Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 52: Tears of Mermaid

Yang Feng carefully looked at Judy around Felix, and his eyes flashed a touch of appreciation.

This is from the Sanger family's Judy, who is very hot and sexy, full of youthful vitality, and is a rare beautiful girl. Her temperament can be compared with Jessica, the third-ranked heir to the Fernandro family. No girl in the entire 10 classes is as beautiful as her.

"Judi, basic attributes, strength 1.3, agility 1.4, physique 1.1, spirit 1.2."

"Blood: human."

"Soul Qualification: Level 4 inferior."

“Comprehensive assessment, belonging to Tier 1 biology.”

"Felix, basic attributes, strength 6.3, agility 6.2, physique 6.8, spirit 7.2."

"Blood: human."

"Soul Qualification: Level 5 inferior."

“Comprehensive assessment, belonging to level 5 organisms.”

Yang Feng’s mind was moved, and the glasses directly launched the hidden scanning ripples, which scanned the physical conditions of Judy and Felix.

For the official warlock, Yang Feng can't dare to scan the other side with the scanning function of the glasses. Otherwise, once the other person is angry, he will be shot directly to death, and he will not even cry.

The dignity of the warlock is inviolable. A mortal such as Yang Feng is the sole heir to the Iron City. As long as the line violates the interests of the Warlock, the other party is likely to kill him directly. Without full confidence, Yang Feng does not want to risk his life to scan the warlock.

"This gift is very good." Yang Feng took over Judy's slave contract and smiled.

Fenix ​​saw that the slave contract was accepted, and his heart was slightly loose. He took out another box and opened it, revealing a bottle of transparent colorless medicine and five medium magic stones: "This is the tears of the mermaid." And five hundred magic stones. These five hundred magic stones are the small care of our Sanger family, please accept them."

Yang Feng took the bottle of mermaid medicine and pulled out the cork and took a look.

As soon as the cork opened, a strange and sorrowful force field emerged from the potion.

Yang Feng seems to have seen a beautiful and touching mermaid princess crying poorly. The mermaid princess who seems to have come out of the fairy tale is very charming and charming. When he saw it, he seemed to be deeply attracted and unable to extricate himself. A sorrow poured out from his heart, and tears fell.

"Cough!" Just then, the side of Felix gently coughed, a weak mental ripple stabbed Yang Feng, let Yang Feng recover from the illusion.

"Awesome potion!" Yang Feng was shocked and directly covered the tears of the fish with the oak stopper.

Many of the medicinal remedies have mysterious power. Some top pharmacists can even use a variety of drugs to simulate the effects of powerful spells. However, the pharmacists who basically use potions to fight are very rare, because the cost of each agent that can simulate powerful spell effects is very high. Combat with a potion is equivalent to burning a lot of magic stones to fight. No one will do anything except the richest top pharmacists.

Among the alchemy remedies refining the warlocks, many pharmacies, if not taken up, are highly toxic. Just like Yang Feng’s Dragon Blood Pharmacy, as long as he has a sip of his mortal physique, he will be directly killed by the Dragon Blood Pharmacy.

Yang Feng’s mind was calculated: “This mermaid’s tear remedy requires me to be promoted to become a level 1 warlock apprentice.”

Felix handed a palm-sized crystal box to Yang Feng and said warmly: "Yang Feng, I am now a second-level warlock apprentice. If you don't understand anything in your studies, you can ask me. This is Communication magic box, just select my name, click on it to contact me through this communication magic box. The energy of this communication magic box is magic stone, a magic stone is enough to support 10,000 hours of calls. The magic sound box is only the level 0 secret treasure communication range is only 3,000 kilometers, more than 3,000 kilometers there is no signal."

"Is this not a magic version of the phone? Only this magic version of the phone only has communication capabilities!" Yang Feng took over the communication magic box to play for a while, some silently thought.

Felix was very enthusiastic about chatting with Yang Feng for a while and then he was satisfied to leave.

Shi Xue was put into the arms of Yang Feng like a cat. He held his neck like a white jade. His eyes were like a silky spoke. "Brother, I still lack a toy, no, maid! Let her come." When my maid is good for a while? I must teach her how to be a qualified maid of her brother."

"Good! Good! She will be your maid for the time being!" Faced with Shi Xue's spoiled offensive, a mortal Yang Feng could not resist her natural charm, but she could barely push her away and promised. Her request.

Yang Feng currently only wants to upgrade his strength to the level of a level 1 warlock apprentice.

"Thank you brother!" Shi Xue cheered, holding Yang Feng a kiss, pulling the somewhat confused Chuti directly left his room.

Yang Fengqiang suppressed the desire to be picked up by Shi Xue, and threw the squid tears to the robot. He said: "I will immediately analyze the bottle of medicine."

The robot pulled out the scent of the mermaid, and numerous mechanical tentacles extended into it.

“Start the drug analysis! Feasibility analysis for analysis.”

"The agent can be resolved and synthesized!"

"Start modeling analysis!"

"The resolution progress is 0.01%!"

"With the current computing power, it is expected that the drug will be fully resolved after 45 days!"

The 3796 quickly responded with a series of information.

Yang Feng was a little relieved: "Fortunately, in this way, I can add another kind of alchemy agent to improve my soul."

The evolutionary system of the Yi people is completely different from the evolutionary system of the warlock. The parsing function of No. 3796 is not able to be resolved by any pharmacy. Of course, as the database of 3796 is continuously improved, its parsing function will be continuously enhanced. Some alchemy remedies that are currently unresolvable can be slowly resolved as it evolves.

After the mermaid tears can be resolved, this means that Yang Feng’s soul qualification can be upgraded to level 3 or level 4 in the future. In this way, he has the possibility to be promoted to the official warlock.

In the days that followed, Yang Feng was immersed in learning, learning hunger and thirst every day. As he continues to take the Magic Blue Demon Ji agent, he can clearly perceive that his physical fitness is increasing every day, and his learning ability is constantly increasing and his spirit is getting better.

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