Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 189: Rena's dilemma

The latest website: PS. The first draft is revised first, and after half an hour, there is no word to read.

It was the first time that Su Lun saw the appearance of a young gambling addict dressed up.

The long skirt is made of dark cyan brocade with gold patterns, and the graceful figure is outlined with beautiful lines. There is also a large piece of light gauze decoration, like a wisp of breeze, and the looming heroic air between her eyebrows makes Su Lun look at it more without realizing it.

Graceful and luxurious, exquisite and pleasant.

The gangster sister in front of the full-length mirror was big, changed her outfit, and immediately became pretty girls.

But Chijo seemed unaccustomed to wearing skirts, and looked at herself in the mirror with disgust, muttering and yelling that she couldn't hear anything more.

At this time, she seemed to notice Su Lun's gaze, turned around and asked: "Boy Su Lun, do you think it's weird?"

Su Lun smiled and said only two words: "It looks good."

Chijo narrowed his mouth when he heard it, "Don't be stunned, and change your clothes quickly. Although the reception is nine o'clock, we have to enter the venue early to wait for the little princess."

Hearing this, Su Lun also put away the puppet in his hand and stood up.

As soon as the eight-armed spider spear was retracted, he didn't take off his clothes, and his body shook as if he was changing his face. Suddenly, his overalls turned into a white suit.

Qianjo watched him change his clothes this second, and also saw the roots, raised his eyebrows and said: "Oh... Space ability is just used to change clothes?"

Su Lun smiled and said, "The little gadget that I just thought about, it's a trick to dress up."

As he said, his feet shook, and the shiny leather boots were put on them.

Pulling together with both hands eleven, a silver-handled cane was held in his right hand.

Thinking about what seemed to be missing, he took another flower in his left hand, took out a bowler hat like magic, and stayed on his head.

After doing all this, he glanced at the young gambling addict, "Go, you can go out."

Qianjo glanced at Su Lun from head to toe, and a joking flashed across his eyes, jokingly: "Hey, your skin is not bad~"

Su Lun smiled and shrugged, walked over, stretched out his arms, and Qianjo pulled up naturally.

At this time, she suddenly discovered something, "Wait."

Su Lun stopped and watched Thousands of Arms put his arms up, and then tidyed his collar, stroking the wrinkles.

"That's it~"

Chijo seemed satisfied, and a smile appeared on Qiao's face.


And just before the Princess Teresa arrived at the camp, the big families in the inner city had already received the news of the reception.

Unicorn hotel, this is the property of the Reyes family.

As the only daughter of the Reyce family's long room, Rena naturally came underground this time.

In the suite on the top floor, the waitress is putting her makeup on.

The old butler on the side has a heavy face and is reporting the recent situation: "Miss, the situation is not very good. There is news from the family, and several divisions are restless. I hope we will be careful, it may be against you, Miss. And just in the morning, several large hunting groups that have signed employment contracts with us before, the'Red Dragon Wilderness Hunting Group', the'Iron Eagle Wilderness Hunting Group', the'Paladin Wilderness Hunting Group'... several heads They came to the door together, and they refused our employment."

Reina listened to her eyebrows tightening, and the bad news came one after another, "But, haven't we already signed an employment contract?"


The butler said in a heavy tone: "But they paid a high amount of liquidated damages and broke the contract. I was negotiating with the waste hunting union, but the effect was not great... I heard that the five families of the second and third rooms united the camp. , Paid the liquidated damages. Moreover, they released words that would suppress any hunting group that cooperated with us. Up to now, no matter how high the price is, no other hunting group dared to contact us....So, Except for the personnel brought by the young lady from the family and the "Cross Club" waste hunting group, there are not many people we can use. It has been confirmed that all major families in the inner city must go hunting wastes this time, so we will be very passive... The risk of this hunting famine will be great. I am worried that those people want to isolate and cannibalize the power of the family, and then put pressure on the lord and them, or even have a bigger plan..."

As Lena listened, the expression in her eyes became more and more serious.

After a pause, the old butler continued: "Also, the Clark family sent someone to send a message, saying that they can help solve our predicament, probably to see you... But if you say no, miss you, I also refuse. But if you can, at this reception, the lady can try to contact a few allies, some of the families we have made before, and want to see if they can help in the face of the master..."

Lena: "Yeah. I see."


Su Lun and Qianjo were walking unhappy.

Although Qianjo's lady dress dress is really pretty, she really doesn't like it.

Su Lun put his arms around her waist, and the two behaved intimately.

It's not pretending to be a gesture, but the young woman who is addicted to gambling is really upset wearing a skirt.

"This **** skirt, I can't move my legs! Su Lun, you hug me closer, these high heels are really awkward..."

The two walked all the way, Su Lun listened to thousands of people who disliked the skirt more than once.

But fortunately, the walking distance is not too far.

Along the way, they also met a lot of young masters dressed up, all of whom seemed to be attending the reception.

Looking at the combination of Su Lun and Qian Tiao, the high-faced pair, envious eyes are indispensable.

The two walked all the way and talked all the way.

Chijo confessed to Su Lun: "Your current identity is called'Zorro'. This identity is a bounty hunter registered by the bounty union. Although you are a little famous, no one has seen you look like... At that time, you may meet some people in my family, and they will ask you some questions very, do you understand?"

"Yes, got it."

Su Lun listened, with a bright smile on his lips.

The identity of Thousands of Arrangements is naturally okay. In her words, "the best identity disguise is substitution."

This is better than the fake identity that Sulun himself forged.

As for the latter words, although Qianjo said vaguely, Su Lun also heard it.

Thousands of big brothers are young women of older age, still unavoidable. Seeing people in the family, she needs a shield.

"So, Sister Chijo, you went to the Cross Society because you escaped from marriage?"

"Otherwise? Of course, this is one of the reasons. Otherwise, you should have guessed it."

"Sister Qiantiao, it's said that you don't like men, is that true?"

"Cut~ fake! Sister, I not only don't like men, but I also don't like women, I only like knives!"


The two are already familiar, and they have no hesitation in talking about these topics.

While walking, the two suddenly saw an acquaintance.

A young girl in an evening dress was surrounded by a group of guards and walked out of a hotel painted with white paint and hung the sign of "Unicorn".

Looking at that beautiful black hair, who is it if it's not Lena?

She seemed a little absent-minded, and she also noticed the passing of Su Lun.

Qianjo greeted: "Lena~"

Lena looked at Qian Tiao, she seemed to be stunned for a moment before she recognized it, and there was color in her crystal eyes, and she greeted him excitedly: "Ah...Miss Qian Tiao~"

Chijo walked over and rubbed her head, "Xiao Nizi, what are you thinking, frowning?"

Hearing this, Lena tried to squeeze a smile, but her small face made people look worried.

As for the elders in the family, she didn't have anything to hide, and said directly: "The housekeeper just said that the hunting group that signed the employment with us has broken the contract..."

"Oh, little things."

After listening to Chijo, he waved his hand disapprovingly.

She also introduced Su Lun next to her: "This is my friend'Zorro', a very powerful bounty hunter. He will also help with this hunting."

Lena glanced at Su Lun, who was holding her arm with her aunt, and couldn't hide her curiosity.

She remembered that her aunt had never been so intimate with a man before?

But she didn't look at it much. She held her skirt and bowed her knees in a salute, "Hello, Mr. Zorro. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Su Lun nodded, "Yeah."

The two people walking alone turned into a team and walked towards Xiaopo.


The address of the reception was at Stormwind Manor.

In order to welcome the arrival of Princess Teresa, the original waste hunting guild also moved.

The big families in the camp concentrated all their resources, renovated the one-thousand-year-old manor, and created a new and luxurious manor.

After handing over the invitation, the guards stayed at the entrance of the manor.

Sulun, Chijo, and Reina entered the manor.

Unlike the dilapidated and noisy scene before, now Stormwind Manor has a new look.

The garden is lush, colorful flowers blooming splendidly, and withered trees also grow leafy branches. The green plants have been meticulously repaired by the gardener. Walking in, it gives people a refreshing feeling.

This is probably a garden created by wood warlocks who spent a lot of resources.

Walking into the building is even more magnificent.

But Su Lun felt a little strange, in this mansion, because he always felt the feeling of looking at the cursed space scene when he came across.

Especially... the layout of this manor can be understood by anyone who understands architecture.

Should it be the place of the banquet hall, or the banquet hall.

The location of the reception this time is the location of the "bloody banquet".

The banquet hall was ablaze with lights, soothing music echoed in the hall, and the gorgeously dressed ladies and masters were talking and laughing with wine glasses.

When the three of Su Lun came in, they naturally attracted the attention of those people.

But a little embarrassingly, the three of them were immediately ignored, not even the most basic nod.

These are the young ladies of the major families in the inner city.

Chijo hasn't been in the upper social circle for a long time. She doesn't want to care about these people, and it's normal for those people to ignore her.

But especially the eldest lady of the top chaebol like Rena is not right.

When the Reyes family didn't split, there were many stars Pengyue wherever she went.

But now, when these people saw her, not only did no one come up to say hello, but they seemed to avoid something and looked evasive.

Lena didn't mind, but she was a little worried, she whispered: "I heard the housekeeper say that the situation in Old Lingdun is not very good. This time my father also asked me to bring all the high-level guards at home, too. I don’t know if there will be a problem..."

Senjo listened, with a look of disapproval, "Don't worry... those guys won't succeed so easily."

Lena: "Yeah."

Su Lun glanced, and distinguished the identities of some people based on the memories in the impression.

Standing next to Lena, even the third party Su Lun suffered some inexplicable "maliciousness". He raised his eyelids, and the corners of his mouth showed a smile that was not a smile: "Little girl Lena has a lot of enemies..."

But I want to go hunting this time, I am afraid that any random encounter will be an enemy.

However, Su Lun did not take these malice in his heart.

With the presence of a thousand big bosses, the situation of the Reyes family would not collapse, at least this is not so easy for Rena to die.

No matter how bad it is, given his current strength of Su, if he does not come to a Tier 3 professional, he is really not qualified to make him feel threatened.

There are so many enemies...not bad in some ways.


"Tsk tusk, I am afraid that Lena is in big trouble this time. I heard that they have even been hired by a decent hunting group now, and then they will be supported by the few people they brought out from the inner city. Soon..."

"Now the major families in the inner city are united and isolated, no one dares to help them..."

"I heard that Miss Sophia in the second room of Reyes and Master Danze of the Oliver family have been in close contact recently, and it seems that they are planning to get engaged. When the time comes, the structure of the inner city will change..."


Su Lun listened for a while, and quickly understood.

The Reyes family was indeed a top chaebol, but after it was divided into seven, the impact was much less than before.

Moreover, some families that were once allies have also become enemies.

Naturally, the seven separated families are not against the main family, and can even be said to be enemies.

Moreover, they were all offended to death. Those families who had fallen into trouble naturally wanted to be able to kill them with one stick, so as to avoid future troubles and get another share of the pie.

After all, this time Lena brought a lot of masters in the direct line, and she was the only heir. If the group is really destroyed in the ruins, it will definitely directly affect the situation in the inner city.

Internal and external troubles, the situation is really worrying.

The three of them ignored the whispers of others, and found a corner to talk.

No one is bothering, and it just happens that there is no need to deal with the so-called high-class society.

With Qianjo supported by this elder, Rena's worries were better.

However, as we chatted, Qianjo's "trouble" also came.

Several noble ladies came over with their sons who looked displeased.

The middle-aged woman with a large emerald necklace around her neck greeted Qianjo: "Oh, Otilia, long time no see, why are you here~"

This time, it was not only the young lady who came here, but also the mothers of many families who were worried that their precious sons and daughters would be wronged.

Chijo looked at the visitor, obviously frowned, but had to say, "Aunt Camilla, it's been a long time."

Su Lun listened to the exchange between the two, and Yu Guang glanced at Qian Tiao, feeling a little curious in his heart.

It turned out that the young woman's name was "Otilia Evelyn".

And the other blond woman with jeweled charm is actually Chinjo's stepmother?

That little boy with a look of shame is actually her half-brother in name?

Then there are various relatives of the Evelyn family, aunts and aunts, and their children.

Next comes all kinds of greetings.

In the upper class, all kinds of red tape, greet, return gifts, introduce younger generations, greet and return gifts, and all kinds of greetings to parents and generations, recalling the friendship of the elders...

Then, is to urge marriage.

"Otilia, you're not too young anymore. Don't always mix with those common people in the outer city. I heard that you are still related to gangsters? Oh, my god, then it spreads. Others say that our Evelyn family is down. ..."

"You don't know. Yesterday I talked about you when I chatted with Mrs. Albertini. They all said that our Evelyn family has an old girl who can't get married..."

" you are not too young. The Smith family Doctor Enzo is a nice young man. Their family owns eight hospitals in the fifth city..."


Not just Chienjo, but Su Lun felt big when she heard it.

He came across this world and encountered all fights.

It turns out that there are ordinary people...

Listening to this large-scale marriage urging scene that was no different from the previous life, Su Lun finally understood why Chijo brought him.

Qianjo interrupted the increasingly unreliable introduction, and pulled Su Lun directly to his feet, "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce it. This is Mr. Zorro. My friend."

Su Lun also took off his hat and gave a meeting ceremony: "Zorro Selna, it is an honor to meet all beautiful ladies."

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