Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 155: She snatched a very evil thing

Su Lun controlled eight spider spears to rush all the way, fast.

The edge of this cave is no better than the ruins city, the towering and steep rock wall is the best terrain for Spider Lance.

Climbing up the rock, Su Lun quickly picked up the invisible living corpse and black sickle hanging in mid-air on the top of the cave where he hid during the day.

With the big killer in hand, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Su Lun ran away in no hurry.

He waited in place and designed an ambush trap, originally wanting to see if there were any chasing soldiers coming up to harvest a wave of experience.

Although his strength is not too strong now, but black sickle + spider legs, can fight and escape, come one or two second-tier professionals are basically to send food, come to encircle and suppress large forces, and can also withdraw into complex caves. middle.

But after waiting for a while, I didn't hear any movement of the chasing soldiers, so I gave up.

Su Lun thought about it, maybe it was that Sabina hadn't summoned the city guard at all.

After all, her personal setting in the eyes of others is a delicate and weak woman. If she goes to a hotel in the middle of the night to attack a wanted criminal in person, it seems impossible.

It was still early in the morning, and Su Lun didn't plan to run around, after all, there were some small agreements with the nineteenth. He hung himself on the rock wall with silk thread, planning to wait till dawn to visit the East City.

After leisure, Su Lun also recalled the previous battle.

It has to be said that other professionals cannot be underestimated, especially the ability structure of the Umbrella Organization that has gathered all kinds of weird special abilities.

Maybe there are people who can restrain themselves.

Today’s Sabina is an example.

There is no one in the spirit of professionals, like her second-tier professionals with a [Succubus] talent bonus, it is really hard to guard against.

Not to mention Tier 2 professionals, there is no special means of defensive mental power control, and Tier 3 professionals may not be able to help her.

If it weren't for Su Lun's own extraordinary mental power, even if he had a black sickle in his hand, facing such an enemy, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have a chance to shoot.

He even suspects that since this woman has such a trick and scheming, the boss of the Steam Party is really not the "butcher" Banner, maybe this scheming woman is the one who holds the real power.

Thinking again that she was the lieutenant general intelligence officer of the Umbrella Organization, a suffocating intelligence network almost swept the entire outer city of Old Lingdun.

The black tower's control over the old Ling Dun's forehead is evident.


"That woman should have practiced the mysterious technique..."

Although the previous confrontation did not seem to suffer, Su Lun still had lingering fears.

The moment Sabina invaded his mind, the two of them were like two frankly meeting each other, and each clearly felt the strength of the other's mental power.

From the physical point of view, that woman's mental power may not be stronger than him, but it was the instant that Su Lun was recruited.

It feels to Su Lun that his own mental power is like a plate of sand; and Sabina's is like a well-built fortress, capable of offensive and defensive.

Su Lun learned the power of spiritual power tonight, and felt that the cultivation of the mysterious method was imminent.

He still remembers that in Stormwind Manor, Pestoya easily controlled the scene between him and the bald Ivan with a thread of spiritual force.

He felt that while he played the "Puppeteer" as a puppeteer, the way he opened it must be wrong...

Otherwise, Sora has this huge mental power, not only is it not combat power, but a burden.

Su Lun also clearly felt that there were more soul fragments harvested, and the hidden danger of suppressing emotions became more and more obvious. It feels like the urge to be crazy and presumptuous...

Thinking about it, my thoughts drifted away a bit.

Su Lun was hanging on the cliff, and from time to time he used a telescope to observe the camp in the distance, trying to see if there were any signs of large-scale movement.

Looking at the brightly lit camp, he suddenly thought of the nineteenth.

"I don't know if what she planned to do succeeded..."

Suren didn't worry much.

After all, this is not a heavily guarded old Ling Dun, and he can easily get out of the city, and he must be able to get out of the city on the 19th.

Although he hadn't asked before, he was indeed a little curious about the mission that the mysterious "third-party organization" would care about.

Is it to assassinate a particular target?

Still grab something?

The character of No. 19 is vigorous and resolute, once the goal is determined, he will immediately do it...

Maybe tonight?

It's probably a coincidence.

When Su Lun thought of this, suddenly, an accident happened!


The gunfire suddenly exploded.

From afar, the sound wave shook Su Lun's figure hanging on the rock wall for a while.

"Huh... something happened?!"

Su Lun immediately became energetic, picked up the binoculars and looked towards the camp.

From a condescending look, I suddenly saw that the camp suddenly exploded, and the guns were loud.

And from the direction of the spread of the gunfire, it can be clearly distinguished that the firepower net is from the Stormwind Manor on the hillside, and it lights up quickly towards the chasing wall.

It seemed that someone was being chased and intercepted all the way, and then ran towards the city wall.

Su Lun looked at the fire, and immediately guessed it was the nineteenth.

Only the SS wanted man who can make the camp go crazy.

However, it's not over yet!

Just when Su Lun thought he would be able to escape the camp on the 19th, there was a sudden low roar like an air defense alarm.

"First level combat readiness?"

Su Lun knew exactly what this roar represented.

That is to say, when the camp is facing a life-and-death "super monster siege incident", such an alarm will be issued.

The sound of the alarm means that all hunters in the city must participate in the city's defense mission.

Looking at the situation now, are you planning to block the 19th in the city?

Sure enough, with the sound of the sirens, the entire city seemed to be boiling, and people were yelling loudly all the way away.

"Come on, catch the SS wanted man!"

"Brothers, get up and make a fortune soon..."

"Catch her, bounty 100 million!"


With this shout, the whole city participated in the siege and interception.

I don’t know if it’s because there are other wanted criminals hidden in the camp. With this shout, guns and guns were heard everywhere in the city.

However, after the alarm sounded, Su Lun looked at the suspected "target" on the 19th as if being stopped, and suddenly turned around and turned to another city wall.

Then, it was blocked again.

Buildings collapsed one after another, and the fighting was extremely dynamic.

"Did she encounter a top powerhouse to block it?"

Su Lun looked at it and thought to himself.

I didn't think that the 19th would suffer.

After all, the mechanical warrior has an alloy body, is not afraid of knives and guns, and has a super propulsion acceleration system, even if it is against the rain of guns, no one can hardly resist her.

Besides, she is not alone.



Seeing that the battle didn't stalemate for a while, a small mushroom cloud suddenly exploded on the street where the house collapsed.

Looks like what weapons of mass destruction were used.

Then, the chase started again.

This time, through the telescope, Su Lun saw a figure leaping out of the city wall lightly. He was wearing a black leather jacket on the 19th.

Then, shortly afterwards, he saw another person who followed him and jumped out of the city wall.

"Vice-chairman of the Wild Hunter's Union, Tier 3 powerhouse "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero Redgrave? "

Su Lun saw the red beard chasing the soldier holding the big sword, and his pupils shrank slightly.

No wonder it was so fierce, with a sword energy tens of meters, it turned out to be this one.

However, seeing this, Su Lun felt that there was no danger on the nineteenth.

The melee professional does run fast, but the swordsman against the super mechanical warrior does not talk about the advantages of any professional restraint at all, but even suffers.

Looking at the **** box in the nineteenth hand, Su Lun also understood what she was going to do.

"So you robbed things?"

He muttered in his heart, and he was also curious as to what he had robbed on the 19th.

Can't put storage space and hold it in your hand, which means it must be a super-order item.


Su Lun raised an eyebrow

What can make the powerful organizations that can go to the Central Ruins to "purchase" want to seize, certainly not as simple as ordinary forbidden objects.


Su Lun watched the play on the cliff without any ups and downs in his heart.

When they are all out of the camp, the end is doomed.

But at this moment, Su Lun suddenly watched the rushing number 19 suddenly fired a flare into the sky, and then ran in his direction.

"She wants me to respond?"

Su Lun understood something instantly.

This is a retreat that they have discussed before. In case of special circumstances, and someone on both of them happens to be outside the city, they will respond to each other.

Seeing this signal, he didn't even think about it, untied the planting equipment, controlled the living corpse, and climbed down the rock wall.

There are only a few top professionals, and they are highly recognizable by means. No matter how hidden they are, it is easy to reveal their identity once they are shot. Mr. Hei, there must be someone nearby, but that's why he didn't say it was a last resort and wouldn't make a move.

And Su Lun had a black sickle in his hand, which happened to be able to help.

This is a favor, and there is almost no risk to help.

Su Lun got off the rock wall and went directly to the scheduled ambush location.

In a blink of an eye, the person who chased and escaped also ran over.

Su Lun saw the timing, and without hesitation, he controlled the living corpse with a black sickle and chopped it down.

It's a pity that although the spatial cracks were silent, the slight wind breaking sound of the living corpse waving the black sickle still made the "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero perceive it.

The guy discovered the anomaly, and a dodge left his previous position, just avoiding the slashing line that Sulun had predicted.

However, watching someone sneak attack, the speed of Nero's pursuit also slowed down significantly.

Hei sickle shot, he naturally guessed who shot it, and his face also showed solemnity.

Looking around, I was worried about other ambushers.

Seeing that the other party could avoid the space cracks, Su Lun was not surprised.

When the signal flare was sent on the 19th, Nero would naturally guess that her move was calling for reinforcements.

It's weird without precautions.

Top professionals are not so easy to kill.


At this time, Su Lun was also found on the 19th, and he walked in his direction directly.

Then she shook it vigorously, and threw the black box she was holding in her hand.

With nothing in her hand, her combat power soared in an instant, and when she turned her head, she ran into the "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero.

For a time, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the gravel flew randomly.

Su Lun received the box and knew what she meant.

Looking down, the identification showed: [Engraved Super Seal Rune Secret Box].

However, even through this sealed box, he seemed to see a strange breath coming out. It is like holding a pile of ice, not only has a bitter coldness, but also a cold feeling that even the soul trembles.

"What the **** is in this box, it feels wicked..."

Su Lun muttered in his heart.

But after looking at the property panel, it didn't matter, so I didn't care.

He didn't care about the battle on the battlefield, nor did he ask where to get things, so he turned his head and left.

The eight-armed spider spear turned frequently, and left the battlefield in a swift smoke, rushing into the corridor not far away.

Tomorrow’s news comes out, it will probably say that their two important wanted criminals have joined forces to steal treasure...

This also made the "third party forces" completely out of touch.

Anyway, the debt is too much, and Su Lun doesn't care about one more charge or one more S on his wanted order.

Doing a small favor for Mr. Hei and them will make it even more profitable.


On the 19th, the "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero was restrained, and Su Lun ran very smoothly.

He knew that there was no need to ask where he was going, someone would be there to pick him up after a while.

Sure enough, a man in a cloak appeared in the pitch-black tunnel shortly after he ran.

Su Lun didn't care, instinctively controlled the silk thread.

Seeing the other party untie the cloak, he relaxed now.

Mr. Hei is as polite as ever: "Little friend Su Lun, I'm causing you trouble."

Su Lun handed him the sealed box and smiled disapprovingly, "It's just a small favor."

He didn't wonder what it was, but remembered something, and said in passing: "By the way, Mr. Hei, I just learned some information, which may be of use to you."

Mr. Hei listened respectfully: "Oh?"

"Miss on the 19th told me that the Umbrella Organization has a senior intelligence officer codenamed "Sleepwalker"..."

Su Lun didn’t elaborate, did not mention the battle process, just said: “And I accidentally discovered that Sabina of the Steam Party is a Tier 2 spiritual professional, and her talent is [Succubus]. I suspect she may be that. Intelligence officer."

"It was wonder."

Mr. Hei's face also clearly showed some surprises, and he was suddenly stunned.

Needless to say, it is too detailed, just these two points are enough for him to infer too much news.

Su Lun knew that Mr. Hei would not ask for details, and did not continue to say.

When he mentioned the topic now, he naturally wanted to mention the secret method of spiritual power.

In front of Mr. Hei, there is no need to hide it, he said directly: "Mr. Hei, I have seen Sabina's spiritual methods before. Would you like to ask if you have any news about the mysterious method?"

Mr. Hei naturally knew that Su Lun was looking for the mysterious method.

After all, this is still his attention.

Hearing this, he said directly: "Not before. But recently I got news that there is indeed a place in the ruins where I can find a secret spiritual power that is very suitable for the profession of a puppet master."

Su Lun became interested, "Oh?"

After a pause, Mr. Hei frowned, but shook his head again, and said, "However, the situation is a bit complicated. At least you have to wait until you reach the second level, then let's talk about it."

Sounds... as if you are going to get it yourself?

But listening to Mr. Hei's behavior, Su Lun didn't ask any more, "Yes."

At this time, Mr. Hei thought of something, and said: "By the way, do you have information about space materials? I got news that a'Magician's weird' appeared in a cursed space in the East City, probably with the materials you need. ."

Suren: "[1911 Hotel]?"

Hearing his reaction, Mr. Hei also knew that Su Lun knew the information, and said: "Well, I stayed in the ruins for a few days, and I just gathered the information today. I originally wanted to find a chance to tell you, but now it seems you I also know."

When Su Lun heard that Mr. Hei knew the cursed space, he simply asked: "Sir, do you know what's going on in that space? I don't have much information. But it sounds like that space is not easy."

"The space is really not easy. But... if you want to go, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Mr. Hei thought of something, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

After a pause, he took out a golden card again, handed it over, and said: "This thing is for you, it's a thank you for helping tonight. When you go to that space, put it on, maybe it will help you Solve some troubles."


This kind of gentleman is always unwilling to take advantage of others, and Su Lun finds it very pleasant to get along with each other.

Since it was a he naturally took it in his hand unceremoniously.

I thought it was some kind of amulet, but the appraisal showed: [Card with Space Imprint].

Suren's first reaction was to encounter the card of the mysterious man who could teleport with cards in the ruins.

Is that man in the cloak going?

If this is the case, then the cursed space will be much safer in an instant.

However, he always felt that Mr. Black gave this card something else.

But didn't think too much.

Not to mention that he didn't feel the malice, Mr. Hei really wanted to harm him, and he didn't need to be so troublesome.

Besides, there is nothing worth plotting in himself.

Two cursed objects with a big curse?

How can people who can go to the relics to buy goods lack these things.

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