Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 179: The secret meeting in the pub

When Su Lun asked Sabina about the news before, he knew that the Umbrella Organization had this kind of special poison to control some less controlled members.

No one outside of the poison can solve it.

And even within the umbrella organization, if you want to get the antidote, you need a high level of authority.

But by coincidence, Sabina has a high authority.

What's more coincidental is that Su Lun and the Umbrella lieutenant general have a good relationship.

Suren lent the antidote to Kay, and the two sat there and chatted.

Kay, who had been holding on to his will for a long time, saw that the fatal problems on his body were easily solved, and he was shocked and didn't know what to say.

But after being shocked, it quickly faded away.

That familiar feeling is back...

After the **** accident, Kaye quickly guessed the truth.

He thought that in that situation, Su Lun was dead.

But he didn't want to, not only did Su Lun not die, but the noise was still getting louder and louder. Step by step from the wanted person to the S-class heavy wanted person, and then to the current SS ultra-dangerous wanted person...

Every time a new arrest order was communicated within the Umbrella Organization, Kay knew that Suren had become stronger again.


After chatting, the two talked about today's round up.

"The gunshot wound on your body was hit by Geiger? "

"Yeah. That guy's [Sixth Sense] ability is very tricky, even if I got close, I couldn't kill him."


Kay flicked in the blood hole with tweezers expressionlessly, and took out the bullet stuck on the bone. Looking at the familiar movements, it seems that he has been very proficient in handling injuries.

There was no anesthetic, but there was still no pain on his face, as if it was not his own body that had been shot.

While operating, he could distract and say: "I got news that this time the Oliver family has gathered at least a dozen Tier 2 professionals to round up you. You have to be more careful in the future..."

He didn't know the cause of the matter yet, and thought that Su Lun had been rounded up by accident.

So as soon as I got the news before, I wanted to "save people" regardless of the consequences.

In fact, he didn't say that he moved his hands this time, no matter what the result is, he can't go back to the "umbrella".

Kay thought that Sulun had escaped from the enchantment by some special method, and specially reminded him.

Unexpectedly, Su Lun responded lightly after listening, "Oh, it's okay. I have killed all those people."

Upon hearing this, Kay's eyes were visibly stunned for a moment.

I thought I had heard it wrong.

But looking at Su Lun's expression, he immediately smiled again.

Only then did I understand that it was the same if I didn't come.

He didn't say more.

My old friend is as strong as ever.

It feels so strong...always so "outrageous".

Kay didn't care about these things so much.

The second talent awakening, the special inheritance, the strength... he had already seen very lightly.

It's good to be able to kill.

But the fact is that not caring, does not mean that he is not strong.

Now Kay can rely on his ability to sneak attack and assassinate some professionals to restrain the second-tier professionals, which is already the top master among the first-tier professionals.

But compared with Su Lun, the difference is really far.

But this is really good.

Kaye's eyes overflowed with a light like dawn, full of hope.


Kay is no longer as cheerful as he was, and has become very stable.

It feels like a sharp edge.

A smile appeared on his face except when they talked about the days when the two were in the Cross.

More often, he was in silence.

However, the big turning point in life is not all bad for Kay.

His ghostly physical form was actually the second awakening of his talent after experiencing countless life and death battles.

And because of the mentality of death before, he was fearless in the expedition.

Eventually survived, he also had his own opportunity in the ruins. That【Take Air Step】is the professional inheritance of the ancient "Shadow Assassin" obtained in a cursed space.


Su Lun has experience in digesting "X Serum", and he knows that this ruin is the best environment for digesting medicine.

Kay now has no worries about life, and has just reached the threshold of advancement, so he plans to stay in the ruins for a while.

Suren took out the trophies from the previous killing of "Viper" Bright Giles.

The veteran Tier 2 assassin's reproductive equipment and advanced materials are very compatible with Kay, and the storage ring also has a lot of professional supplies used by the assassins, which just happened to give Kay who wanted to refuse.

After asking some experience after using the medicine, the two separated.

Kay is not the ordinary gang leader at the time, he is strong enough.

Su Lun also has his own things to do.


And just when Suren and Kay charged and exchanged.

Young Master Dan Ze also brought a large army of the Oliver family, rushing in violently.

Seeing the rigorous seal gathering surrounded by nearly a thousand people, Young Master Dan Ze was in a good mood.

Seeing that the grievances were avenged, the "infinite hair" material could also be retrieved, and the bad breath in his chest was relieved.

"Come on, open the barrier!"

"Yes, master!"

With an order, the purple light curtain began to slowly dissipate.

Everyone in the Oliver family originally had expressions of expectation on their faces, expecting to see the **** face of "SS Wanted Su Lun" being captured, or the body being hung up...

But I didn't think that as soon as the barrier opened, like a volcanic eruption, a cloud of black smoke rose into the sky.

"Be careful! Protect young master!"

The sudden movement was like an explosion, which shocked everyone.

The bodyguards quickly stopped in front of Dan Ze.

Everyone thought the movement was a bomb exploded, lying in all directions.

But after waiting for a while, no other movement was seen, they turned around and looked at the sealed blocks.

The smoke dissipated in a blink of an eye, and they saw the dilapidated street that had been smoked black.

Huh... how about people?

Phosphorus fire oil can burn even the bones. Su Lun was afraid of insufficient oxygen before, so he deliberately added a combustion aid.

When they came, not to mention people, the bodies were burned to ashes.

Just now the barrier suddenly opened, and the air pressure exploded in an instant, and even the ashes were raised...

These people in the Oliver family were dumbfounded.

One by one, his eyes widened, wanting to find something from the ashes.

Others rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

More than one hundred people disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the scorched black?

Gradually, an incredible guess came to their minds: Could it be... an accident?

Obviously, this is the case.

Although the people were gone, there were obvious signs of fighting on the sealed streets.

For a moment, Dan Ze flew into a rage: "Damn it! What the **** is going on!"

For a time, the team of thousands of people was silent, and no one dared to respond.

The fire burned, and they all guessed the truth, but they didn't dare to say it.

But in the team, there was only one person in the crystal eyes circling light, passing by a smile that was not easily detectable by others.

This is indeed Sabina who followed to "watch the fun".

She had come to see if she could save the person if there was an accident.

When I look at it now, I'm thinking too much.

Although she had known that Su Lun had mastered the space ability, this space barrier couldn't restrain him.

But it still feels incredible.

After all, it was more than a dozen Tier 2 professionals who besieged him, as well as so many elite groups.

She only gave Su Lun information, but she didn't know the battle plan.

Originally thought...Su Lun just wanted to booby and kill a few target characters, and then teleported away.

Looking now, he actually killed all people?

Seeing this scene before her, this beautiful gangster's sister-in-law was full of incredible eyes, but she was more delighted.

She looked at the dark street and murmured in her heart: "The master is really amazing..."


A very dynamic encirclement and suppression operation ended in an almost farce way.

The news that the Oliver family rounded up "SS Wanted Sulun" spread throughout the camp before Young Master Dan Ze set off. Everyone is waiting to hear the good news.

Now, there was a message that was almost "spiritual".

The space barrier is blocked, and no one knows what happened.

But the fact is that the wanted man was not caught, and the high fighters of the Oliver family were wiped out.

When the news came back to the dawn camp, there was an uproar.

More than a dozen Tier 2 professionals were wiped out, and most of them were veteran experts with a good reputation. I couldn't hide this news.

Even the last time the monastery was exposed.

Everyone realized that the wanted criminal had the ability to easily kill Tier 2 professionals.

What is written on the wanted order is a level one that only relies on prohibited objects?

Go to Nima's intelligence!

Previously, I felt that a "huge walking bounty" was caught, and the bounty hunters who lost a big opportunity were all thankful that they didn't meet the killer.

For a while, the bizarre story was spreading everywhere in the camp.


As the instigator, Suren had already appeared in the Black Jazz Tavern, drinking leisurely.

This is where members of the Umbrella Organization and the Steam Party frequent.

But because of Sabina's existence, it has become the safest place.

Because it took some time to relive with Kay in the ruins, it was almost evening when he came back, and the news about the encirclement and suppression campaign had gone crazy in all the taverns in the camp.

The tavern was full of drinkers.

What everyone exchanges on weekdays is still hunting intelligence, all kinds of gossip...

But today, all that everyone talks about is the bizarre encirclement and suppression campaign.

The news that the hunters heard from various channels was gathered in the tavern.

"I'll tell you, the latest intelligence...A detective went to survey the scene and said that they found some silver hair and battle traces. They were sure that it was not a supernatural means, nor was it a forbidden object that died together. That Sulun, indeed It was a battle against the encirclement and suppression group in the sealed space..."

"Impossible. Then no matter how powerful Su Lun is, it is impossible for him to kill more than ten high-level professionals alone. This rumor is too unreliable..."

"Rumor? Haha, now the list of eleven veteran professionals who died has come out. Go and see if there is one who is still alive?"

"I said so long ago, that Su Lun is a Tier 3 professional, don’t you believe it? Let’s write this back! My dear, there are more than a dozen high-level professions, and hundreds of people have not left a single word. ..."

"I heard that Sulun still knew the'Hyena'. Wasn't it the Gun King Geiger who also participated in the encirclement and suppression before? I heard that the hyena flees to cover Na Surun and got involved with Geiger..."

"Hey, you guys don't know, the hyena is also outrageous. Not only did Geiger didn't kill him, he was also stabbed twice..."

"Geiger is also fortunate to be held back. If he goes, now I am afraid that he will be buried together..."

"Don't say, Suren and the hyena are really violent tempers printed in the same mold, and they are murderous. Whoever provokes them will die. Now the Oliver family is in pain..."

"Hiss~ Can't provoke, can't provoke. No one will mention to me earning the Suren bounty in the future! Even if I find that one, I will walk around..."


Su Lun listened with interest.

Indeed, there are some capable people among the professionals. After surveying the scene, they analyzed the general situation.

But fortunately, after listening to it for a long time, it was all less important information.

No one knows the key information about his abilities.

After all, everyone I met was dead.


The pub tonight is particularly lively.

While drinking the wine, suddenly the whole pub became quiet again.

You don't need to go to see, Su Lun knows that Sabina must be here.

Every time she appeared on the stage, it was always like this.

He had a spiritual connection with this succubus servant, and he could sense it immediately when he approached a certain distance.

Sabina naturally found Su Lun sitting in the corner, and glanced over.

She seemed to glance at it casually, but the charming touch of her eyebrows was naturally directed at Master Su Lun.

After just one glance, Sabina didn't show any abnormality from usual, and walked upstairs in a curly manner.

The tavern resumed its noise again.

Su Lun drank a few more glasses of wine, and after counting the time, he went to the bathroom.

Avoiding the eyes of others, Teleport appeared on the third floor of the tavern.

This is the exclusive VIP private room floor.

The Black Jazz Tavern is very lively tonight, even the rooms on the third floor are full of people.

In the hallway, there was a girl with exposed clothes walking back and forth, but Su Lun did not go out, but waited in the toilet cubicle.

After a while, a faint high-heeled shoe sounded.

Su Lun unlocked the door, and a graceful woman rushed in.

Sabina locked the door with her backhand, rubbed the alchemy ring on her hand, and arranged a one-way soundproof barrier.

She looked at Su Lun with a coquettish smile, "Sir, you are looking for me~"

As he said, the hot and delicate body posted up without any kind of politeness, showing a clever appearance of a maid who pleased the master.

Without waiting for Su Lun to speak, Sabina blinked again and praised: "Yeah~ Sir, you are really good today."

Su Lun smiled faintly, without saying much, and asked directly: "What's the news today?"

When he came over, he naturally wanted to get first-hand information from Sabina's mouth to confirm future arrangements.

If necessary, he may temporarily leave the camp to avoid the limelight in the ruins.

Sabina responded: "They didn't find any useful clues. That Young Master Dan Ze is angry now. But because you killed everyone, sir, some smart people began to suspect that something was wrong with them."

She said softly, her soft figure sticking up. The silk hip skirt also slipped down because of this action, and the white and delicate skin was exposed to the air...

Sabina didn't mean to tidy up her dress, she didn't mind walking out in front of the man in front of her.


Su Lun listened with a thoughtful look, but he didn't have many surprises.

Before, people were stunned, and most of the traces were burned in a fire, but some hidden dangers could not be erased.

For example, the kerosene prepared in advance, or some details in the chase.

A discerning person can tell in natural years that Su Lun must have mastered some intelligence.

Think about it, he asked: "Will it be troublesome for you?"

When Sabina heard that Su Lun was concerned about her situation for the first time, the smile on Qiao's face became more charming, "No. I got the information with mental hypnosis, and those people who leaked it didn't know it. Even if I doubt it, I won’t doubt it."

While speaking, she spread Su Lun's hands around her slender waist and put her big hands on her hips.

Probably because she has been familiar with each other for a long time, Sabina has also figured out the temperament of her own master.

Although his face is always blank, but it still makes sense.

Occasionally, she can be a little presumptuous~

For example, take the initiative to tease.

"Yeah. You did a good job."

Su Lun was also accustomed to the all-time provocation of her own maid, and naturally enjoyed Sabina's enthusiasm.

Even if you are familiar with the stunner's touch, you will still feel a kind of bone-cutting enjoyment when you start.

The charm of the succubus was not pretended, but engraved in the bone.

It is a kind of ultimate charm that makes people never get tired of it.


Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the information was similar to what he had expected.

But at this moment, he thought of something, took out a storage ring, and said: "By the way, you look for a chance to hang this cloak to the Oliver family auction house."

In the storage ring, naturally it is the [Qiansi] cloak that was stripped from the corpse of "Juggler" Lloyd.

When Su Lun came back this time, another one planned to "return" this thing to Dan Ze.

Not to mention the witch's hair, the main material used in this reproductive costume, ‘Tesmokin worm’, is one of the few threads known to be most suitable for puppet masters.

If the eyeliner sees the witch's hair, there is a high probability that he will not be able to get it. If there is a finished [Thousands of Silk] on the market, that young man will definitely not miss it.

Su Lun naturally wanted to give Dan Ze a little help so that he could advance in advance.

After all, he learned from the information stripped from that Lloyd's soul fragment that there was a treasure in the Oliver family treasury that was very suitable for the puppet master.

Thinking that Young Master Dan Ze has advanced to the second order, he will probably bring that treasure with him.

The wool can't be gathered too frequently, and you have to wait for the sheep to grow.

"Okay, sir."

Sabina took the storage ring, took a look, and immediately guessed what Sulun was going to do, but didn't figure out why he would do it.

But she didn't ask why, what the master explained was naturally to be completed.


After Su Lun explained the business, he thought about it and said again: "I won't show up again recently. Be careful yourself."

Sabina blinked, "Sir... won't you come over late night?"

The faint resentment in the tone is a kind of emotion that can provoke the hotness of the lower abdomen.


Su Lun naturally knew that she was not asking, but wanted to express other meanings.

At this time, he remembered something again, took out a simple mirror, and said: "By the way, this time I harvested a cursed object, which fits your abilities very well..."

As he said, he took out the handle [Angus's Dream Refractor] obtained by killing the "Dream Pirate" Janet.

This kind of curse that can release spiritual power remotely is indeed a rare treasure.

Sabina took the mirror, seemingly indifferent to how things work.

She looked like a kitten who was rewarded with a dried fish, and a happy smile appeared in her eyes instantly, "Ah~Master, is this your gift to me~"

She became more sticky, and she could see that this was a surprise from the heart.

As soon as the voice a piece of warmth was posted, and everything was smooth and delicate.

Su Lun didn't speak, smiled and patted her on the head.

And it was a coincidence that at this time, there was a sudden movement next door. It sounded like an alcoholic and a girl eagerly entered the same compartment, and then closed them, followed by the sound of rapid breathing and clothes rubbing.

The private rooms on the third floor all have separate toilets, and there would be very few alcoholic guests here. The hotel next door is also very close, but there will always be restless people in this secluded place where the wine is strong...

Both Su Lun and Sabina had keen perceptions, and this movement was naturally heard clearly.

Listening to the movement next door, the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

At this moment, the shoulder straps of Sabina's dress had completely slipped down, and her clothes were half untied, and she was ready to appear heavy and majestic.

She didn't care about it completely, she put her arms around Su Lun's neck, showing her flattery, "Sir, are you in a hurry?"

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