Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 194: Open up wasteland

The latest website: ps. slightly water.

After all, there was such a big noise tonight, and many people wanted to clarify the situation.

Pestoya's night visit was a small episode, and it didn't stop later. Several uninvited guests came to the Unicorn Inn one after another.

There are second-tier and third-tier assassins who are proficient in stealth.

Presumably it was the umbrella organization, or the spies who wanted to be unfavorable to Reina.

In order not to reveal the flaws, and also feel the trouble of wave after wave of harassment, Su Lun simply stayed in bed with Mr. Jing all night.

There is nothing arrogant, both sides are calm.

With such a great master by his side, Su Lun didn't have to worry about his own safety, and he could hardly sleep well.


Early in the morning the next morning, the old butler Anthony's stern drink came from the hotel.

"Everyone, get ready and set off on time at seven!"

Su Lun got up, and made himself an adventurer costume in a trench coat and cowboy hat.

"Qian Tiao" was still washing, so he went downstairs and found the latest newsletter and letters from a pile of letters at the hotel reception.

This is a simple newspaper made by intelligence dealers, printed overnight, and they are all the latest information about the camp.

The unit price is very expensive, but the sales volume is good.

Su Lun glanced at the contents of the newspaper and mentioned the attack last night in a large part.

But it is very rough, except for the "mysterious man", there is no gap in the identity of the assassin.

He also saw the hidden message that Sabina had left for him, and he had a general idea of ​​the follow-up actions of the umbrella organization.

The people of the umbrella organization did not give up surveillance.

However, the file level has been lowered and the threat is much smaller.

Just when Su Lun was reading the newspaper at the front desk.

A few people walked down the stairs again, and when they turned their heads to see, it was Lena who led the personal waitress downstairs.

One night later, there was no sadness on the face of the eldest lady, her eyes were full of seriousness. She is wearing a liquid leather jacket, but it is not the standard version of the Black Tower Academy, but a higher-level alchemy product with a special modification. The waist is equipped with pistols, daggers, mechanical vests and tactical belts, gas masks...

What's more rare is that she has a mechanical box sprayed with cross-red paint on her back, which is a military individual medical equipment box.

It seemed that the eldest lady was ready to fight herself.

Su Lun glanced at her, raised his brows slightly, and naturally saw some changes in her.

It seemed that the immature faded overnight, and it became more stable.

Lena nodded when she saw Su Lun and said hello.


Unlike the hunting groups of other families, which have thousands of people at every turn, the Reyes family has only four to five hundred people.

Except for the more than one hundred family guards brought by Lena, there are only a few medium-sized waste hunting groups of the Cross.

The group of people converged in the tent area outside the camp, and they immediately attracted pointers from all walks of life.

"Hey~ I remember that it was Anthony, the butler of the Reyes family, but I didn't expect that old guy had advanced to the third rank."

"I saw the battle last night, and the strength is indeed very strong. It is a pity, just this person, I am afraid that if you can't reach the center of the city, you will have to destroy..."

"I heard that the Unicorn Hotel was also attacked by an assassin last night?"

"Assassin? That's not an ordinary assassin, I heard..."

"It turned out to be the default from the Black Tower. No wonder Reyes's other rooms are so active. It's going to change now..."


Last night, the news that Rena's best friend Yulia was killed by the whole family also spread throughout the camp, and no one dared to come in contact with the team of Reyce Longhouse.

With gossips in her ears, Lena was expressionless all the time.

The team didn't stay too much, so they set off directly on the "No. 16" route to the northeast of the Dawn Ruins.


Because there is a Tier 3 professional leader, Su Lun and his team are advancing very fast.

The monsters in the outer ring of the ruins couldn't stop the team from marching. And because most of the outer ring has been explored, there is nothing to stay.

Encountered several waves of small-scale battles, by noon, they had already arrived at a section of the torn city wall.

This is the landmark to enter the central ring of the ruins.

The team crossed the city wall and continued to deepen inside.

As the team gradually deepened, the frequency of monster attacks became higher and higher.

After a short while, they came to a large abandoned building area with no traces of exploration, and the team stopped.

Although there is only a low rotten wall separating the middle ring and the outer ring of the ruins, the monster's strength is very different.

The outer ring is generally aberration monsters and abyss monsters of Tier 1 and below, while special monsters of Tier 2, Tier 3, and even Super Tier appear in the middle ring.

After Central, there is a "restricted area" for small and medium hunting groups.

Almost any group of gregarious monsters will be able to destroy a medium-sized hunting group led by Tier 2 professionals.

The mist in the air became denser and denser, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

This is a real "high casualty zone", and no one dares to take it carelessly.

In the communicator, the team commander's orders were issued one after another.

"Everyone cheer up! Pay attention to any changes. After entering Central, don't speak loudly, don't shoot casually..."

"The third team is in the nine o'clock direction, the second team is in the three o'clock direction... the assassins are spread out a bit, pay attention to the investigation, and watch out for monsters and suspicious trailing personnel."

"Everyone, start searching this area as planned!"


The team centered on Miss Lena and spread out in the shape of a lotus flower.

The Wilderness Hunting Group of the Cross was originally funded by the Reyce family, and the team members are probably equivalent to "long-term workers" who have signed a contract. They are responsible for the most dangerous task of opening the road ahead.

Su Lun and "Qian Tiao" didn't do anything special, they just followed in the team to open up wasteland.

Besides, here, there is almost no difference between the head and the tail of the team, and the monster may attack anyone at any time.

The building ruins in the central area are denser, and there are already ten-storey buildings around.

In addition to private houses, there are also large buildings such as opera houses, city halls, and baths.

Like a lush virgin forest, these large buildings are also a favorite habitat for monsters.

And, not just on the ground.

In such a huge city, the sewer system is also very complicated, not simpler than the old Ling Dun.

Su Lun's current auditory perception can clearly feel the rustling crawling sounds from the drains because of their arrival. In the gloomy caves, there seemed to be a pair of eyes, spying on their uninvited guests.

This is the territory of aberrant monsters.


The ruins are filled with fog, there is no light, and visibility is very low.

The large-scale flares did not dare to be used casually, and the members of the group could only rely on the limited field of view provided by the alchemy night vision device to carefully explore.

The task of that Princess Teresa was to ask each family to carefully explore their routes and find some "things" that they still don't know what they are.

Therefore, the team needs to carefully inspect every building, investigate suspicious targets, and break every cursed space.

The progress of exploration is very slow.

After the task is assigned,

Su Lun followed the "Thousands" and led a team of Cross Club waste hunting teams to explore in a residential building.

The team members are very face-to-face, and it seems that they are almost all "newcomers" recruited by the gang later.

After leaving the home team, the players did not hesitate to speak.

"Boss Thousands, why are there so few people in our group this time? I think the hunting groups of other families are at least a few thousand people... I heard that it seems that our funder is in crisis?"

"Sister Qiantiao, there was so much noise in the city last night...what the **** is going on? I heard that the princess's residence was attacked?"

"It is said that the princess of the Duke's Mansion is our "First Beauty" in Jiulingdon. Is it true after all..."

"Hey, aren't the noble lords in the inner city going to hunt famine like us this time? Our lives are worthless, and they will lose a lot..."


The desolate hunters at the bottom regard their lives as cheap, and they are already prepared to face death after eating this bowl of rice.

The mentality sounds optimistic.

Especially watching the people from the inner city come hunting famine with them, one by one, there is a kind of heartless gloat.

They didn't know the relationship between Chijo and Reina, and they didn't hesitate to speak.

A group of people chatted and fart all the way.

The atmosphere was much happier than the frowning elite guards in the inner city not far away.

Still alive,

Talk about women,

Earn money,


Just fine.

The happiness of the bottom hunters is as simple as that.

The monsters in the ruins are very dense. In the rotten building they explored, there lived a group of monsters identified as [Abyss Bloodthirsty Sentry].

The sound of "squeaking" was endless, and Su Lun had already spotted this kind of creeping monster that looked like a white-skinned monkey, but was hairless, and had a face that oozes a big mouth.

They can project stones as sub-weapons, and their power is comparable to bullets.

Fortunately, the defense is not strong, and ordinary bullets can kill it.

With Su Lun and Qian Tiao in the team, there was no risk.

All the way to clean up, the harvest is also good.

"Haha... this monkey actually produced cursed materials. The probability of the monsters in the middle ring wall producing materials is so high. But the gold master said, the materials belong to us, and we can send them this time."

"Let's talk about it if you can take it out alive..."

"But having said that, these standard guns in the inner city are stable, and they are not stuck. By the way, our gold master is still very good. This set of equipment issued by each person is probably worth hundreds of thousands..."

"Yes, I heard that the treatment of the Steam Party and the Crow Gang's hunting squad is far worse than ours. Not to mention the equipment, the bullets have to be bought by themselves..."

"With these equipment, even if Tier 2 monsters come, Lao Tzu will dare to fight them!"


Did not feel any tricky monsters in the building, in order to speed up the exploration progress, the team dispersed.

The captains formed a team of ten, and each led the team to each floor.

Su Lun and Qian Tiao found a corner to sit leisurely, waiting to be able to support them at any time in case of unexpected accidents.

In the communicator, there were reports from time to time.

"Report to the commander that a small-scale monster attack was found in the opera house and it has been cleaned up."

"The red brick building found a group of high-level distortion monsters, request high-level combat support!"

"Commander, in the broken building at ten o'clock, a'cursed space' was found. The preliminary judgment is a'c-level space', please give instructions."


Gunshots exploded intensively in this ruin, and land reclamation was proceeding in an orderly manner.


In terms of individual strength, Reina's team is actually not inferior to any wilderness hunting team.

Even one of the best.

There are third-tier professionals, and there are more than a dozen second-tier professionals.

Most of the more than one hundred direct guards that Lena brought from the family were well-trained formal professionals. They have the best firearms and equipment that can be bought on the market, mechanical armor... very strong combat effectiveness.

But this team also has a fatal shortcoming.

That is, there are few people and low fault tolerance.

When encountering wild monsters, the number of people is the guarantee of survival.

But when it encounters a high-risk cursed space, it will be fatal.

Because the Princess Teresa gave the order to die.

In any case, if the cursed space is discovered, it must be cleared out.

It also means that if they encounter a cursed space of unknown level, and the team led by a Tier 1 professional does not come out, then they have to be sent to a Tier 2;

The group is destroyed again, and another Tier 3...

Until they kept sending people in to find out.

But in fact, most of the cursed space can be tested many times, and then a solution can be obtained.

If there are enough people, use the slave group to pile up, you can also test out a lot of intelligence.

It's like the [1911 Hotel] that Su Lun encountered last time. In theory, it is "T-level", but if hundreds of people died, some cracking methods can always be judged.

Therefore, the number of people is very important.

And Lena's team does not have such a chance for trial and error.

There are only a few hundred people in total.

Every loss of a team means that their overall chance of survival is one point lower.

In the end, high-level professionals had to personally explore the space with their faces.

And the density of the cursed space in the middle ring area is much higher than that of the outer ring. They found several cursed spaces in this ruin.

The deadliest is...

Even if you know the danger, you haven't had a chance to **** and ski!

Because the team also followed three "Supervisors" wearing white helmets, these were from the inner city military. Their task is to supervise the hunting group and report on the battle situation and progress at any time.

Once they die, or the wilderness hunting team refuses to execute the order, there will be a master from the black tower.


It seems that it would be more than ten kilometers from Central to the core of the inner city, but the progress of land reclamation was very slow.

For a whole day, Suren and his team cleaned up a few blocks around here.

The fighting on the first day was fierce, with more than 30 people dead and many wounded.

The team did not continue to advance, but chose to set up a fire in a strong building.

It is worth mentioning that Miss Lena has not been idle since the start of the war and has been active on the battlefield.

She faded away from the arrogance and arrogance of Miss Qianjin, and personally appeared with other members of the medical team in places that needed medical support on the battlefield, and treated the wounded by herself.

Reina's medical skills are very good, more professional than most professional doctors on the hunting team.

Even if she camped and rested now, she was still busy in the wounded tent.

It was also because she was a dignified lady who did her own work and was busy on the front line. Instead of complaining, the wounded were all excited as if they were beaten up.

"Oh, Miss Lena, life is not worth such a precious potion..."

"Oh my god, Miss Rena actually sutured the wound with her own hands..."

"It is the honor of my life to serve Miss Lena..."


The concept of grievances and grievances of ordinary hunters is very simple.

If you treat him well, he is willing to work for you.

After the original fierce battle, the wounded will greatly affect the morale of the team.

But because the eldest lady Rena did her best to heal, not only did it not let the heart dissipate, but it was more concentrated.

In the current situation, it is more likely to survive if the team gathers together.

In the tent area not far away, everyone saw everything in their eyes.


In the individual tent, Su Lun and Mr. Jing are having a simple meal.

Mr. Jing looked at the busy Lena, and said with emotion, "This little Nizi is also getting better..."

"She did change quite a bit."

Su Lun also nodded, and took a bite of the bread in his hand.

Instead, he asked again: "Mr. Mirror, are you planning to leave?"

He remembered that this person said before that he would leave after entering the ruins.

"Well. In these two days, I will find a chance to leave. There are still very important things to deal with."

Mr. Jing thought of something, and said: "When the time comes, you will be more careful. Those supervising teams have been watching you. And there are a few bad intentions around Lena, who seem to have been bought."

Su Lundao was not surprised, and said: "Well, I also found out. I got the news before, and the people in the umbrella organization still didn't give up suspicion."

He didn't notice it, and he always had a few ray of eyes on him in the fight today.

It seemed that he wanted to detect clues from his own fighting style, and wanted to make sure that he was "Su Lun" or had other implications.

Mr. Jing asked, "Can it be solved?"

Su Lun said lightly: "No problem."

"That's good."

Mr. Jing didn't say much, she was still very optimistic about Su Lun's abilities.

Thinking of something, she said again: "Oh, there is one more thing. The more the monster goes deep into the ruins, the more powerful it will be. Then you should pay attention to avoiding these areas..."

Su Lun listened carefully, silently remembering.

Waiting for Mr. Jing to finish, he asked the question he had been curious about for a long time, "Mr. Jing, where did so many monsters in this ruin come from?"

The monsters in the Ruins of Dawn have killed so many, and they are still endless, which is a bit of a violation of common sense.

It stands to reason that the monsters in a region satisfy an ecological chain.

Kill some, and the number will become scarce for a long time.

But in the ruins, there will always be some new, unseen monsters, and there is never a shortage of them.

Mr. Jing thought about it, and said in a slightly serious tone: "That came out of a crack in the plane."

Su Lun was slightly surprised when he heard a new term, "Crack in the plane?"


Mr. Jing said here, he didn't know what he had thought of, and there was solemnity in his eyes.

She glanced at Su Lun and said, "In fact, there is a space channel connecting the planes of other worlds under the city of Dawn. The plane in the ancient books is called [Abyss]. This is something that existed in the last era. It is said that the alchemists of the Akavian civilization used this channel to conquer other planes. Unfortunately, such a powerful civilization has also disappeared. No one knows what happened in the beginning... When Sir Isaac established the dawn here. The city, on the one hand, is to explore the truth of that civilization and pursue the ultimate in true alchemy; on the other hand, it is to guard the cracks in this plane and kill those alien worlds that strayed into our plane from the cracks in the abyss. biology..."

for a long time,

Su Lun also understood.

During the "Dawn Era", the Akavian civilization that was once powerful enough to conquer all planes suddenly disappeared in history.

And that civilized person left a sealed space channel under the ground.

But because of the age, some cracks appeared in the seal.

Some abyss monsters were arranged.

And "dark spiritual power" unexpectedly overflowed from another plane.

Suren is also a little curious. Those powerful alchemists who can hunt down gods don't know if they are destroyed or moved to other planes...


In the ruins, especially the Central area, don't want to sleep for a while.

The previous battle attracted monsters from far away, and the gunshots continued for the whole night intermittently.

This is not only the case of them, but also the entire Dawn Ruins.

Su Lun and Mr. Jing chatted most of the night.

This mysterious boss doesn't seem to shy away from talking about some ancient secrets with Su Lun.

She is like a witness to that period of history, knowing that many others cannot know from historical materials or other sources of information.


In the early morning of the next day, the team pulled out of camp and continued to move towards the core city of the ruins.

It was another day of fierce battle, and a lot of ancient relics were harvested, but the casualties were getting more and more serious.

Even, because of exploring an A-level cursed space, a Tier 2 professional died.

The Central District of Dawn City, this is a dangerous place where even Mr. Jing frowned when he talked about it.

What's more, this carpet hunting operation.

It's almost no different from sending to death.

But the good news is that dozens of such teams in the city "send to death" at the same time.

As if a big net was shrinking continuously, the monsters in the ruins dispersed their attack targets. The pressure on a single team was much smaller, and some large monsters were also driven to the center of the ruins by the movement from all directions.

Mr. Jing originally planned to find a reasonable reason to disappear and withdraw from the team, but "Thousands", a second-tier professional player with combat power, would not be easy to make accidents.

By coincidence, the team encountered a cloud of "Nightmare Ghost Fog" when they were camping the next night.

This kind of floating black mist is very evil, as soon as a person enters, it will disappear, like a man-eating monster with its head.

In fact, its essence is a kind of "moving cursed space".

After a person enters, whether he can come out alive is one thing; if he can really come out, he will also appear in another place because of space movement.

As the ghost mist approached, Mr. Jing discovered the anomaly in advance, and Su Lun also felt the abnormal spatial energy fluctuations in the mist.

Exactly, this is also a reasonable reason.

Then the team on duty led by "Qian Tiao", by accident, strayed into the ghost fog that looked not so different from ordinary fog, and the entire team disappeared.

For an hour, the entire camp suddenly became a mess again.

In order to avoid the fog and moved overnight, he retreated to the campsite the night before.


"Chijo" disappeared, and the bad luck is unknown. The Miss Lena was heartbroken, but she was even more tenacious.

But the hunting has to continue.

This famine hunt was destined to end in tragedy from the beginning.

Lena was also prepared.

After entering the central ring of the ruins, the dark spiritual power in the air was already strong to the extreme, and the energy filter gas masks on everyone's faces were almost never taken off.

Mr. "Zorro" was completely alone.

He originally had only one acquaintance of "Qian Tiao" in the team, but now that he is gone, he seems very withdrawn all day.

Su Lun knew that in addition to the three supervising teams, there were other masters paying attention to him.

Therefore, he needs to completely separate the two identities of Zorro and Sulun.

And two days later a special report was sent to the top of the umbrella organization: "Zorro Serna, confirmed as a second-tier melee professional, proficient in fighting skills, weak fluctuations in mental power, and a biased way of fighting. Ranger profession... It is highly probable to rule out the wanted ss criminal, Su Lun, and it is recommended that the file level be lowered to C level!"

And almost at the same time when the "Zorro" was still active in the hunting group of Reyes Longhouse, the hunting group of the Oliver family was attacked.

One Crow Gang cadre was killed, three second-tier

The hands-on assassin is a crow-masked secret involved man, who is skilled in manipulating invisible living corpses and black sickles.

Surprisingly, Su Lun, the wanted ss criminal!


On this day, the team finally reached the purpose of Su Lun's trip, the super-large cursed space-[Central Prison in Dawn City].

ps. Still in Cavan, only one chapter.


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