Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 147: I'm not dead, you deserve to die

Su Lun fled alone, and six people behind him chased him.

But seeing that he was about to flee into the extremely dangerous Dawn Ruins central area, the chasing soldiers were also a little panicked.

Now they have seven second-tiers chasing one first-tier, and one of them is killed. If they let the target escape, will they still have the face to go back?

The cursing space was shattered, and everyone knew that the "Crying Witch" must have been killed by Su Lun, and the hair material must have been taken away.

They worked so hard to create opportunities, and they also stimulated the witch to become a two-stage lord, but they gave people a wedding dress for nothing?

How could that young man of the Oliver family give up?

But at this time, unfortunately, the communicator sent the roar of the young Dan Ze: "Damn! That guy took away the head of the witch, you must kill him and bring back my materials!"

The tone of the command is beyond doubt.

After listening to these words, the faces of several chasing soldiers were not ugly.

Except for the Steam Party cadre "Tyrannosaurus" Toynby, the other five are bodyguards or vassals of the Oliver family. On weekdays, the high wars are raised by the consortium with money, which means that they are not qualified to refuse the orders of Dan Ze.

Hearing the command from the communicator, several second-orders looked at each other and frowned.

"Juggler" Lloyd could drip water even more gloomy.

Only he knows how "Dan Ze is determined to win" the witch's hair.

Don't think he is Dan Ze's puppetry teacher, but how can he not know the surly character of that Dan Ze young man?

It was a trivial matter that the sneak attacker ran away. If the materials were really lost, this young man would be furious.

His teacher's face is not good.

The little old man only hesitated for a moment, and then yelled anxiously: "Chasing! That guy has already cut three knives with a black sickle, and there is at most one. The curse backlash will erupt immediately. His invisible puppet will definitely die suddenly. At that time, there is no threat...otherwise, we won't have to go back!"

His implication is also very obvious, and whoever takes the last cut will be unlucky.


The others looked at each other, but they could only bite the bullet and rush up.

As long as they did not defect from the Oliver family consciousness, this order must be carried out!


"Huh... here again?"

Su Lun frowned.

Just now, I killed a Tier 2 professional with the help of [Voodoo Doll]. Those guys disappeared for a while, and I didn't expect the feeling of being targeted again.

Su Lun looked back at the several Tier 2 professionals who suddenly accelerated, and guessed something: "Is this a death order from that young master?"

Thinking of this, he also felt that things were not good.

Those guys had no retreat, and Su Lun himself had no retreat.

Looking ahead, without any hesitation, he plunged directly into the depths of the denser ruins.

Although the "gun king" Geiger is powerful, after all, gunmen are not good at running and chasing people.

In this dawn ruins filled with mist and complex buildings, as long as the distance is far enough, the threat of gunmen will become smaller and smaller.

However, the enemy had obviously guessed this too.

Those guys seem to know that if they chase people, even if they chase people, they will be in a dangerous situation if they go deep into the ruins. At this moment, they are ready to tell the winner once!

The gunfire sounded again.


The sound of gunshots was half a beat slower than bullets.

Before hearing the sound, Su Lun clearly felt that his body was hit, which was another stagger.

It just so happened that he hit a shield again, and it was the "Voodoo Doll" whose blood was used as a matchmaker by the "Juggler" Lloyd's blood.

Almost a second after the doll was blown up, Su Lun's aftermath saw the manipulator's two puppets stagnating.

Although other murderous intents are getting closer, Su Lun also decided to kill this guy first!

He didn't hesitate at all, causing the invisible living corpse to pick up the knife and cut it towards the dwarf.

However, this time it was not as smooth as before.

When swinging the knife, those second-tier methods came out one by one, and the speed skyrocketed several times in an instant, rushing forward without hesitation.

A decisive move that is bound to kill Su Lun in one fell swoop.


The speed of the eight-armed spider spear is fast, but it doesn't mean that Tier 2 professionals have no short-distance bursts to catch up.

They didn't show it before. In fact, they were pregnant with ghosts and wanted each other to touch the thunder.

After all, Su Lun had a black sickle in his hand.

But now, they guessed that Su Lun's sickle had only one chance to make the last cut.

After seeing that Lloyd had been recruited, the remaining Qi Qishu let out a sigh of relief.

The dead dao friend does not die the poor dao.

After all, it's not that I am the hapless person.

Now that this sword has been released, the melee professional with the ability to move and advance has no more scruples, and burst out with all strength.

The "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" Toynby reacted fastest.

Enough pressure had accumulated in the modified jet propulsion device long ago, and it is now released in a blast.

With a "pouch", the white steam looked like a torrent of water from a rocket launch pad.

He was like an accelerated cannonball, dashing hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.

Even if it was Su Lun who stopped and changed directions several times, this guy also relieved the pressure and stopped suddenly. After several jet-assisted long-distance rushes, he caught up with him in a blink of an eye. Then in the air, a flying claw of a robotic arm ejected with a click...

Su Lun was controlling the invisible living corpse to slash the dwarf in the distance with a black sickle, and had to avoid the mechanical flying claws as much as possible.

Because of this dodge, the direction of the black sickle's swing was slightly deviated. He didn't cut the dwarf's neck, but cut his legs in a single cut.

And Su Lun had no time to make up the knife, because at this time, the murderous opportunity came again.

Except for the robotic arm, a suit bodyguard of the Oliver family followed.

The guy jumped with energy, his trousers burst and turned into exaggerated muscles like bullfrog legs. He jumped a hundred meters...


As soon as the sword was closed, the bodyguard with the bullfrog's legs in the suit also rushed in front of Su Lun, and slammed into his arms.

How fast are the second-tier melee professionals?

Su Lun didn't have time to make any response.

He caught the opponent's movement with his eyes, but his body couldn't react at all. At the moment of the crisis, he could barely drag a doll in the dark with its spider legs to protect his chest.

It was this collision, and with a "click", the puppet was smashed into pieces.

Su Lun was knocked out of his eyes, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood.

There was another muffled sound, and the huge force spread from the point of impact like a bank burst.

It was as if he was hit by a rushing rhino in his heart, instantly giving him the illusion that his soul was still in place and his body had flown out.

A moment later, the soul reacted and returned to the body.

Only then did Su Lun feel the dizzy sensation of blood flowing back to his limbs.

In the inverted flight, I just felt the presence of my body, and suddenly my whole person smashed into a building again, smashing two thick walls one after another, and then stopped.

Then, there was another mouthful of turbid blood, spraying all over the ground.

If there is no alloy plate armor on the chest, this collision is afraid that he will die on the spot.

However, it is another person who is more uncomfortable than him!

The first time the pitch-black doll was crushed, more than ten meters away, the mechanical warrior Toynbee who was about to come to help made a scream of pain on the spot, holding his head and almost fainted.

The [Voodoo Doll] who used this guy's blood as a contract, exploded at such a close distance, and the pain can be imagined.

It was also because of this method that Su Lun was not pinched by the two and died suddenly on the spot.


Su Lun was knocked out of his five internal organs, and the whole person seemed to fall apart, unable to build strength.

At the critical juncture, he had no time to breathe, his eyes flashed suddenly, and his emotional release made his eyes crazy.

In the next instant, the pain on his face disappeared instantly, and the body that had been severely injured seemed to feel no more pain.

He braced his will and got up, the four spider arms showed sharp spears and stood on his chest, while the other four hurriedly pulled out a few puppets to protect him.

After doing this defensive move, Su Lun's hands were emptied, and he wanted to catch the black sickle in the distance, and then fight to the death!

But I didn't think about it, I instantly felt the different strength on the silk thread.

Not scattered pieces of meat, but a complete living corpse.

Su Lun understood something in an instant, and was pleasantly surprised: "Huh?"

Even if he controlled the precise power of each slash, he could cut four knives in a short time and reached the limit of backlash.

Especially for the last cut, the distance is too far, one cut is equivalent to the previous two cuts.

The curse of the black sickle was triggered immediately!

Although it was wrapped in a shroud, Su Lun himself couldn't see where the wound appeared on the corpse, but at the moment he was swung the knife, he also felt the movement of the "blood collapse" of the living corpse through the tremor of the silk thread just now.

Originally, Su Lun thought that he would have to rely on his own body to hold the sickle desperately, but at this time...

He was surprised to find that the abomination corpse hadn't died!


"The backlash didn't hurt the deadly part of the abomination living corpse?!"

Su Lun immediately understood what had happened.

The wound did not appear on the neck, or the heart, anywhere else was not fatal to hatred.

Its terrifying recovery ability will heal wounds in a very short time.

This means...BUFF refresh

After a round of cursed backlash, the abomination living corpse can chop another four or five times!

Thinking of this, Su Lun's eyes were brilliant.

Although he was embarrassed and vomiting blood, his face overflowed with a crazy smile.

On the other hand, the bullfrog leg bodyguard did not intend to give Su Lun a chance to survive. After ramming him into the ruins of the building, he kicked again and rushed forward.

The sound of "swishing" broke the wind, and the speed was so fast that people couldn't respond.

And because Su Lun had already prepared, this guy looked at the poisoned spear he was standing on his chest, and he was obviously aware of the danger.

He didn't dare to hit the sharp spear, but stopped in front of the spider spear accurately, and then went on one-legged stand on the ground, exerting a round swing.

The absolute strength crushed him, causing him to kick two widows directly with this kick. Then the kick that looked like an iron whip, without any reduction in power, hit Su Lun's side.


There was a muffled noise with a cracked Su Lun was hit hard again, and his whole body was kicked out like a sandbag, crashing into a thick wall.

"Puff" a puff of turbid blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, almost spit out his heart and lungs.

However, the bodyguard obviously hadn't seen the rune puppet. He doubted the close contact. At the same time that he suffered a heavy blow to Su Lun, he was also affected by the strange cry of [Wailing Doll], and the whole person was in a trance.

It was this trance gap that gave Su Lun time to breathe.

He got up without hesitation and injected himself with a sober potion, lest he would faint protectively because his body couldn't bear the severe pain.

While applying the medicine, the eight spider spears behind him had already manipulated the abominable living corpse outside the ruins to wave the black sickle again!

Su Lun looked at the bodyguard who was in a trance, grinned, his mouth full of **** white teeth: "Hey..."

I'm not dead, you deserve to die.

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