Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 142: Generous

This is a snowy night.

Snow fell on the roof of the white monastery, as if making the building bloated.

The identity of the patrol was very useful, and Su Lun successfully knocked on the door of the monastery.

There is also thick snow in the courtyard, and pigeons are sleeping on high places.

A brown-haired nun received him.

"Inspector Jonny, is there anything you want?"

"There has been another murder in the street. I am worried that the murderer has hidden in the monastery. Can I go in and see?"

"Of course."

The brown-haired nun led Su Lun into the monastery.

There is no idol in the main hall, but the "Ouroboros" totem that the alchemist believes in.

Su Lun wanted to extract some useful alchemy knowledge from these nuns, but he obviously didn't get his wish.

"Could you know how many nuns there are in the monastery now?"


"I need to ask a few other people questions."


"By the way, where is Sister Alice?"

"Sorry, she is completing her weekly homework to maintain the seal of the basement."



The topic is half talked about, and there is no more to follow.

At least Su Lun knew, this hair, these nuns are here to maintain the seal.


Not long after, Suren walked out of the monastery.

Although he didn't see that Alice, he heard a sad love story.

The story line also completes the last piece of the puzzle.

When I walked out of the street, I heard the sound of footsteps breaking the snow on the road without taking a few steps.

Someone is behind him.

But the staring gaze did not show maliciousness for the time being.

Su Lun looked back calmly, and then saw a man covered in a black cloak.

The man in the cloak said, "Do you think I look ugly?"

The hoarse voice sounded like it came from a throat scalded by Luo Tie.

Then he raised his head to let people see the face of a distorted monster.

Su Lun had already guessed who "it" was, and his expression did not fluctuate at all. He said indifferently: "Appearance is never the key to measuring beauty and ugliness. In my eyes, kindness has nothing to do with the skin."

The hints identified by the pupil of the omniscient are already obvious.

Answering "ugly" and "not ugly" is not the answer,

Not answering is not the answer.

Emotion is the correct answer.

The emotion of disgust will stimulate "it".

This is why for Su Lun, the difficulty of this cursed space is "D grade".

Su Lun can control his emotions well.

After a pause, he looked at the cloaked man in front of him and sighed: "Mr. Brook, I heard your story, it's a pity..."

The man in the cloak fell silent suddenly.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Sir, can I trouble you to come and see me at the clock tower? I'm going to die tonight. I have a request to ask you..."

Without thinking about it, Su Lun resolutely agreed: "Okay."

The result of the identification of the cloaked man in front of him is [The clone of Abbas Roshan that is about to be completely deformed].

Suren knew that he was not the weirdo of the clock tower.

Listening to Su Lun agreeing, the man in the cloak was relieved and disappeared into the snowy night.

Su Lun ignored the man in the cloak,

He went straight to the red brick clock tower that he knew was the key to breaking the game.

There is a thick iron door at the bottom of the bell tower, which is now open.

Su Lun walked in without hesitation.

Without an elevator, he climbed up the stairs step by step.

Gradually, strange lines appeared on the surrounding walls, which resembled a creeper in autumn, covering the entire wall, and the higher it went, the denser it became.

It was only later discovered that those were densely packed blood vessels in the living body.

Going up further, some peristaltic human organs, intestines, light yellow fat layer appeared on the wall...

Even the steps under the feet have become fleshy and slippery mucous membranes, slippery when stepping on them.

There is a special fishy smell of fresh organs and tissues in the air.

Su Lun felt like he had entered the body of a huge monster, and when he was about to reach the top, he saw a huge beating heart.

This is the real difficulty in breaking this cursed space.

Normal people entering this bell tower, the first reaction is probably to throw a grenade to destroy everything.

Stimulate the "it" upstairs, and the consequences will be serious.

Su Lun looked at the identified information, did not show any different colors on his face, and climbed up the ladder of flesh and blood step by step.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the bell tower and saw a human face on the wall.

This is an aberration monster with flesh and blood that grows completely with the bell tower.

Bell Tower Weird?


Called the clock tower monster exactly.

The voice came from the hollow under the two eyeballs in front of me, and it looked like a mouth: "Sorry, I scared you."

Su Lun learned this story from the nun, and shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Brook. You are a heroic warrior worthy of respect."

"Yes, I don't regret participating in the war."

There was a hint of pride in the voice, "If I have time, I will talk to you about that battle. But I don't have time now..."

After a pause, he continued: "Although I did not die in the battle. However, I was infected with distortion due to the battle with the abyss monster... Seven days ago, I returned here with the last bit of obsession, thinking Look at her for the last time. But unfortunately, my will can no longer prevent my body from deforming, and the devil is eating my intellect. I don't want her to see my monster now... just hide on this clock tower."

Su Lun listened to this, and from the direction of those two eyeballs, he could see the white monastery on the opposite side from the gap in the dial.

In the last days of his life, he silently watched his beloved girl here.

The voice said again: "If possible, can I trouble you to help me fulfill my last wish and bring my relics to my beloved Alice. Tell her that I can't keep the appointment anymore, don't wait for me..."


Su Lun agreed, took a harmonica that came out of fleshy tentacles, and took a look.

[Brook's Harmonica]

Description: Can you help me send it to my favorite girl?

Curse characteristics: a life of love, it is a curse.

Detailed explanation: The two names Alice and Brook are engraved; blowing it can comfort Alice's soul;

After he finished speaking with the last will to support him, the face on the wall slowly closed his eyes.

The beating of that huge heart gradually ceased, and the clock tower returned to its dead silence. There is only the sound of "click" and "click" of the hands on the dial.

The life of Aberration is so tenacious, but Brooke took the initiative to give up his life.

So far, this can be regarded as completing the plot flow of the entire cursed space.

Seeing the aberration that was identified as [Abyss Abbas Roshan (Second Tier Silver Level Strange)] died, Su Lun let out a long sigh of relief.

He also knows that this is the correct way to break the game with "D difficulty".

Strong attack is "A-level".

Such a large volume, even with a black sickle, can hardly cause effective damage.

Even if the entire tower is blown down, it will not necessarily kill Brook, but will completely anger him and turn him into a very terrifying monster.

According to the original plot, Brooke didn't pay the harmonica until he died, and he formed this obsession. I hope someone will return this "credential" to that Miss Alice.

Su Lun felt that he probably knew who the "Crying Witch" was.

The two cursed spaces associated with them are like the bell tower and monastery in the distance.


And the signs of Roshan's life in front of him disappeared, and a piece of luminous flesh and blood gradually condensed.

[The Flesh and Flesh of Abbas]

Detailed explanation: Second-tier silver materials, refined into advanced professional materials, can greatly increase physical strength;

The second-order silver material is already a very rare thing.

Su Lun put away the materials, and knew that the cursed space was about to collapse.

But... the story is pretty good.

Didn't the curse explode?

Su Lun didn't think too much, and the surrounding situation suddenly changed.

Then, he watched himself return to the ruins of Dawn City.

And beside him, Tommy was looking at the black whistle in his hand with a puzzled face.

He looked at Su Lun and said in surprise: "Mr. Jonny!"

Su Lun guessed what, and asked: "Have you met the man in the cloak?"

Tommy said: "Yes... he suddenly walked into the room and asked me if I thought he was ugly. I felt that he was in pain, and then I chatted with him a few words. He gave me a whistle. Then... .. I don't know what happened, so I came out."


Su Lun feels that sometimes, it depends on the strength to break the curse space.

Sometimes, really look at the face.

It's no wonder that he felt that there was no curse in that space before, and it turned out to be here with Tommy.

[The Whistle of the Dead]

Quality: Gold

Description: Want to talk to the devil?

Cursing characteristics: With the help of the power of the devil, you will be tempted by the devil;

Detailed explanation: employment materials for the mystical ‘psychic wizard’; employment conditions require specific psychic media quality;

Su Lun didn't know what kind of talent this Tommy was awakening, but this curse was a good thing.

"Golden quality" ancient relics, properly rare occupations.

Although "psychic" has never heard of it, it is definitely not simple.

Tommy took the whistle and asked, "Mr. Jonny, what is this whistle, and why did the man in the cloak give it to me? I think it suits me well..."

"A rare golden job material. Put it away."

Su Lun didn't say much, because at this time, an unexpected scene was playing on the ruins of the monastery opposite them.


There was a fierce quarrel.

"We signed a contract for equal exploration. Why do you Oliver family let us help you test the cursed space!"

"Damn it, the battle knife group! You are against the famine hunting convention!"

"They didn't think about letting us out alive..."


Outside the monastery not far away, dozens of people in the war knife regiment took guns and drove three scattered hunting regiments including the "drunkard regiment" to the monastery, seeming to force them to test the cursed space.

At this time, they also discovered the two Sulun who appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, everyone looked at it, and the muzzle artillery pointed at it.

Tommy on the side saw that his father was among them, and rushed up angrily: "Let go of my father!"

The situation in front of him was exactly the same as Su Lun had expected before.

The battle knife regiment finally tore off the camouflage, dozens of malicious eyes stabbed people's scalp numb.

In a critical situation, Su Lun let out a cold snort in his heart, shook the silk thread in his hand with one hand, instinctively wanted to control the hatred first and cut the second-tier commander of the battle knife regiment, and then guerrillaly sniped other people.

But the next second, he looked at his hand from the outset, but subconsciously stopped.

Immediately, doubts appeared on his face.

He looked down at his hand again, tried that awkward finger-twisting movement, but found the problem.

Looked at the surrounding environment, and looked at his hands.

Only then did he realize what: "Hey... it turned out to be in a dream. When did I get recruited? Could it be the moment I came out?"

The main method of "Crying Witch" is to kill in dreams.

Su Lun never cared about it from the beginning.

Through a special conditioned reflex, he determined that the scene in front of him was a dream of his own creation.


People who dream are normally unaware that they are in a dream.

But if you want to realize that you are in a dream, you can do it through some skill training.

Su Lun once did this kind of training in order to control the dangerous personality that would harm others in his sleep.

It was the movement that he used to watch his hands do around the fingers. He hinted at himself countless times before going to bed: "When I am in a dream, I will look at my fingers and then realize that I am dreaming."

(Remarks: Lucid dreams are similar to'Don Juan's techniques', with magical changes, don't be true)

Then through this long-term training,

This has become a conditioned reflex.

Now, although everything in front of him was extremely real, Su Lun was sure that he was in a dream.


In front of him, the people of the war knife regiment had already grabbed Tommy and gathered around him.

Su Lun smiled, "Ha ha..."

The self in the dream will definitely be alive.

So they may shoot, but they will certainly not die.

Facing countless gunpoints around him, he did not resist, and a crazy smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

After confirming that I am in the dream state, everything is meaningless.

He took out the gun against his chin, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Very skilled, obviously not the first time.


It's black in front of you.

As if awakened from a nightmare.

Su Lun looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a blizzard crossroads.

"Mr. Jonny? Where are we?"

Aside, a little boy in thin clothes tentatively yelled a word, still carrying a basket of matches in his hand.

The little match boy?

This familiar scene happened again.

But because of the lack of dream memory, he only felt that the scene was familiar, as if it had happened before, but he didn't realize anything.

"Dawn City a thousand years ago..."

Su Lun murmured, trying to respond to Tommy: "Curse the space."

But suddenly, I subconsciously looked at my hand, and then looked around, his eyes became serious in an instant, as if it stimulated some conditioned reflex, and realized what: "Dreamland?"

Tommy's eyes on the side were dull.

He just watched as Su Lun pulled out his gun and pressed it against his temple, and quickly exclaimed, trying to stop him: "Mr. Jonny, what are you doing!"

Before the words fell, Su Lun, whose mouth curled up, did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

The more you say, the deeper you dream, and the harder it is to extricate yourself.

Another "bang" shot.

It's black in front of you.

As if awakened from a nightmare.


This time, the scene changed.

This is a dilapidated monastery, surrounded by dense fog, only the scene in this monastery is real.

In the main hall of the monastery, a five-meter-high silver-haired nun is using her hair that can grow longer to attack several humans in front of her.

Of the seven people, five of them are Tier 2 professionals, and two of them are field control warlocks.

Five second-tiers have four familiar faces, the "Juggler" Lloyd I've seen before, the cadre of the Crow Gang "Blood Raven" Longfellow, the commander of the battle knife regiment Bloom, and the Steam Party cadre "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" Toynbee, there is another robe warlock that he doesn't know.

The other two first-tier professionals are also very rare control fields. One makes a "thorn entanglement" spell to control the legs of a tall nun, which seems to have a special talent for manipulating plants; the other has a special talent for controlling the nun. "Slow light" that slows down is also a special ability;

And the seven people encircled the "Weeping Witch", and the "Juggler" Lloyd was still yelling and commanding.

"Send another group of people into the witch's dream to stimulate it to enter the second state. Kill it in that way, and you will get'infinite hair'!"

"Quickly, control it! Now its hair is limited in length, first hurt it seriously!!!"

"Don't start your head, make sure your head is in good condition when taking materials!"


With the cooperation of the seven, the tall nun was already covered in scars.

In the next second, without knowing what happened, the fog around him gradually turned red.

The nun with her snow-white skin suddenly turned red.

"The witch has entered the second-order state in a frenzy?"

Su Lun looked at the scene in front of him and was startled.

He learned in detail about the abilities of the "Crying Witch" from Mr. Hei, and when he saw this scene, he immediately realized what these people were doing.


"Such a big battle, am I dreaming?"

Seeing the unreal scene in front of him, Su Lun didn't believe his eyes anymore, and this thought came up in his heart instinctively.

He looked down at his hand, only to find... actually the real world? !

Realizing this order, suddenly, the memory seemed to be connected in fragments.

Su Lun instantly remembered the experience in the space of [Clock Tower Weird] and the memory of two suicides and dreams.

Looking at the immediate environment again, the pupil of True Sight identified the result.

【White Monastery】

Detailed explanation: The cursed space is specially triggered. If you can't distinguish the dream, the degree of danger will be "T-level". Kill the witch and you can get out.

"This is the real world!"

Su Lun was surprised.

But at the same time I guessed in my heart: "It should be me who got involved in this space as soon as I got out of the [Clock Tower Weird] space. Could it be that what triggered the large-scale space involvement? What did these guys do?"

He guessed that it was the special curse used by these guys in front of him that allowed the [Cursed Space of the Crying Witch] to cover all the spaces in the nearby neighborhood on a large scale.

This caused him to emerge from another dimension and fall into the witch's dream.

"How long have I been in the cursed space? When did these guys come?"

Su Lun had many doubts in his but he knew that he couldn't allow him to think about it.

Recognizing the origins of these people, Su Lun instantly understood that this was the wilderness hunting group of the Oliver family!

In order to get the hair material, five second-tier professionals came directly?


The power of the consortium really deserves its reputation.

They don't just want to kill monsters to get materials, but now they also want to deliberately stimulate this "Crying Witch" to violent, and get more advanced materials?

The previously identified [Golden Rank] is weird, after the second form, it is properly [Lord Rank]!

Want to get "unlimited hair"?

Su Lun instantly connected the information he had just captured with everything he saw in his mind, and suddenly he had no good intentions in his eyes: "Tsk tsk...

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