Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 120: Do you want to dance

"Mechanical Alchemist (!


At the corner of the outer wall of a tall steel building in City No. 4, Su Lun hung there with a spider arm, breathing violently in his mouth.

The place where he stayed was as high as a forty-story building, and it was very windy.

Looking down at the feet, you can see the uniformed security team, the windbreaker umbrella organization and the fully armed mechanical city guards are searching around the building. From time to time, someone looked up from the bottom of the building and seemed to have found traces of him climbing the wall.

Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with emotion, "The Umbrella Organization's intelligence tracking capabilities are indeed well-deserved."

There is a very widespread saying in the outer city gangs: Be careful, maybe the street fruit vendors are all outside informants of the umbrella organization.

Just now, Su Lun experienced it personally.

He was walking on the street two blocks away when he suddenly noticed a malicious look from a fruit vendor inexplicably.

Su Lun shot the guy's head without hesitation, and then saw the military-standard pistol hidden in his fruit stall.

This triggered this fierce battle that forced him to hang on the outer wall to continue his life.

After taking a few breaths, Su Lun had the strength to release his hand to remove the alloy bulletproof plate on his chest.

He looked at his white muscles that were about to freeze to death by his side, his eyes were slightly solemn.

Looking through the storage ring, he found an "Advanced Frost Healing Potion". After the injection, he gradually felt the sensation of blood recirculation in that part of the muscle tissue.

The whole personality also gradually recovered, and the recovery of body temperature also began to make him feel warm.

If it hadn't been for this ultra-light bulletproof armor removed from the [PX-911 Mechanical Limb] breastplate to block most of the cold injuries, the frost shelling just now might have killed him.

I have to say that the "Frost Giant Battlegear" of the City Guard is really a headache.

Fortunately, he had obtained a few sets in the previous robbery, and Su Lun had studied it a long time ago. Otherwise, if he didn't know the weakness of this thing just now, he would never have a chance to escape.

Can fight, resist, high-pressure bombardment can also output frost wind cannon control targets in a range.

Su Lun's current strength, with all his means, may be able to kill one or two, but they don't give you the opportunity to play heads-up. They come up with a well-trained tactical encirclement of the reorganized team.

He could only be beaten and fled in embarrassment.

Two minutes later, the effect of the medicine took effect violently, the frost sensation dissipated in a wide range, and the limbs finally no longer stiff.

Su Lun tried to move the spider's legs, and the feeling of slow nerves before was mostly gone.

He knew that he would not be discovered long after he was hung on this outer wall.

I looked up and looked at the "middle-level urban area" of 70 or 80 stories high, where the lights were bright and extremely prosperous.

This is the last possible escape method he can think of.

Because "Moon Hotel" is in the business opportunity block above your head.

He didn't delay much, and the driving spider arm crawled up the building.


When Sulun joined the Cross on the first day, he witnessed the wonderful death match between "Red Devil" Goron and "Scorpion" Alberk in the arena of Scarlet Bunker.

In the end Goron survived and Albuquerque was killed.

Albuquerque was an "A-level wanted criminal" active in the inner city at the time, and a notorious big thief.

Apart from other things, this guy's ability to escape really doesn't have to be said.

Su Lun had seen the Umbrella Organization's control in the inner city personally today, and he was even more shocked that the guy was able to commit crimes frequently at the beginning, and he was still at large for so many years.

At that time, Su Lun also stripped a piece of memory from the guy's soul fragment: "It's a pity, that [forbidden object] was still not brought out in the'Moon Hotel', otherwise I won't be caught."

Now being forced into a desperate situation, he thought of this Albuquerque obsession.

Su Lun felt that he could also solve his situation if he could make that kind of big thief confident that he could escape the investigation by the umbrella organization.

However, he was worried that if the thing was no longer in the hotel, it would be truly desperate.

After all, the "middle-level urban area" belongs to the wealthy area of ​​the inner city, where the city defense force is several times that of the bottom level, and there are a large number of high-level professionals.

This requires a gamble on luck.


The buildings in the inner city are very dense. Almost all high-rise buildings have certain linking buildings, such as steam pipes, flyovers, and iron frames.

This is also convenient for Su Lun.

He climbed to the top of one building, and then followed the attached building to the outer wall of the other building, deliberately avoiding the attention of the crowd, and quickly climbed to the commercial block.

The good news is that the "Moon Hotel" is a very high-end hotel in the inner city, and you can see its pink neon sign hanging on the building from a long distance away.

But the bad news is that it happens to be in the center of the commercial street.

Su Lun had only one choice if he wanted to enter the hotel, and that was to walk straight across the street.

This section called "Dunwich Street" is similar to his previous high-end playing field, on both sides are shops with various bright signs.

Unlike the streets in the outer city, where there are only necessities selling rice, noodles, grains and oils, there are many luxury shops, jewelry shops where ladies and ladies gather, high-end custom suit shops for gentlemen, luggage shops, walking stick shops, and musical instruments shops. ...

People on the street look rich or expensive, and the clothes and jewelry all give people a colorful and super visual impact. It feels like the scene of the outer city is like a scene in a black-and-white movie, and here is the real color movie era.

While Su Lun looked at the street, Yu Guang casually saw a palm with a silver lion head in the window of a shop selling men’s canes, which was priced at "348,888 rissoles"; in the glass showcase of the jewelry store, he looked at one. The diamond necklace, which is purely an ornament, is priced at "1256666" rissole; a silk scarf, "7777 rissole", three months' salary for ordinary workers in the outer city...

Before Su Lun had time to take a closer look at the bustling street in front of him, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Because at this time, he had discovered that as soon as he appeared on the block, a few eyes wandered on him.

But immediately, the corners of his mouth rose with a relaxed arc.

He muttered to himself: "I was discovered so soon..."

This time, feeling the obviously malicious gaze, Su Lun did not evade, nor did he draw his gun.

Putting on the suit jacket, tidying up my messy wig because of climbing the wall, and didn't make any gestures of lowering the brim of the hat to cover it, and walked out calmly...

The curvature of the corners of the mouth became wider and wider, and suddenly it turned into a brilliant grin.

Happy like a child.

Can the situation be worse?

No, not anymore.

This is the last chance.

Do you want to dance?

Of course.

Even if it is desperate, it can't stop me from loving this world.

Su Lun is like a dancer on stage. At this moment, all the spotlights are on him.

He... is the only protagonist.

Stepping on the soothing melody played by the mall under your feet, it made a grand debut. He walks briskly, occasionally circumvents, his clothes are lightly draped, and he will give a friendly smile to strangers who pass by. He is like a solo waltz, arrogant, elegant, and calm.

"He" really likes the feeling of dancing in a desperate situation.

At this moment, it seems that the world has only stage, music, and audience.


Those few plainclothes who didn't know whether it was the umbrella organization or the city guard, thought that Su Lun hadn't found them yet, and slowly encircled them.

But before they took a few steps, they clearly saw that when Su Lun raised his hand to stroke the wig, he was holding a device with a red button in his hand.

Just seeing the inconspicuous button, the faces of a few plainclothes suddenly changed, and the momentum of the surroundings instantly dispersed, and there was no more thought of forcibly arresting them.

There was a rapid report from the communicator.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!"

"The target was found in'Dunweizhi Commercial Street'. The suspect is holding an unknown device that looks like a'pressure detonator'. Please instruct..."

"There are a large number of citizens on the scene. Do not use ranged assault weapons. Do not approach the suspect or cause panic. Evacuate the crowd from the periphery. The top self-employed have been notified to come and deal with it..."



There was no one else in Su Lun's eyes at the moment, he walked smartly and watched.

At this time, a colored ball suddenly rolled to the foot.

Su Lun lowered his head and picked up the ball, and handed it to the blond boy who was chasing him.

The little boy wearing a checkered horse turned the ball and said politely, "Thank you, sir."

Su Lun touched his forehead and showed a bright smile: "You're welcome."

The little boy's parents were a few meters away, looking at their cute and polite son, with a happy smile on their faces.

"Goodbye uncle."

"Goodbye kids..."

Su Lun smiled.

What a wonderful world.

He didn't think picking up the ball wasted his time, but he suddenly felt happy.

Squeezing the lighter with the red button, Su Lun put the tea back in his trouser pocket, and walked towards the Moon Hotel in such a big way.

Probably... will be used by those guys as a bomb, right?

Su Lun thought so.

But I believe it myself, who wouldn't believe it?


There is a boutique jewelry shop not far from the door of the Moon Hotel, and the samples in the window are bright and brilliant.

This is a shop that young girls like to patronize.

At this moment, a fifteen or six-year-old girl with black hair and a blonde girl happened to walk out of the shop together.

"Lena, I heard that you went to the outer city yesterday? The outer city is very dangerous, why do you want to go to that place..."

"Yeah. Go and get insights."

"What's insightful about a place full of sin, filth, and pestilence?"

"Yulia, the outer city is not that bad. I found out that the outer city is not as terrible as everyone said."

"How could it be... My mother said that the outer city is a paradise for gangs and criminals. Poverty will make them do a lot of crazy and unreasonable things, such as kidnapping and trafficking in children, and girls like us going to meet up? It's dangerous...I won't go out of town anyway."


When Lena heard her girlfriend say such things, a bald head flashed in her mind, and she whispered, "Gangs... actually have good people."

Goldilocks argued: "There won't be any!"


And at this time, suddenly Lena wanted to argue about something, and suddenly she heard someone calling her name on the street: "Miss Lena!"

Lena looked up, watching a stranger approach her.

She always felt that the voice was familiar, but frowned, as if trying to remember.

Because she had never seen this face.

At this time, the burly bodyguard not far away also saw her expression and stood by her for the first time.


Su Lun didn't expect that by such a coincidence, he would meet Lena chick who was shopping.

He didn't flinch because he suddenly moved the bodyguard next to Lena. Like an old friend, he smiled and beckoned Chao Lei, "Hey, Miss Lena, long time no see."

Just now Lena didn't know this person, but when she heard the voice, suddenly, the big trembling eyes also showed surprise, and she blurted out: "Mr. Sulun!"

Su Lun, who doesn't draw smoky makeup, actually looks very good in skin bags.

A suit that fits the body with a sound, showing grace and calmness in gestures. The elegant and confident smile on his face makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Lena looked at Su Lun, who had a sudden bowel movement, and asked faintly: "Mr. Su"

She wanted to ask why Su Lun became like this, but then she replied: "Why did you come here?"

Yulia on the side looked at Su Lun with a good temperament, and was also curious about when her girlfriend met such a handsome guy, and asked gossipingly: "Lenna, this is...?"

Su Lun had a completely different fortitude from the younger brother of the greenhouse, which made him suddenly noticeable.

Lena thought for a moment, and then introduced: "Mr. Su Lun... is my friend."

Su Lun bent down very naturally, took the slender hand that the blonde girl gave out for a second, and gave a kiss: "Oh, beautiful lady, the dimples overflowing from the corner of your mouth when you smile are really fascinating... "

It was the old sea king who spoke. The lady from the noble family had seen too many dudes.

But at this moment, Yulia felt very strange, she didn't see a nasty light in this man's eyes.

She retracted her left hand that was kissed, and returned the same gracefully: "Thank you for your compliment."

Looking at the friend who was really my own lady, the bodyguard of the second-tier professional also quietly left some distance.

Lena was still curious about why Su Lun suddenly came to the inner city, and then asked: "Mr. Su Lun..."

However, she hadn't spoken yet, but a pair of big hands went upstairs directly on her shoulder, like a very close friend.

Su Lun suddenly made such an intimate action, making Lena's pretty face stiff, and what she wanted to say was instantly blank.

Before she could react, she felt a rush of heat in her ears, but Sulun whispered and whispered, "Don't move, do me a favor."

Hearing this, Rena didn't know why she suddenly became less nervous.

As if back in the crypt again, the man would always use the tone of command to make himself do something, but every time, he saved his life.


Su Lun didn't come to pick up girls. Just a second ago, he found himself locked in by the eyes of high-level professionals.

The look made him feel very dangerous.

Su Lun knew very well that the other party would never give him time to go to the hotel to find the confinement.

If you find the right opportunity, you will definitely make a move.

Therefore, he needs an existence that makes the other side scrupulous.

Originally planning to find a rich young master casually on the street, I didn't expect to meet a more suitable Rena.

In terms of weight, the eldest lady of the Reyes family is naturally more appropriate.


When she abducted Lena, Su Lun didn't forget to turn her head and ask her girlfriend heartily: "Beautiful lady, don't you mind if I take up a little bit of your good girlfriend's time, right?"

Yulia really thought they were close friends, and smiled, "Of course~"

Su Lun responded with a kind smile and led Rena away.

Only Rena, the client, is still in the circle.

After all, it's not just a crypt of monsters, no one looks at it. In the public, she also felt that it was a bit wrong for her, the eldest lady of the Reyes family, to be held around her neck by a man.

Especially in front of my girlfriends and bodyguards.

Could it be that in the outer city, the way of greeting between friends is so enthusiastic?

Her cheeks were slightly hot, and she thought about it for a moment, and then actively asked: "Mr. Su Lun, what do you... do you need me to help?"

Su Lun bluntly said: "I was targeted by someone, and in a very dangerous situation."


Lena looked up at the face that was still smiling, and felt that the understatement didn't match the urgency of the situation from his mouth.

But when I think about this guy in the catacombs, it's always in this tone, it's clear.

Thinking about it, she whispered again: "Then... Then what can I help you."

Su Lun smiled slightly and said straightly: "You were hijacked by me."


This topic made Leina feel that her brain was short-circuited and she lost the ability to think.


It was connected normally after a short while.

It turned out that he was held around his neck, was he kidnapped?

No wonder Mr. Sulun would make such a strange behavior.

She suddenly figured out something. But it seems that there is no consciousness that has become a "routine", and there is no panic in my heart.

On the contrary, because of the skin contact, she smelled the faint smell of blood on Su Lun's body. Just guessed behind the indifferent look of Mr. Su Lun, the situation is already very urgent.

Lena thought about it, and asked weakly: "Then...then...what shall I do with you?"

"No, just follow me."

Su Lun said, after reading this very cooperative meat ticket, he was in a good mood, thinking about it and adding: "Well...If you you can be a little nervous."

With that said, Su Lun had already pulled Rena into the door of the "Moon Hotel".

Lena uttered an "Oh" in hindsight.


Not far away, Rena's best friend Yulia was already stunned.

What do you mean by "taking up a little time"?

Go straight to the hotel?

Is it nice for you to show so blatantly in front of a single girl?

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