Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 185: Element stealing

ps. First change and then change, no words to read, more reading experience.

The golden paint giant realized that Mr. Hei was about to ambush himself, and instead of being surprised, he showed a mockery.

After all, the gap in rank cannot be made up by a little conspiracy.

There is a space blockade in the grotto, and there is no need for the five Mr. Hei to hide their breath.

The five people didn't have any nonsense at all, and the hidden methods were also revealed.

In an instant, the momentum of the five people suddenly changed.

"Do it!"

In the face of such a strong man, they have no room for care at all, and a single mistake may cause a fatal crisis.

The first one was the assassin who disappeared before.

Although Su Lun couldn't see him at all, he could clearly hear the crackling of the rich thunder element in the air.

I took another look and saw that the golden lacquered giant was surging with thunder, as if there was a very fast figure swimming by his side. In an instant, it became several purple thunder chains with the thickness of arms.

The thunder chain is composed of broken elements and has no entity, that is, at the moment of forming, the golden lacquer giant is bound on the spot.

The golden lacquer giant pulled forcefully, and the thunder light exploded, but unexpectedly found that the thunder chain would expand and contract, simply but relying on strength to pull continuously.

He narrowed his eyes, as if he had guessed something, he was surprised: "Elemental Lightning Chain? Tsk tsk...It really made you mice find a lot of good things..."

But then he let out a cold snort, and didn't care at all: "It's a pity, how much power can you use for this high-level curse? It's not good to hide it well, since you have to die, then you can do it!"


The lightning chain restricted the movements of the golden lacquered giant, but it couldn't completely make him unable to move.

While speaking, his hands were violent, and he violently dragged the thunder chain to force the seal, which was the warlock seal 10%, surrounded by gold elements, and the skin on his whole body was condensed like pangolin-like pieces. The scale armor, the scale armor covers the whole body, and the aura of the whole person is even higher.

At this moment, even with that thunder chain, his speed is as fast as before!

The golden lacquer giant stomped fiercely and rushed towards the five Mr. Black in front of him.

Although Su Lun didn't dare to look directly at the target, he didn't know what happened.

But just the oppressive feeling of that golden light made him feel like a golden torrent rushing over, with the potential to destroy it.

Just like the flash of electric light, the muffled sound of "boom" sounded through the entire sealed space.

A brawny man of red lava collided with a giant of gold paint.

The shock wave hit the shore like a tsunami, and the entire space trembled fiercely.

Thousands of top professionals are fine, but there is also a small shrimp here.

At the moment of the collision, Su Lun only felt that his head was against the artillery tube and listened, and his expression shook as if his soul was about to be separated. Suddenly, a blood stream has been left from the ear, and the aftermath of the shock is still piercing the eardrum...

Su Lun's eyes were dignified, "Hoo~ This level of battle is really not something Tier 2 professionals can participate in..."

If it hadn't shielded certain pain perceptions, this aftermath would really make him suffer.

Forcibly restraining his heartbeat, he still hung on the wall upside down, like a stone, without any change.


The aftermath of the contact between the two is so amazing, how about both sides of the battle?

The two Red Devils caught the golden lacquer giant's punch, but it was also a burst of black blood.

A frontal blow from a Tier 5 powerhouse can be so easy to receive!

The Red Devil didn't let go, his arms were knotted, and he made a post-holding fighting and locking technique, and instantly controlled the golden arm to death. The flames all over his body suddenly rose, and his whole person turned into a magma giant, slowly pulling the golden arm full of scales into his body.

For a while, the scorching heat seemed to melt those golden scales.

[Red Devil] This is a talent with extremely exaggerated power gains. After the second stage of awakening, he has the power to move mountains. But even so, trying to shake the golden giant seemed extremely difficult.

Seeing this, the golden lacquered giant only sneered.

He probably felt that the winning ticket was in his hands. He had a bit of cat-and-mouse banter, and said calmly, "The Profound Truth of Fire [The Art of Melting Gold]? It's a good idea. But you don't understand the difference in rank. How big it is. The difference in skill level cannot be compensated by a little cleverness..."

While speaking, the seven-pointed star alchemy array suddenly lit up at the feet of the golden lacquer giant, and he sighed softly: "Fresh Alchemy·King Kong!"

With this technique, the giant's whole body's scales suddenly stood upside down, like a hedgehog, and when he looked at it, there was a sharp sharpness.

What is even more shocking is that as soon as his fifth-order technique appeared, the golden light was dazzling, and the **** seven-pointed star formation at the feet of the Red Devil suddenly dimmed. Like a moment, the surrounding fire elements were absorbed by the fifth-order formation.

"Is this Tier 5..."

Looking at this vision, Su Lun immediately thought of the record in the alchemy classics: "The level is crushed! Elemental plunder!"

The technique of the alchemist is to use the power of the surrounding elements and exchange them at equal value.

But the elemental energy in the same area is limited. How much can be converted and how much can be controlled depends on the strength of the warlock.

If there are two sorcerers who cast spells at the same time, then the higher-level spells/warlocks can plunder more elemental energy, and can even forcibly assimilate the lower-level spells into what the higher-level sorcerers need.

This is the gap in rank!

As soon as this trick was performed, the red devil's scorching heat instantly seemed to be splashed with cold water, no matter what the golden lacquered giant couldn't.

He had just merged his fist into his body, his scales were upside down, instead of melting that arm, it was like thousands of needles exploded in his body, and he was hit hard.


Another mouthful of magma-like black blood spurted out and hit the ground, burning a burst of blue smoke.

The awakened Red Devils with third-stage and second-stage talents confronted each other and suffered a heavy blow.

But it's not useless!

His delayed time also created opportunities for Mr. Hei to make a move.


At the same time that the gold and the red two touched, Su Lun suddenly watched Mr. Hei's feet also lit up with a round of seven-pointed star marks, and then looked at the order of his seals, it turned out to be an unsealing technique.

"Tier 4 Planting? It turns out that Mr. Black has already advanced to Tier 4..."

Su Lun was surprised when he saw Mr. Black's alchemy outfit he had never seen before.

The warlock seal was completed in an instant, and the situation in the sealed space suddenly changed, and it turned into a library full of bookshelves. The mahogany bookshelf is full of various gilded classics.

What is strange is that when you look at the clear text in the classics, you can look closely at it, but it is blurred.

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that a vast starry sky appeared on the top of this library.

From this glance, the stars are shining, endless and deep, the more you look at it, the more magical it becomes. As if to draw people's eyes in, people can't look away.

Su Lun is very sensitive to spiritual power now. When he saw Mr. Hei’s cloak, he immediately guessed what: "The cloak is accompanied by a psychic technique? Is this what Mr. Hei said, the one he is practicing is very Dangerous spiritual power secret?"

"What a weird cloak, it's actually a library..."

While Su Lun sighed, she suddenly felt a strange feeling.

He also realized that this may have something to do with Mr. Hei's [major] profession.

Moreover, Mr. Hei obviously also took care of his second-tier professional here. Fearing that he would be affected by the aftermath of the battle, he set up a bookshelf to block Su Lun's body.

It's not over yet!

Mr. Hei's cloak was unraveled, and the double-surgery seal did not stop at all.

He seemed to be integrated with this library, countless seven-pointed star magic arrays lit up on countless classics.

In the center of the library, the golden lacquered giant just wanted to take advantage of the victory and chase, and make a few punches to kill the Red Devils.

But watching the changes in the surroundings, his brows were furrowed, he appeared solemn for the first time, and he said to himself: "It has already advanced to Tier 4, and it also incorporates the [Vientiane House] costume. No wonder there is Bottom pneumatic hand."

While muttering, he pulled out his arm abruptly, ignoring the Red Devils who seemed to have been severely injured.

Instead, he rushed towards Mr. Black.

He wanted to kill the existence he felt the most threatening first!


Professionals who can advance to Tier 5 are naturally not stupid.

Before being attracted by someone, the golden lacquer giant actually guessed that this might be a tactic.

But he didn't care.

He also wanted to see where the companions of a few "rats" were, just to catch them all in one go!

No matter how fat the mouse is, it will still be a mouse!

The strongest in the underground world is a Tier 3 professional, even if there is an ambush, he doesn't think there is any threat!

But now looking at Mr. Black who has advanced to Tier 4, this golden lacquer giant felt threatened for the first time.

The other party knew that he was a Tier 5 professional and dared to block the space to do something, he must be sure.

Now that the library came out, he faintly discovered that there seemed to be a large invisible net gathering, and he felt like he was completely seen through. As if... his mentality of underestimating the enemy was also calculated by others.

Although the golden lacquer giant still felt that there were a few mice that could be killed easily, he looked at Mr. Black who was calmly Jieyin, and instinctively told him...

This person must be killed first!


It's not that Su Lun had never seen Mr. Hei make a move. When he was in the ruins before, he watched Mr. Hei's seamless conversion of four super-order spells in one hand, and he was shocked.

But the aura of Mr. Black in front of him is completely different!

The set of mysterious and complicated warlock seals in his hand, since the golden classics in the library also shined with golden light, it was a fourth-order gold spell.

The mystery of the art patterns on the seven-pointed star made Surun even have a sense of oppression when he saw the runes on the blue-skinned corpse in the basement of 88 Green Street.

This technique is obviously more complicated.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the two of them were already handed over.

How fast is the golden lacquered giant?

With this palpation, his body shape ejected like a cannonball, and he rushed into one hundred meters. The astonishing speed is in sharp contrast to his burly giant body.

But it seems that the timing is completely calculated.

When the golden lacquer giant rushed over, Mr. Black also pinched the last warlock seal in his hand. He slapped his hands, as if touching some special law, the gold element in the space instantly stagnated, and it merged with this huge Vientiane house.

A second ago, the golden lacquer giant watched Mr. Hei using a gold spell, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Facing the fifth-tier gold-type sorcerer, how stupid is this to use gold-type spells?

However, when he ridiculed his snort, he suddenly noticed that the elements around him were flowing abnormally, his face changed in an instant, and he exclaimed in his heart: "This is not an ordinary Austrian law... he... he actually Knows'Elemental Steal'!"

Mr. Hei ignored the fist that was already close at hand, and his two-handed technique changed: "Rong!"

At this moment, a bizarre scene appeared.

The golden lacquer solidified like a golden armor on the golden lacquer giant's body was like a melted candle, flowing all over the ground.

Just now, in order to kill a few people quickly, this guy condensed a lot of gold elements in the sealed space.

This leaves others with no elements available at all!

But it is this full space that is full of rich gold elements. Now instead of being the help of this golden lacquer giant, the state of the elements has been changed by a certain law and turned into a quagmire.

This made the golden lacquer giant ran, like being caught in a swamp, getting slower and slower and getting stuck!


Originally, under normal circumstances, the fifth-order technique against the fourth-order technique, the former would be defeated without any suspense.

The difference in ranks cannot be made up by the spell rank. No matter what ordinary spells or arcane spells are, it is but Mr. Black, the warlock, did not choose to head-on. He chose "steal"!

He stole the gold element condensed by the golden lacquer giant and directly changed the state of the element, giving people a strong sense of "struggling with strength".

With a force that may be less than ten percent, ten percent of the enemy's force was moved.

"So strong!"

Although Su Lun could not understand the mystery of this technique, based on his current understanding of alchemy, he also guessed the principle of Mr. Hei's operation.

If you want to use skill to crack a technique, it means you have to have a full understanding of the technique.

This means that although Mr. Hei is not the fifth-order, he also has a deep understanding of the fifth-order technique.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling in his heart: "How much knowledge is in Mr. Hei's mind..."

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