Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 126: Guess I dare not cut the second cut

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Smokey always thought he was hiding well.

After all, that [Isaac's Alchemy Handbook] can be kept in the gang warehouse for so long without being discovered, which proves that his original plan to cross the sea with a concealment was successful.

But what he couldn't figure out was that, obviously everything had been sent to the inner city, why would they still be robbed?

The senior management in the organization also asked him why he missed such important information and arranged such a "Tian Lei" into the **** team. Not only did he take away the manuscript, but also caused such a big disturbance...

I really know a ghost!

The ordinary gangs in the outer city have this strength, don't you know?

There are only a few dried shrimps in the Cross Society on Green Street. Who in the gang doesn’t know?

The only professional in the **** team is also the kid Kayina, who knows that there is a "brother" who is a quasi-second-order master next to him?

Firearms experts, suspected gold-quality spider alchemy planting, will be profoundly "no patrons"...

Ordinary professionals can have one of them, it is definitely the core backbone of the Cross, who would have thought that Su Lun hadn't leaked it before.

Smokey was questioned by his boss, feeling very aggrieved in his heart.

Are you sure you don't investigate whether there is a defected elite in which special organization in the inner city, and you are still asking when such a monster was raised in the outer city?

This kind of elite first-tier professionals can be cultivated in places with scarce resources like outer cities?


Speaking of the inner city umbrella organization, mechanical city guards, and the security department, there are so many masters, even a Tier 1 professional can't handle it?

Smokey feels that those guys have lost their basic hunting ability because of the comfortable living environment.

No matter how powerful it is, Su Lun is also a first-order!

Even a quarter of an hour ago, when Smokey was notified to come for a joint interception, he couldn't believe that the unknown gang named "Su Lun" had just killed 20 or 30 round-ups in the inner city and escaped? !

but now,

See everything in front of me,

He believed it.

Just a minute ago, I heard the report in the communicator that three second-order cadres of the Umbrella Organization who participated in the round up were killed.


The smoker blocked Su Lun with a complicated expression.

Was it because there was a "forbidden object" in your hand?

How unfamiliar with that **** sickle smoker, they used this "forbidden object" to break through the door of the vault of the headquarters of the Cross.

Afterwards, the sickle was taken away by an accomplice.

Later, I didn't hear the news of his comrade returning to the city. I thought he died in a corner of the sewer. I didn't expect... to fall into the hands of this kid?

The power of the forbidden object is indeed strong and almost unsolvable, but the curse characteristic is also fatal, and it is impossible to use it as a conventional weapon.

However, even if it is a black sickle with a forbidden object, if a professional uses it to kill three people in a row, he should have exploded and died at this moment!

Smokey didn't catch up with the previous battle, and now looking at Suren who greeted him with a smile, he thought he hadn't been exposed.

Then, without thinking of being caught off guard, he was chopped off with a disheveled face.


"Fuck! How could this kid suddenly kill him? Could it be that I exposed?"

If you can hear the smoker's heart at this moment, it must be this vulgar sentence.

Under duress, another great horror of death instantly burst his hairs.

The black sickle swung down, and a spatial crack immediately appeared in front of Smokey Ghost.

If the knife were to cut hard, it would split his entire neck in half diagonally.

But Smoker is a veteran second-tier professional who has been famous for many years.

Although Su Lun did not move away from the water, he still took the lead in the sneak attack. But the slashing action is too easy to be predicted. When he started, the smoker's instinctive crisis response made him try to avoid it.

But the black sickle cut out the space crack too quickly.

With a knife, the crack has arrived.

"Wh" a sharp weapon cut the brocade and silk, blood spurted, and a broken wall fell to the ground with a snap.

The smokey ghost's body also collapsed into thick fog, and instantly merged with the surrounding fog.

"Not killed..."

Su Lun looked at the broken wall and his pupils shrank slightly.

The eight-armed spider spear tugged, and the robes tore, and several [Wailing Dolls] and [Smiley Dolls] that were involved in an instant were protected around the body.

He clenched the black sickle tightly in his hand and stared at the dense fog.

Failing to kill the smoker with a single knife, this is also expected.

The most important reason why he was able to successfully kill the Tier 2 professionals of the three umbrella organizations was that the other party didn't know that he had a black sickle in his hand, and he didn't notice the "invisible living corpse", completely defenseless.

But now Smokey had seen the sickle on his body long ago, and would instinctively be prepared for it.

Moreover, the abilities of smokers are very special.

Su Lun had been listening to Kaye boasting about how powerful the old captain smoker who brought him out all day before, and he had also mentioned in detail how weird the smoker's abilities he had seen in battle.

Don't look at the smoker who believed Su Lun's words just now, and walked out unsuspectingly. In fact, this old yin force also has habitual defensive measures.

The smoke that wafts behind him all the time is a shelter, with a kind of ability similar to "refracting ghosts."

When you see the person in front of you, the actual location is not there.

It's like a fish in the clear water. If you insert the harpoon according to the shadow, it will definitely go wrong.

This is very practical in battle. The enemy is clearly aiming at his heart. After shooting, you will find that it is empty, or it is hit in a non-lethal part.

The smoke is even worse, it can confuse almost all the perception methods of professionals.

Therefore, with the cut just now, Su Lun only predicted the approximate location of the smoker.

Being able to chop off an arm is already a good result. (Don't ask why you don't cut horizontally, cut across a wide range, and you will definitely die from backlash)


His arm was cut off as soon as he met him, and the smoker was angry, but he was deeply jealous.

The moment Su Lun exposed his murderous intent, he truly felt the death crisis.

Seeing the rune puppets floating around Su Lun, and the black sickle in his hand, the smoker dared not show up easily in the smoke, and was afraid that he would get another knife.

"[Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night] How could it be in your hands?"

The voice sounded from all directions, like the echo of a valley, making it impossible to capture his position.

Su Lun looked at the corner of his mouth and sneered, "Guess what?"

In his perception, the "maliciousness" also dispersed, as if appearing in all directions.

The fog can hide all traces of his existence.

Very tricky ability.

There was a sneer in the smoke: "Hehe...what? You have already cut one cut just now, and if you want to cut a second cut, the curse backlash will immediately kill you!"

Smokey thought that Su Lun didn't know the curse characteristics of this black sickle, so he specially reminded him.


Su Lun smiled disapprovingly, grinned with white teeth, and instead asked in a mocking tone: "I dare not take the second cut. Would you like to try it out?"

The smoker was right.

Cursed backlash is directly related to the strength of the user's body. The body of an ordinary person is much worse than that of the rune living corpse. If you cut twice in a row, there is a high probability that you will die on the spot.

But Smokey didn't know that Su Lun precisely controlled the power of the space crack.

The knife was close enough just now, the wound was not big, and the backlash would be much smaller than in the last time.

If the damage calculation is correct, he estimates that he can cut at least four or five knives before triggering an immediate backlash.

As soon as he said this, there was no sound in the smoke.

Smokey did not dare to gamble his life.

Besides, he wants to kill, so he doesn't need to show up again.

"Why... Mr. Sambu dare not show up?"

Su Lun is still using words to excite his generals.

The two people choose to talk at this time, in fact, they all have their own goals.

Su Lun wanted to let the enemy speak, expose more flaws, and lock his position.

And the smoker, the old yin, feared that the black sickle in his hand did not dare to show up, but he still spoke, in fact, to cover up his "invisible killer".

The thicker and thicker smoke around it seems to have no effect except for vision, but it actually hides the murderous intent.

Su Lun looked at the abnormality on the data panel and sneered in his heart. He didn't rush, so he took out the previous [Plague Doctor's Crow's Beak Mask] and put it on his face.

Because... there is a special fire poison in the mist that can't be filtered by a gas mask!

Seeing Su Lun suddenly took out his gas mask and put it on, Smokey knew that his methods were being spotted.

Originally, there was some contempt in his heart. After all, his fire poison was a mixed wound spell of smoke and dust, and ordinary gas masks couldn't filter it.

But looking at the special shape of the crow's beak, the smoker immediately cried out in surprise: "Is this Sergey's crow's beak mask?"

Then, he immediately realized something, and immediately came shock in the smoke: "You killed Sergey?"

"Yes...Mr. Smokey, it will be your turn soon."

Su Lun continued to talk, he had already roughly determined the smoker's position through the emotional fluctuation that he meant just now.

But with a pinch of the black knife, the guy disappeared again.

Several puppet dolls are also parading around. Once he seizes the opportunity, he will cut it off without hesitation.

At this time, Su Lun continued to stimulate: "I am also curious, why are you a member of the umbrella organization... Mr. Neigui?"

Smokey's contemptuous laugh came from the smoke, and he guessed Su Lun's thoughts: "Ha ha... you want to irritate me?"

Now the fog has filled the alley, no one will come in, and no voice will be heard.

He knew that as long as he didn't show up, he would definitely die!

Smart people compete with each other, and the victory or defeat lies in a few details, and now it is who can be more composed.

Su Lun looked at the thicker and thicker smoke around his body, "Oh? Do you think you can kill me if you don't show up?"

Smokey also responded contemptuously: "Don't you feel it already?"


The smile in Su Lun's eyes gradually became ferocious.

He has indeed felt the fire damage.

Looking at his skin, the burning sensation was tingling his nerves strongly, which was a severe pain that ordinary people could not bear.

This rich white smoke not only burns the heart, lungs and respiratory tract, but also penetrates into the pores. At this moment, Su Lun felt a burning sensation on his skin. His skin gradually dries and heats up, slowly turning into the scorched yellow of burnt bark, and then slowly turning into a layer of burnt ashes.

If you don't need a smoker, if you drag it on, he will be burned alive.

And now the umbrella organization is still coming in continuously, he can't delay it, he must force the smoker to take action!

There was some scrupulousness at first, but now it seems that there is no choice in this situation. Su Lun took out a green injection, took a look, and decisively pierced it toward his neck.

In the smoke, the smoker saw this scene, and sneered again: "Healing potions? Ha ha... You think of my'Ember Poison' too simple."

Su Lun tilted his head and pushed into the potion, a refreshing feeling immediately hit his forehead.

The sneer on his face made people more and more unpredictable, and mocked in a very disapproving tone: "Oh...Is it?"

Because he can see his data panel, he has tested the treatment data of various healing agents in detail.

He also knew very well that the best potion in his hand could not offset the continuous stacking of fire system burns.

But with this potion, a magical scene appeared.

Su Lun's burning and dry skin just now slowly healed!

Moreover, as if the amount of healing was overflowing, a majestic breath of life was flowing throughout his body, which completely offset the burning damage of the fire poison.


Seeing this, a soft sound came from the smoke.

Obviously the smoker also felt incredible, and asked, "What kind of potion is this?"

"Do you want to know?"

Su Lun felt that he was in a very good state now, and grinned with excitement: "Unfortunately, I won't tell you."

However, after the violent energy healed the injury, it didn't stop. Like a dam with a broken embankment, the spring water moistened the soil at first, and then a violent mountain torrent rushed through the muscles of the meridians. It seems to want to destroy everything and reshape the chaos.

It turns out that "distortion precursor" is this feeling?

Su Lun felt the feeling that the balloon was about to burst.

But it is also expected. He didn't rush, another potion plunged into his neck. The coolness was poured into the brain, and the feeling of explosion was instantly suppressed.


Surun injected not ordinary medicines, but [X serum stock solution] and [distortion suppression medicine]!

The serum will transform his body, it will make the cell activity soar several times in a very short period of time, and greatly enhance its own healing ability.

Although it is not up to the level of the "hate warrior" at the beginning, it seems to be enough to resist the fire poison.


Serum only has a 75% success rate, but this juncture does not allow Su Lun to hesitate.

Now Smokey is obviously dragging time, and if he drags it on, even if Su Lun can kill him, he won't be able to escape from the city in the end.

What's more, there is another plan for his blood family to inject "X serum".

He has used the black sickle once now, and the backlash will appear in an hour.

Although the wound will not be big, but if he wants insurance, his best choice is to find a good doctor to help save his life, such as Danny on Green Street.


He is being rounded up now and must go out of There is no chance to wait for treatment at all.

And if you want to kill the smoker, you need at least one cut to go smoothly!

When the curse of two swords broke out, his situation would be very bad.

Therefore, he thought of this "fighting with poison" method in his mind.

The super recovery ability brought by "X Serum" allows him to save his life to the greatest extent after a sudden wound.

Serum can not only solve the immediate fire poison problem, but also solve the hidden danger of backphagy.

The 75% success rate is enough for him to make a decision.


After the medicine was injected, Su Lun also had the confidence to take the initiative to fight back!

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