Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 132: Mechanic warrior and abominable warrior

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"The second-order abomination fighter, how strong is this recovery ability?"

Su Lun looked at Hall, who became an abomination warrior after injecting the medicine, as if seeing some incredible baby, and the sense of anticipation in his heart suddenly rose.

When he and Kay robbed the Steam Party **** team before, he killed a first-tier hate fighter.

He also deeply experienced how tough the monster that can't be killed is.

That is breaking through the upper limit of rank, far surpassing the physical data of professionals of the same rank several times, even ten times.

Seeing this second-order abomination, instead of worrying about it being strong, Su Lun expected it to become stronger!

Because for the black sickle, it's all a one-shot problem.

What he cares about is whether he can use hatred as living corpse material!


The essence of the hatred warrior and the living corpse is the same, both of which use the non-directional distortion brought by the "X Serum" to enhance their attributes.

In theory, it can be used as a "corpse" material.

When Surun was making living corpses before, he had been thinking if he could make abominable warriors as living corpses.

I hate the exaggerated to the extreme self-healing ability, and it can heal instantly without hurting the vital points.

It also means that controlling the abomination living corpse uses a black sickle to chop five knives, triggering an immediate backlash, but if the five knives do not hurt the vitals of the abomination, can be immediately restored by its terrifying self-healing ability. !

Maybe... you can cut five more immediately?

After five knives, five knives...

Theoretically speaking, as long as luck is not bad and the injury that will cause death is not triggered, Su Lun can use the hatred warrior to cut N knives!

If Su Lun's hypothesis is true, the black sickle is the real terrifying weapon in the hands of the hatred warrior.

There was no technology to make hate fighters before, so I didn't try it.

But now there is a finished product!

Still second order!

Thinking of this, Su Lun couldn't bear the expectation in his heart.

He must take this hatred back and try it!

Thinking of this, Su Lun also ran down and quickly harvested the trophies from a few corpses, and chased in the direction of the hatred warrior.


Hall injected the potion and turned into an abomination warrior, and his speed became extremely fast.

It rushed all the way and quickly caught up with the fleeing Number 19.

Looking at the monster on the nineteenth, although his expression was still numb, there was a solemn look in his eyes.

She heard the violent rush of hatred behind her, slammed on the ground and jumped backwards, avoiding the impact. Her body leaned back in the air and bent into a crescent shape. On the way to the ground, the long knife in her hand swept down and slashed on the right shoulder of the warrior looking at hate. The blade fell into the two fingers, but in a blink of an eye, the wound was completely healed.

And the next moment, because of the shot, the hatred response was also extremely fast, turning around was a fist sideways, the thick arm like a log, slammed heavily on the waist of the nineteenth. The delicate body, which seemed to be only a quarter of the monster's size, flew out like a cannonball, hit the rock wall with a "boom", and fell deeply into it.

When Su Lun arrived, he happened to see the scene of flying backwards on the 19th.

He also judged in his heart that the speed of this hatred fighter was at least twice that of the previous Hall, and it continued to grow stronger!

On the 19th, he was also smashed into the stone wall, and Su Lun watched faintly in his lower abdomen also hurting. If this blow fell on him, even if his body is so strong now, half of his life will definitely be lost.

But on the 19th, she didn't seem to be affected at all. She usually jumped out of the stone pit when she ejected, and then rushed towards the abhorrence that came from the winning side with a knife.

A mechanical warrior, an abominable warrior.

Both sides are purely physical attacks, neither painful, but also very violent play styles, fists to the flesh, knives to the flesh, tigers and tigers...It makes people's scalp numb.

Just these few encounters, the two are like willful artillery shooting at each other, "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" collapsed everywhere in the cave.

From a distance, Su Lun just watched, instead of making a move, he hid his body even more concealed.

Originally, at this time, the 19th was the best chance for a sneak attack to pin down the abominable warrior.

Su Lun also knew that in the face of hatred of lack of wisdom, one stab, at most two stabs, could solve it.

However, he didn't do it.

Because... he has determined that the reinforcements of the umbrella organization will arrive in a short time!

Otherwise, the move by Hall to hold back the nineteenth would be meaningless.

If Su Lun feels that he has guessed right and that the umbrella organization has reinforcements coming soon, then he is now killing the abomination warrior and exposing himself and the "invisible living corpse."

This will put him in a very passive situation.

Even if it can go away this time, then the next target of the Umbrella organization will change from one to two.

But knowing that there were reinforcements, Su Lun did not immediately withdraw.

One is not wanting to easily give up the corpses of the abominable warriors that are readily available.

Second, he also felt that the situation had not yet reached the point where he had to be forced to evacuate.

At such a long distance, it is impossible for a large force to come quickly, but most likely to be a lone traveler.

The hostility of hate fighters does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Once the enemy is reinforced, the winner will not be immediately divided, and there will be a high probability that it will become a three-way melee.

But Su Lun felt that this kind of melee situation was more suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

With the sickle in hand, maybe...

Not only can he get the hatred, he can also give that "reinforcement" to Yin Yibo!

If he guessed wrong, more than one enemy came.

Then the problem is not big.

The 19th and Abomination can also delay some time. In this complicated crypt, it is not easy to catch up with Suren who has an eight-armed spider spear who can climb a wall and drill a hole. As long as you choose a place to hide, it is not difficult to evacuate.

Therefore, what he is doing now is to sink his heart and wait for the opportunity.


I wanted to leave on the 19th, but was dragged by the abhorrence and couldn't get away at all.

The battle of one person and one monster has entered into a fierce battle. One body is made of alloy and cannot be beaten, and the other body can be cured and cannot be killed. Both sides are consuming.

Suddenly, Su Lun's eyes dazzled: "Come!"

In the crypt channel, sound can travel far.

At this time, he listened carefully, and keenly caught a series of bursts of air bursting from the direction of the cave where they came.

Guessing that the incoming person must be a top powerhouse, Su Lun didn't even dare to stare at the direction of the sound.

I'm afraid that the other party also has the ability to perceive maliciously.

However, after the sound was getting closer, Su Lun suddenly heard something strange. It's not just the blast of air rushing and pedaling, but also the squeaking sound of a jet-powered device accelerating.

"Jet powerplant? The man is also a mechanical warrior?"

Su Lun is very familiar with this voice, because during the battle on the 19th, there was a surge of qi from every joint.

When he analyzed the snatched [PX-911 mechanical limb] before, he also discovered the fuel propulsion device and the kind of aerodynamic device that looked like a jet. After accumulating the energy of these propulsion devices, they can provide explosive quantities to the mechanical warriors.

Therefore, he determined that the man came was a "mechanical warrior".


Su Lun listened carefully to the movement again, and as he expected, the "reinforcement" came single-handedly.

Seeing this, he evacuated in no hurry.

After all, knowing that the opponent is a mechanical warrior, the intelligence is even clearer.

It's not like those legal professionals with weird abilities, who can always cast some spells that people can't defend against. The mechanical warrior is very strong, but the attack method is single, usually only physical attack.

And because there is no physical body, the perception system is also very simple, with only the four senses of "sight, hearing, taste, and touch", and will not awaken some weird perception abilities.

In some ways, the direction that can be predicted is much clearer.

When the man came, Su Lun lowered his breath, and the cat did not dare to breathe in the corner.

Although he knew that the mechanical warrior would not have any "malicious perception" ability, he also deliberately lowered his gaze and passively caught the movement of the target with his keen sense of hearing.

But to Su Lun's surprise, the three-way melee he expected did not appear.

After that "reinforcement" rushed into the battlefield, the hateful fighters didn't seem to attack him, and the situation immediately became two-on-one!

Hearing several "boom", "boom" and "boom" violent collisions, the battle soon disappeared.

"So fast..."

Su Lun guessed that the guy must have the means to control the hatred warrior, or prevent it from attacking him.

However, even if there is no melee, the problem is not big.

Because in Su Lun's eyes, "Nineteenth" is a bait to contain the enemy, no matter how it is contained.


When Su Lun heard that the battle was over, he moved his gaze carefully.

Undetected, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Gradually moving his eyes upward, he watched a young man in a black uniform standing there. It's like a sharp sword, which makes people feel like a sharp edge.

He pinched No.19's neck with one hand and lifted her up in the air.

But because the nineteenth had a big secret in his hands, this guy didn't seem to intend to kill her immediately.

The man in uniform, who is also a mechanical warrior, naturally knows the structure of a mechanical warrior very well, and doesn’t know how to operate it. He clamped on the wrist of No. 19 with one hand like lightning, twisted and pulled her other arm. "Kacha" pulled it off.

After breaking his arms, the 19th had completely lost the ability to resist.

The man in uniform seemed to be relieved, and in a victorious manner, he said without haste: "The nineteenth, the strongest mechanical warrior in the legend, the unrepeatable combat genius,'s a pity the previous generation. The PX811 mechanical limb has few design flaws..."

Su Lun heard a strong acidity and contempt from this tone.

It seemed that No. 2 under Heaven had defeated No. 1 under Heaven, and that bad breath was relieved.

Seeing that on the 19th, the man in uniform didn't respond at all to what he said, and seemed to feel bored, so he stopped talking nonsense and asked coldly: "Let's talk about it, where is the thing."

Number 19 stared at the man in uniform in front of him blankly.

With her arms broken, she had no chance of turning defeat into victory, and no matter how hard she struggled, it was in vain.

But at this moment, she suddenly moved!

Because she was pinched on her neck and her legs were still left, she suddenly had her waist and abdomen, and a scissored leg locked the arm of the man in uniform, tripping him severely and unsteadily.

Seeing that he was locked up, the man in uniform showed a scornful smile on his face, "Huh! A dying struggle!"

An attack of this level is impossible to do any harm to him.

But... the next second, he couldn't laugh immediately.


In the distance, Su Lun, who was hiding on the rock wall, saw this scene, his eyes stunned: "A smart choice!"

He knew very well that the deadlock attack on the 19th was not intended to cause much damage to the man in uniform, but to create an attack opportunity for himself!

The super mechanical warrior must have a very strong hearing. Su Lun knew that although he tried to hide it, she chased it all the way, and 80% of it was also noticed by her.

The woman and his fighting state are very similar, calm, sensible, and without any extra emotions.

Therefore, Su Lun can substitute himself into the angle of the nineteenth, and the nineteenth can certainly substitute his angle!

Now that the "Peeper" was discovered, she must have judged that the "Peeper" was not from the umbrella organization after watching the scene for so long.

Why is peeping?

Naturally, it is to wait for the opportunity to kill others!

Moreover, now there is another super mechanical warrior. He is still watching the show and has not retreated, which means that he has the capital to watch the show.

Su Lun felt that if he was on the nineteenth, thinking of this would definitely give the "peeper" a chance to attack.

Seeing her making this move, Su Lun immediately understood, involving the invisible living corpse, and slashing at the neck of the man in uniform!


She had already broken her arms on the 19th, and even if she tried her best to lock her, there was no follow-up method to wound the man in uniform.

But her intention was not to hurt people!

With this lock, the man in uniform was brought out of balance on the 19th At the moment when he couldn't borrow, suddenly a space crack was drawn on his neck at an extremely tricky angle. .

With a "swish", the ultimate silky sensation passed, even if it was the alloy neck, a smooth incision was made lightly.

The head with a stupefied face broke and fell to the ground, and the number nineteen and the headless corpse fell to the ground at the same time.

As soon as the man in uniform died, the abomination warrior beside him seemed to lose control again and became mad.

But it just wanted to rush up, suddenly another spatial crack appeared, an ugly head crashed to the ground, and blood rushed for eight meters like a fountain.

After cutting two long-distance knives one after another, Su Lun's newly created living corpse instantly shattered, and a cloud of blood exploded in the air.

Suren picked up the sickle and body bag that had fallen, and walked towards the nineteenth and the two corpses.

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