Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 116: I can think of the best life

"Mechanical Alchemist (!

Not long after, Suren and Kay rode a motorcycle to Norton Street.

This place is completely different from when I came before, the customs hall, the gambling stall, the pub, and the characteristic bathhouse...all kinds of gorgeous neon lights illuminate the whole block.

Sulun and Kay felt that this scene was extremely familiar.

"Scarlet Bunker", "Elephant Tavern", "Imperial Baths", "Musketeer Inn"... the familiar signs are almost the same as the once bustling Green Street.

Kay's mouth narrowed as he watched, and he was touched by the sight. The handlebar of Green Street was deeply moved.

Su Lun didn't care about it. He really wanted to start patrolling the street again at 7 o'clock every night, and it wouldn't take much time to delay. In a big deal, he moved over again. Moreover, the arena is open, and he can harvest a wave of souls every night, which is also a good thing.


Today is the opening ceremony, and Norton Street is very lively.

The president of the Cross, the "arbitrator" Chuck, and a group of cadres also came.

All of them were in suits and leather shoes, and they were very formal. Except for the murderous air from time to time between the eyebrows, no one can tell that this is a bunch of murderous gangsters, but more like successful entrepreneurs.

Most of the major shareholders in the entertainment industry are the rich in the inner city. Today, when we opened the streets, many big figures came from the inner city to cut the ribbon, and various luxury cars stopped from the street to the end of the alley. Fat-eared old gentlemen, gorgeously dressed ladies, graceful walking on the red carpet, they also let people from outside cities like Su Lun see what the rich in the inner city look like. .

Sulun and Kayi are naturally not qualified to show their faces in front of the stage.

The good-looking people went to the infield to press the court. These leather-clothed, tattooed, crooked, fierce and vicious people, afraid of frightening those noble ladies and gentlemen, all stood on the periphery to take care of their safety.

Su Lun's smoky outfit, with a big bald head, was naturally outside.

He was also happy and free.

Kaye and the captains of the Cross Society squatted to chat and fart, and at this moment, a long high-end white car decorated with angel wings suddenly drove up in front of the red carpet.

I don't know who screamed: "Look, there's...Big beauty!"

The veterans listened to the beautiful women with their ears pricked up, and one by one craned their necks and looked towards the red carpet.

Then, she watched a glamorous woman in a long black dress like quicksand stepping out of the car.

Su Lun glanced at it, and naturally recognized this as the gold master of the Cross, Mrs. Philo.

The level of the captains of the Cross is not enough, and most of them don't know who the gold master behind the Cross is. Even if someone has heard the name, they have never seen it.

Kay on the side glanced, his eyes straightened immediately. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart, pretending to be calm, and explained: "Don't make a fuss. If you disturb Mrs. Philo, the president will definitely kick you guys in the ass."

Someone was surprised: "That is the legendary Mrs. Philo? Have you met Kaye before?"

Kay said: "Before, I have indeed been interviewed by that lady in person. Forget it, it's not worth mentioning..."

The tone of appetite, coupled with the show-off expression, is simply awkward.


The captains booed together, but they did not affect their enthusiasm for seeing beautiful women.

"My dear, this **** thing is so beautiful..."

"Huh... another one got off the car. Kaye, who is the little beauty next to Mrs. Philo?"

"I don't know, but I think it is the daughter of a big family."

"Isn't it Mrs. Philo's daughter?"

"Fart! Where did that lady get such a big daughter?"


The veterans started various brain gossips.

The gossip love history of the masters in the inner city is the best conversation information after dinner in the outer city.

Su Lun listened silently, because he had already recognized who the man with Mrs. Philo was.

Although her face was covered with black veil, Su Lun recognized her beautiful black hair straight, isn't it just Rena's chick?

A daughter of a top family, why do you come to this kind of occasion?

But seeing Mrs. Philo and Lena can still go out of the city to cut the ribbon, thinking that the internal strife in the Reyes family has almost subsided.

He didn't think too much.


The protagonists are all there, and then there is a boring ribbon-cutting process.

The big bosses of the inner city jointly cut the ribbon and delivered speeches.

But Mrs. Philo was very low-key, except for one face when she got out of the car, no one was seen behind.

Su Lun looked a little bored, leaning on the street lamp post, playing with coin flipping techniques with both hands and ten fingers, from the palm to the back of the hand, and from the back of the hand to the palm...

Suddenly, he felt someone's eyes looking at him from behind, and the coin in his hand was slightly stagnant.

But when he heard the familiar footsteps, he didn't take it seriously.

In the next second, Su Lun felt that his arms were plunged into softness, and a warm, tender body embraced his shoulders boldly. Before I saw anyone, I heard the familiar eldest sister’s big tone, "Hey, kid Su Lun, where have you been all this time? The casino didn’t see you here either, I also said to make an appointment with a gambling partner. Your kid doesn't show up again."

Su Lun knew it was Chinjo when she heard the footsteps, and greeted him with a smile: "Sister Chinjo."

In a blink of an eye, it was probably because I was going to cut the ribbon today, and Chinjo was very formal. She wears a blue and white kimono that fits well, her hair is stretched high, and her big floral arms are not leaking out. It's really kind of gentle.

Chijo asked again, "Where is Kay boy?"

Su Lun spread his hands, "I don't know, it seems that I went to watch the fun with the captains."

Qianjo patted Sulun on the shoulder and said, "I've already said that on the chairman's side, you and Kay will come to Norton Street from now on. You will be me from now on!"

Su Lun felt that it didn't matter: "Oh..."

Qianjo looked around in the crowd and didn't find Kay. The dog took Surun's shoulder and led him out, saying, "Go, go to the bath. I will take you to recognize people by the way."

"Ah? Cut the ribbon today, don't you want to see Qiantiao sister?"

Su Lun felt unreliable listening.

The handle on Norton Street is now open. Are you going to have a bath?

Qianjo had a troublesome expression on his face, "Today there are too many chores in the venue. Let the captains do it."


Su Lun thought it would be nice to throw his hand at the shopkeeper.

It is because there are so many chores that you need to take care of the place in the town.

At this time, Kay didn't know that he came out, saying hello from a long distance away: "Sister Chijo!"

"It's right at you."

Chijo greeted Kaye, "Go, Akun's soup room! Sister, please take a bath!"

Kaye's eyes lit up as he listened, "Okay!"

Qianjo's treat is naturally unacceptable, although Su Lun wanted to go back to study the living corpse, so he had to follow it.


After soaking in the soup, I feel refreshed.

In the middle of the night, Su Lun accompanied Qianjo to the newly opened arena.

At the opening of the new venue, this young gambling addict also wanted to try her luck.

Because it was the first day of the opening, there were very powerful professional gladiators. The gladiatorial match was very exciting, and Su Lun also gained a wave of good experience.

He stayed on Norton Street all night, originally planning to go back early the next morning.

But I didn't expect that Kay had just come out of the gambling stall in the morning, but he said that the cadres arranged for them to **** a batch of goods to the inner city.

Later, when I heard, it turned out that a new venue was opened, and the captains of the Cross were very busy.

It seemed that they were the only two widows and loneliness in Green Street and they were all free.

It's not a special task, just to follow the team to send a batch of valuable things to the inner city.

Cross will have its own waste hunting group, so the gang warehouse will also accumulate a lot of some high-level curse materials collected from outside the city, relics and antiques.

It's useless to keep these things in the outer city, and they won't sell for a good price. Therefore, it will not be sent to the inner city every time, and handed over to the chamber of commerce under the owner of the fund for processing.

With the golden master's pass, there is no need to enter the city to verify the identity. This is a rare opportunity for the gangsters to enter the inner city.

The veterans of the Cross love this task.

This is a rare opportunity to gain insights.

Kay also looked very excited.


In the afternoon, Suren and Kay arrived at the warehouse of the Hessian Building, the headquarters of the Cross.

Kay checked the contents of the car, signed the departure checklist, and was ready to set off.

Standard **** team, three vehicles.

A captain took nine people, and two truck drivers.

It was exactly the same as the steam party **** team intercepted by the two of Sulun a few days ago.

Because they had only studied in detail how to rob the transport team before, Suren and Kay always felt weird in their hearts, so they didn't sit in the lead or chaser.

Kay drove the driver to the trolley, and then drove the truck by himself, walking with Sulun in the middle of the transport team.

I'm afraid there is some secret contact between the inside of the Cross and the inner city, which will lead to some inexplicable interceptions. Before getting on the truck, Su Lun deliberately observed that the truck loaded this time was not a special explosion-proof truck, and the cargo was normal cargo.

After getting in the car, the two looked at each other and smiled.

But I think it should be too much to worry about, after all, several times a year **** missions, it is not so coincidental that they will encounter interception.


They set off from Nancheng and drove for half an hour before they approached the inner city wall that was several times more spectacular than the outer city wall.

Su Lun stripped off some memories, but vaguely had some impressions of the inner city structure.

Seeing the more and more towering city walls in the distance, some of the pictures in my memory overlap.

The general layout of the inner city is like a piece of cake, evenly divided into eighths, namely the 1st to 8th districts. And in the center of the inner city is a black tower with no top, like a candle on a cake.

At the foot of the city wall, a few hundred meters high super chimney is emitting white smoke at all times. It is a super steam boiler that runs the entire city.

The inner city wall is about two hundred meters long, but the buildings inside are taller.

As the convoy got closer and closer to the inner city, the city wall became more and more real in the field of vision.

They are painted white on the front wall with a huge number "5" marked on it.

Below the city wall is the Fifth City Gate, and behind it is the No. 5 City District in the inner city.

Kay looked excited. He pointed to the super high-rise buildings that were higher than the city wall. He seemed to be introducing and exclaiming: "Hey, brother, look at it, that is the famous'sky garden' in the inner city! See the sky above. Is that colored ribbon? Hey...that's the legendary rainbow, this is another place where you can't see the wonders."


Su Lun has good eyesight, in fact, he has seen it a long time ago.

The inner city lights are like sunshine, giving people a very bright feeling.

It seems to add a layer of light filter to those buildings, which is clean and transparent.

A long distance away, you can see the upper floors of the inner city buildings are green, and there are white waterfalls flowing down from the tops of those buildings, and rainbows hanging between the buildings...

In the roof garden with green plants with yellow-orange-orange fruits, you can see a lady in white leaning on the railing to see the scenery. The wind blows her skirt...

The high-altitude swimming pool, the lush roof green plants, the blue glass of the building like the sea...Some blurred figures walking can be seen on the glass corridors, chatting and laughing in twos and threes...

The buildings in the inner city are beautiful and full of sense of technology; the outer city is like apocalyptic wasteland, full of gray and dirty.

There are two worlds separated by a wall.

After Kay's excitement, his tone suddenly became a little sad, "Hey, brother. To tell you the truth, I haven't been to the inner city when I grew up..."

Su Lun smiled: "I haven't been either."

"Haha, this time we can go to increase our knowledge."

As he said, Kay's clear eyes reflected the shadow of the huge city, and also revealed a yearning for beauty.

Being able to visit the inner city is already a dream that many people from outside cities have never reached for a lifetime.

Kaye suddenly felt sad, "I am an orphan from the tube building, no father and no mother. I can do nothing but fight and kill. I heard that the children in the inner city can learn musical instruments, learn business, and go to college. Learn knowledge... when I grow up I can be a lawyer, a dentist, a teacher..."

At this point, Kay chuckled softly like self-deprecating, "Haha..."

Thinking about it, he slowly said: "Brother, do you know... I had a fantasy before. I can fight for the best life for myself, that is, I will be lucky enough to advance to the second level, and then give it to someone in the inner city. The big boss is a bodyguard...haha, isn't it pretty boring?"

Su Lun listened and glanced at him.

The gang leader, who could be called a young man at this age, suddenly had light in his eyes, glittering brightly.

"Everyone in the gang said that I was brave, saying that I must have a lot to do in the future..."

Kaye had a smile on his face, but as he talked, he couldn’t smile anymore, “Actually, I’m not afraid of you laughing. Sometimes I’m also very timid. For countless nights, I will wake up from the nightmare of fighting and killing. A cold sweat on his back. I touched my beating heart, and it took a long time to come over, I am still alive..."

Su Lun'an listened quietly and became a silent audience.

His gaze looked at the city gradually getting deeper.


No surprises and no dangers along the way.

Both Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief.

The truck drove to the foot of the city wall, like a mouse at the foot of an elephant.

Because of the special pass, they didn't accept the inspection and drove through the huge steel gate smoothly.

At this time, Kay could no longer see the slightest sadness on his face, and he returned to the heartless smile.

As he approached the destination, Kay suddenly thought of something and said to Suren: "Quietly tell you a secret, you must not tell anyone."

Su Lun raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

God Kayi said mysteriously: "Before I set off, the smoker boss told me that this time he will introduce me to a great figure in the inner city. Maybe I have the opportunity to enter the inner city in advance."

"Boss Smoker?"

When Su Lun heard this, he didn't know what thoughts flashed in his mind, and suddenly frowned.

"Yes! The smoker boss said, when I enter the city, that big man will send someone to contact me."

Kay nodded and smiled brightly: "I tell you, if I grow, I will cover you! Hahahaha..."

Su Lun looked slightly startled, always feeling that something was wrong, and asked: "You mean... Boss Smoker asked you to keep it secret?"

" said: "He originally told me not to tell anyone, but I think we are brothers, you will definitely keep a secret for me. "

Why is confidentiality required?

It's not a shame to introduce a funder.

Su Lun was instinctively alert and asked, "How does that person contact you?"

Kaye didn’t realize there was any problem, and replied: "I don’t know either. But the smoker boss said that there is a way for that person to contact me..."

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