now in a state of nine deaths. The only way to live is to become a person of Yang Feng, so that it is possible to get a chance.

Pierre and Anne were kneeling on the ground, their heads lowered, and both of them were physically tight, with cold sweats behind them, and their hearts filled with fear.

“Put this headband and collar! This headband can detect your thinking. This collar is equipped with an alchemy bomb! Once you have any negative thoughts about us, this collar will blow up your head. Of course you can Choose not to wear."

Yang Feng smiled and looked at Pierre and Annie, who were kneeling on the ground, waved their hands. The two mechanical swordsmen held two sets of black collars and silver rings toward Pierre.

Yang Feng does not believe that Pierre’s vows are for him.

Pierre did not say anything, took the black collar and the ring directly.

Annie hesitated a little, and also bite the collar and the ring.

"Get up!" Yang Feng said lightly.

They both stood up and chilled behind.

Time flies and the moon rises.

A moonlight sprinkled on the earth, and then slowly moved toward the huge crack under the mysterious force, and finally formed a beam of moonlight into the crack.

Eunice suddenly said: "You can go in!"

Yang Feng nodded slightly, and the horse strode toward the crack.

Eunice and Shi Xue also walked on the liquid metal robot and walked toward the crack.

The dense animal-type mechanical knife, mechanical gunman, and mechanical artillery also followed Yang Feng and entered the crack.

There is a place in the dark cave that may contain such a treasure of gold. As long as the golden blood is obtained, Yang Feng may break through again, break the shackles of the soul qualification, and hopefully become a first-level warlock.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, among the unfathomable cracks, a ladder of moonlight condensed was formed. The ladder formed by the moonlight condensed directly in the void, as if it was linked into a space of silence, disappearing into the void.

Yang Feng waved his hand, and a beast-type mechanical knife soldier immediately stepped forward, stepping down the step formed by the moonlight condensation, and then suddenly disappeared at the end of the moonlight ladder.

"Unknown energy field interference. According to the current database data analysis, the energy field should be the interference force field formed by the warlock's life energy particles and other energy particles. The long-distance data link fails. Is your current spiritual carrier the main body? Form a new close command center."

A string of messages flashed through Yang Feng’s mind.

Yang Feng issued an order: "Yes! With my current spiritual carrier as the main body, a new close-range command center will be formed."

"Understood, smart chip reconfiguration begins. Distance completion time, ten seconds."

A mechanical gunman walked over from the side, holding ten high-energy batteries and pressing Yang Feng's body.

Extending from Yang Feng's body, a single interface directly penetrates into the high-energy battery and absorbs the energy of the ten high-energy batteries.

A smart chip quickly reshaped and formed in the brain of the liquid robot possessed by Yang Feng.

"Construction is complete."

A prompt sounds, Yang Feng can clearly perceive all the information of a total of 765 7-level main battle robots around him.

Yang Feng brows slightly wrinkled: "No. 3796, I entered the relics like this, the information wave will not be disturbed by the force field? This body will not enter the relics, just directly?"

"No! Master, you are my host. Your soul has been reinforced and has the characteristics of the Dai. No matter how many miles apart, no matter what kind of place, you can use the robot to enter and take risks. Others Even if you have the same technology, you can't do this. Eunice and Shi Xue can be sheltered by your soul and enter the ruins with a mechanical body as long as you are within 20 meters of your side."

Yang Feng was relieved to walk straight along the ladder formed by the moonlight. He walked along the ladder formed by the moonlight. When he reached the bottom of the ladder, almost stepping into the air, suddenly his eyes were blooming, and he was very surprised to appear in a dark passage.

In front of Yang Feng, he stood the first mechanical knife soldier who first entered the road.

The two women of Shi Xue also followed the huge mechanical army into the passage of this dark cave.

A mechanical knife soldier opened the searchlight, and the light spread across the passage.

On each side of the passage there is a shelf dedicated to carrying the spell crystal light.

However, at this time there was no magic crystal lamp on the shelf, which was obviously taken away by the first mover.

Yang Feng carefully looked around and found that behind him, there was also a long passage that did not know where to go.

Yang Feng brows a little wrinkled: "How come out?"

Eunice brows slightly and wrinkles carefully and looks around: "Through this passage, there will be a branch road. There is a mural above each winding road, and the mural of the skull is at the end of the road, with a transmission array. You can leave here through that transmission array. The mural of the lion is the way to the headquarters of the dark cave. The road to the dark elves has never lived from there."

"Let's go!"

Yang Feng and his party walked along the passage.

After walking for a few kilometers, Yang Feng crossed the passage and came to a square. The square was as if it had been smashed by a dog, and it was clean and nothing left.

On the other side of the square, there are three ramps, each with a lifelike mural on top of each ramp. The three murals are Shantou, huge golden lion, and a glamorous dark elf.

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