Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 153: One thousand nine hundred and eleven hotel

When Su Lun walked all the way towards the "Wild Hunter Union", he also found that the people in the city were indeed mixed with some special eyes, probably from the umbrella organization.

Their sharp eyes will scan back and forth in the crowd, paying special attention to some hunters who hide their heads and show their tails, or carry large boxes.

Su Lun's half-face mask was not intended to cover his face, just to cover up the handsomeness that was nowhere to be placed, making him more like a wilderness hunter.

Those gazes swept away, and when they saw that they didn't match the image of the wanted criminal, no one cared about him.

Not long after, Su Lun came to the Wilderness Hunter Guild Hall.

This place is several times more lively than it was a month ago. The crowds in the guild mission hall were one after another, and the hunters who received and issued missions filled the entire Stormwind Manor.

Fortunately, Su Lun had kept an eye on him before, and did not use the identity of "Jonny" to issue a commission.

This also saved him a lot of trouble.

I checked it, and the Mission Management Office received more than a dozen messages, all of which said they had information on "space materials."

Except for the five points, I couldn't contact people, probably left, or died;

Seven or eight pieces of information are unreliable, and a few are phishing at first glance, and there is not much useful information.

Finally, after screening, Su Lun saw a more reliable one. The information came from "Red Nose" Fox, a small well-known professional intelligence businessman.

Five days ago, this guy left a message and said that in a cursed space newly discovered in West City, a wilderness hunter found a weird one with space capabilities. The assessor concluded that the weirdness is at least the second-tier silver level, and there is a high probability that it will produce advanced spatial materials.

Su Lun also carefully read the address and general description of the message, and initially judged that the news has a certain degree of authenticity.

As for whether it must be what you want, not necessarily.

But he plans to meet the intelligence merchant first.

After paying the commission, Su Lun left the Wilderness Hunter Union.


Intelligence merchants are a very profitable gray profession in Old Lingdon, and there are many in the black market.

Their sources of intelligence are very complicated, such as taverns, wind moon fields, gambling stalls, gangsters, women's friends...someone is responsible for collecting information, while others are responsible for summarizing. Even they were originally serving the "rats" in the intelligence networks of the major forces, and occasionally leaked some information, and whoever paid the higher price would sell the information to whoever.

Of course, this circle is a mixed bag, and these people are usually multi-faceted spies, who buy news and are easily sold as news.

Suren returned to the city, and then came to the "Black Sir" tavern again.

The contact information left by "Red Nose" Fox is here.

On the 19th, there will be a lot of noise in these two days, and Su Lun feels that he can get the necessary information as soon as possible, and it is best to leave the camp.

Only after advancing to Tier 2, he felt that he had the ability to calmly defend himself in the rounds of umbrella organizations and bounty hunters.

Su Lun entered the tavern, went directly to the bar, threw a silver coin and asked the bartender: "Hey, man, have you seen the "red nose"? "

The bartender took a tip and said, "Mr. Fox will come here for a drink at 7 o'clock in the afternoon almost every day. If you sit down, you may be able to meet him in a while."

Su Lun looked at the time, there was about an hour left, thinking about staying to try his luck, raised his hand and said, "Come on a bunch of rye."

The pub is noisy all day, much more lively than it was a month ago. Although it has been refurbished and decorated by two floors, it is still full.

Su Lun could only sit at the bar without finding the deck.

Looking around, the number of hotly-dressed tavern girls has also increased, but on the contrary, "supply exceeds demand."

Su Lun originally wanted to find a girl to inquire about the news that happened recently in the camp, but his mother Sang actually said that there was no time.

But luck was also good. After waiting for less than half an hour, a green-haired man with a red nose and eyebrows walked into the Black Jazz Tavern.

The bartender seemed to remind Su Lun and greeted him: "Mr. Fox, you are here."

Su Lun looked at that guy's shrewd eyes and knew he was "Red Nose" Fox. He was very familiar with the rules of the road, and greeted him without seeing the outside: "Hey, red nose~"

Fox listened, not surprised but delighted.

Those who are qualified to call his nickname mean that they are all customers with a lot of background.

Su Lun said straightforwardly: "I want to buy an intelligence."

Fox walked over, looked at Su Lun calmly, smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say..."

Su Lun said directly: "I want to know the information about'space materials' in your hand."

As soon as Fox heard this, his small eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something interesting, and whispered: "Oh, I remember! Are you the client who offered a ‘shocked 5 million’ reward?"

The guy didn’t mention the business first, and then said, "Hey, I said, man, your trick really works. I have been learning to do it for a few days, and the business has indeed improved a lot. However, there have been more people imitating recently, and I am shocked at every turn. , Now I don’t even know which news is really valuable."


Su Lun smiled, no wonder he had seen so much exaggerated information when he went to the Wilderness Hunting Union before, it turned out that this unhealthy trend was brought out by himself.

He didn't get too entangled in this topic, and asked: "Is the cursed space mentioned in your intelligence still there? Or can you provide news about the destination of the finished advanced materials?"

"Yes, the cursed space is currently being developed, and the materials have not yet been obtained. But..."

The red nose turned his small eyes, and he said directly: "I see your bounty, saying that it will provide up to five million in intelligence costs. The intelligence in my hand is worth one million."

After a pause, he boasted again: "Although the price is a bit high, I can guarantee that I have the most detailed information on the entire dawn camp in my Red Nose Fox."

These intelligence dealers are all old fried dough sticks, and the lion's mouth is big.

Just like the vendors in the antique market, the counter-offer will be paid back.

Su Lun didn't care when he heard it, and said lightly: "Judging from the information you left in the Wilderness Hunter, it is currently only worth three thousand. If you can provide more detailed and useful information, I will consider adding a little."

As he spoke, he took out three thousand cash notes very well.


One million becomes three thousand, and this fellow Fox doesn't dislike it.

He smiled and collected the money, knowing that he was a savvy person, and he said directly: "Seven days ago, the people of the'buck hunting group' found a large cursed space near a black lake near the central district in the Dongcheng ruins. . Later, after exploration, I found the weirdness of at least Tier 2 silver in that cursed space. It was an ancient'magician' who possessed the ability to take out various items out of thin air. We speculated that that hundred Percentage is a kind of professional spatial ability..."

Then, the intelligence stopped abruptly here.

This guy collected three thousand yuan, and only told about three thousand pieces of information.

Su Lun became interested: "The cursed space is still there now?"


Fox nodded, rolled his small eyes, and said: "The weird end has never been hunted. Moreover, I can guarantee that even if a large hunting group has gone, it will not be possible to deal with it in a short time. Curse the space."

When Su Lun heard that the large-scale wilderness hunting group couldn't solve it, he asked, "Is it an S-level space?"

Fox shook his head, proficiently teasing people's appetites: "No. It is a complex cursed space, and it is difficult to tell what level it belongs to. At present, the level of danger is probably level B. The second floor is somewhat special. , But it should be A+; I don’t know on the third floor. No one will survive when I go there. It’s a T level temporarily. Moreover, I can send you a message for free. The cursed space is very special, and the rewards will be amazing."

"Composite cursed space" usually refers to some super-large cursed space. The difficulty of the space may be localized, and it will often produce a variety of curses, even super-order curses at the level of forbidden objects.

Su Lun really became more and more interested, and asked, "What if I need detailed information about the Cursed Space?"

A flash of shrewdness flashed in Fox's eyes, and three fingers showed up, saying: "Thirty thousand addresses and basic information; detailed information... one hundred thousand."

Su Lun blankly took out a lot of money and put it on the bar, but didn't hand it out completely, and said, "This is one hundred thousand. I hope the information I got is worth the price."

"Don't worry, it's not a day or two for my "red nose" to do intelligence business. I still have some professional ethics. "

Fox looked at the money, squinting and smiling like a fox.

He immediately took out a paper and pen, and while drawing a map, he said: "The cursed space is called [1911 Hotel], which is a luxury hotel in ancient times. There is a difference in flow rate between space and real time, which is about 20:1; conditions for coming out It’s also very simple. As long as you stay in the space for 24 hours, you can see the exit of the space. The general situation is... At night, the hotel will be contaminated by ghost fog, and all the tenants in the hotel will become “weird” '. There are ninety-nine rooms on the first floor. It has been proven that most of the rooms are full of first-order black iron and a few silver-class weird ones. The hunting groups that can survive to explore, the harvest is very rich... "

When Su Lun heard it, although the expression on his face did not change, he quickly started thinking.

Fox continued: "The number of rooms on the second floor is unknown. No more than ten have been found, and the level of danger is very high. The "magic" I mentioned just now lives in the 2013 room on the second floor... There is currently no life on the third floor. Still, there is no intelligence. "

Not long after listening to the information.

Su Lun also had a general idea of ​​the [1911 Hotel] cursed space in his mind.

Probably it was an ancient hotel, and then by midnight, due to a special pollution energy, everyone would be turned into monsters.

Every tenant in a room will be contaminated and become "weird".

And listening to this information, the wilderness hunting group has been developing there for seven days, and the harvest has been quite fruitful.

But I didn't even explore the first floor...

It means... a lot of risk!

Fox finished talking, and drew a sketch, promising: "I promise this is the most detailed information about [1911 Hotel]."


Su Lun felt that it was almost the same, and the information was indeed worth the price.

With this information, it did save him a lot of trouble.

Moreover, listening to the intelligence description, he became more and more certain that the ancient "magic weird" in that space should be able to produce the materials he needed.


Sulun got the information about the cursed space, and left the tavern in no hurry.

He was drinking at the bar, thinking constantly in his mind.

It was hard to find out about the "space materials" news, so he naturally had to find a way to get it.

This kind of rare advanced material is definitely unrealistic to wait for others to bring it out and then spend money to buy it, so he must also visit the cursed space in person.

But that [1911 Hotel] cursed space sounds like a lot of puzzles.

Why are there all bosses in the cursed space and no mobs?

What kind of "ghost fog" is so powerful that it can directly pollute hotel tenants into weird monsters?

And the hunting group that discovered this cursed space, why are they willing to share it with other hunters? Isn’t it the case of the last time [White Monastery] that someone needs to sacrifice the tiankeng?

Questions came out one by one.

However, there is also a piece of information that is fairly good news.

This space is a "survival mode", and you will be able to come out after you live for "twenty-four hours".

There is no need to complete the level completely, and kill the final boss.

Judging from the known information, if it is on the first floor, then [1911 Hotel] is not very risky for Su Lun.

Of course, avoid the rooms where the "ghost species" have been found.

But the material he needs is on the second floor of the hotel, which is still an "A+ level" area, which is unknown and highly dangerous.

The strength of that "Magician is weird" is unknown, and it is hard to say in many cases.

Even if he took the living corpse, he wasn't very sure.

At this thought, Su Lun fell into a long period of contemplation.


After nightfall, the business in the tavern becomes more and more exciting.

The Black Jazz Tavern was packed with hundreds of people.

While sitting where he was drinking bored, Su Lun raised his ears and listened to all kinds of conversations in the tavern.

After the "X Serum" was completely absorbed, his hearing ability became more acute.

In the tavern, heavy metal rock music and conversation are intertwined, which is like rolling thunder, but it can be clearly distinguished in his ears. The mixed sounds are like threads of different colors, as long as he By focusing your attention on a certain thread, you can distinguish that sound from the noise, and then you can hear it clearly.

Even those soft whispers.

"Oh, boss, I can't do anything here, I can only get started, I can't do other things..."

"Hoo~ Seven thousand, double satisfaction."


Some useless information was automatically filtered, and Su Lun focused on the ruins information exchanged by the hunters.

"Have you heard that the'Two-headed Snake Hunting Group' went to Beicheng the day before yesterday and harvested a batch of valuable gems and ancient alchemy books..."

"A branch of the'Iron Boots Group' went to Central a few days ago, but I heard that the loss was heavy..."


Su Lun listened, and then heard his name again.

"Hey brothers, the young man from the Oliver family is looking for the'S Wanted Sulun' all over the world. Do you have any news? That bounty is so tempting..."

"I got news that Na Suren should be in the ruins. After all, you know, last month's'fog tide' caused heavy casualties to the wilderness hunting teams in the East City. The Oliver family and various large and small wilderness hunting groups blocked the periphery of the ruins~ I didn’t escape, naturally it was dead..."

"Hey, it's a pity. However, after the fog, there seems to be a lot of weird distortions in the East City..."


Su Lun listened and collected these pieces of information, and then roughly understood the progress of the wasteland hunters in the past month.

As for the Central Ring Road, wasteland reclamation has high casualties and slow progress.


Su Lun was drinking wine alone, with all kinds of information in his ears.

But while listening, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the second floor of the pub.

It was a roar that was still slightly immature.

"Old witch, kill me if you have a seed!"

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